Cython wrapper around sp4acerat's quadrics mesh reduction algorithm.
- Numpy
- Cython (only for compilation, but not needed if installed from PyPI)
pyfqmr can be installed via pip :
pip install pyfqmr
pip install .
>>> # We assume you have a numpy based mesh processing software
>>> # Where you can get the vertices and faces of the mesh as numpy arrays.
>>> # For example Trimesh or meshio
>>> import pyfqmr
>>> import trimesh as tr
>>> bunny = tr.load_mesh('example/Stanford_Bunny_sample.stl')
>>> # Simplify object
>>> mesh_simplifier = pyfqmr.Simplify()
>>> mesh_simplifier.setMesh(bunny.vertices, bunny.faces)
>>> mesh_simplifier.simplify_mesh(target_count = 1000, aggressiveness=7, preserve_border=True, verbose=True)
>>> vertices, faces, normals = mesh_simplifier.getMesh()
>>> # To make verbose visible, use logging module :
>>> import logging
>>> # Configure the logger to show debug messages
>>> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
>>> logger = logging.getLogger("pyfqmr")
>>> # Optionally, log to a file:
>>> # logging.basicConfig(filename='mesh_simplification.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
>>> # Now, when `simplify_mesh(verbose=True)` is called,
>>> # messages will appear in the console or the log file
Parameters of the `simplify_mesh` method that can be tuned.
- target_count
- Target number of triangles.
- update_rate
- Number of iterations between each update.
- max_iterations
- Maximal number of iterations
- aggressiveness
- Parameter controlling the growth rate of the threshold at each iteration when lossless is False.
- preserve_border
- Flag for preserving the vertices situated on open borders. Applies the method described in this issue.
- alpha
- Parameter for controlling the threshold growth. Exact implication described below.
- K
- Parameter for controlling the threshold growth. Exact implication described below.
- lossless
- Flag for using the lossless simplification method. Sets the update rate to 1 .
- threshold_lossless
- Maximal error after which a vertex is not deleted, only when the lossless flag is set to True.
- verbose
- Falg controlling verbosity
Parameters of the `simplify_mesh_lossless` method that can be tuned.
- verbose
- Falg controlling verbosity
- epsilon
- Maximal error after which a vertex is not deleted.
- max_iterations
- Maximum number of iterations.
- preserve_border
- Flag for preserving the vertices situated on open borders. Applies the method described in this issue.
- The `simplify_mesh_lossless` method is different from the `simplify_mesh` method with the lossless flag enabled, and should be prefered when quality is the aim and not a precise number of target triangles.
- Tests have shown that the threshold_lossless argument has little to no influence on the reduction of the meshes.
method when not in lossless mode)
Huge thanks to Sp4cerat for making his code available!