- Listar Sensores:
GET /sensores
- RequestBody : none
- ResponseBody:
{ "id": _id, "desc" : "descripción del sensor", "tipo_sens" : "tipo del sensor, "valor" : valor del sensor }, ...
Returns a JSON (Content-type: application/json) with all the sensors info
- Ver Sensor:
GET /sensores/<int:id>
- RequestBody : none
- ResponseBody:
{ "id": _id, "desc" : "descripción del sensor", "tipo_sens" : "tipo del sensor, "valor" : valor del sensor }
Returns a JSON (Content-type: application/json) with the sensor info of a specific sensor
- Crear Sensor:
PUT /sensores/<int:id>
- RequestBody :
{ "id": _id, "desc" : "descripción del sensor", "tipo_sens" : "tipo del sensor, "valor" : valor del sensor }
- ResponseBody: none
Create a new register in the database
- Clone (or download) a copy of this repository into your machine
- ???
- Enjoy
cd /api-flask-master
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd /api-flask-master
python ./apy.py
- Flask-Restful - API extension for Flask
- Flask - The web framework used
- Tomás Aprile - Initial work - Kraloz
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details