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Scala language provider for Minecraft 1.19.

Branch 1.19

This mod adds Scala library to Minecraft 1.19 with Forge. NO COMPATIBILITY WITH 1.18 version of SLP.


  • For Player - Download Jar file from Curse Forge and move the file to your mods folder. This mod will not appear in mods list.

  • For Developer
    See this repository for example.

    In your build.gradle, add below code in the top-level.

    repositories {
        maven {
            name = "Azure-SLP"
            url = uri("")
            content {
                it.includeModule("com.kotori316", "ScalableCatsForce".toLowerCase())
                it.includeModule("org.typelevel", "cats-core_2.13")
                it.includeModule("org.typelevel", "cats-kernel_2.13")
                it.includeModule("org.typelevel", "cats-free_2.13")
    dependencies {
        def scala_version = getProperty("scala_version")
        def scala_major = getProperty("scala_major")
        // Change forge and minecraft version.
        minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.19-41.0.98'
        compileOnly(group: 'org.scala-lang', name: 'scala-library', version: scala_version)
        // Add if you need this library. I use a modified version of Cats to avoid some module errors.
        compileOnly(group: 'org.typelevel', name: "cats-core_${scala_major}", version: '2.8.4-kotori')
        // The language loader. You can put the jar to the mods dir instead of declaring in `build.gradle`.
        // This file is needed as the scala library will not be loaded in dev environment due to change of classpath by Forge.
        runtimeOnly(group: "com.kotori316", name: "ScalableCatsForce".toLowerCase(), version: "2.13.8-build-8", classifier: "with-library") {
    • If the Minecraft client doesn't launch with an exception to modules, change scala dependency from "implementation" to "compileOnly" and add slp mod in mods directory.
    • Properties are set in your file or just hardcoded like def scala_version = "2.13.9".
    • scala_version should be 2.13.9 because this project contains binary of Scala 2.13.9. Make sure your version matches the version this mod provides. See this file
    • scala_major must be 2.13.
      • Currently, Scala3 is not supported.

Since 1.19, dependencies are included by Jar in Jar.


In this section, I note some points you should care.

  1. Avoid use of Mod.EventBusSubscriber in Java code. This will cause exception in "compileScala" task.
  • Use in Scala code will not throw exception.
  1. If you got compile error "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition", specify the return type.
  • For example, val offsetPos = pos.relative(direction) will cause this error because relative is declared both in BlockPos and Vec3i, and the return types aren't same. So, the compiler can't determine which method to call. To resolve this issue, specify the return type as follows. val offsetPos: BlockPos = pos.relative(direction)