Angular Application
● Use the given JSON feed to create a gallery application based on AngularJS.
● The gallery should be implemented in a reusable and extensible way, so that it can be reused in other angular projects.
● The solution should showcase Angular capabilities.
- The gallery support:
○ A functional search box.
○ Pagination A dropdown that allows 5,1 0, 1 5 or 20 results per page. Default should be 10 results per page.
○ Sorting sorting by title and date (in a dropdown menu).
○ Slideshow auto rotation should be configurable.
When clicking an image show a larger view (modal) of the picture with next/prev controls.
Users will be able to “delete” an image by clicking an 'X' button that appear on hover. A deleted image should not reappear, even after a refresh.
The gallery handle unavailable images and show a default image instead (there are 2 false images in the given feed)