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0x00. Python - Variable Annotations


|# Back-end Concepts For this project, we expect you to look at this concept Advanced Python

Resources Read or watch:

Python 3 typing documentation MyPy cheat sheet Learning Objectives General At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

Type annotations in Python 3 How you can use type annotations to specify function signatures and variable types Duck typing How to validate your code with mypy Requirements General Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.7) All your files should end with a new line The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/env python3 A file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory Your code should use the pycodestyle style (version 2.5.) All your files must be executable The length of your files will be tested using wc All your modules should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").doc)') All your classes should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").MyClass.doc)') All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").my_function.doc)' and python3 -c 'print(import("my_module").MyClass.my_function.doc)') A documentation is not a simple word, it’s a real sentence explaining what’s the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified) Tasks 0. Basic annotations - add mandatory Write a type-annotated function add that takes a float a and a float b as arguments and returns their sum as a float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3 add = import('0-add').add

print(add(1.11, 2.22) == 1.11 + 2.22) print(add.annotations)

bob@dylan:~$ ./ True {'a': <class 'float'>, 'b': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'float'>} Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Basic annotations - concat mandatory Write a type-annotated function concat that takes a string str1 and a string str2 as arguments and returns a concatenated string

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3 concat = import('1-concat').concat

str1 = "egg" str2 = "shell"

print(concat(str1, str2) == "{}{}".format(str1, str2)) print(concat.annotations)

bob@dylan:~$ ./ True {'str1': <class 'str'>, 'str2': <class 'str'>, 'return': <class 'str'>} Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Basic annotations - floor mandatory Write a type-annotated function floor which takes a float n as argument and returns the floor of the float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

import math

floor = import('2-floor').floor

ans = floor(3.14)

print(ans == math.floor(3.14)) print(floor.annotations) print("floor(3.14) returns {}, which is a {}".format(ans, type(ans)))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ True {'n': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'int'>} floor(3.14) returns 3, which is a <class 'int'> Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Basic annotations - to string mandatory Write a type-annotated function to_str that takes a float n as argument and returns the string representation of the float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3 to_str = import('3-to_str').to_str

pi_str = to_str(3.14) print(pi_str == str(3.14)) print(to_str.annotations) print("to_str(3.14) returns {} which is a {}".format(pi_str, type(pi_str)))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ True {'n': <class 'float'>, 'return': <class 'str'>} to_str(3.14) returns 3.14, which is a <class 'str'> Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Define variables mandatory Define and annotate the following variables with the specified values:

a, an integer with a value of 1 pi, a float with a value of 3.14 i_understand_annotations, a boolean with a value of True school, a string with a value of “Holberton” bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

a = import('4-define_variables').a pi = import('4-define_variables').pi i_understand_annotations = import('4-define_variables').i_understand_annotations school = import('4-define_variables').school

print("a is a {} with a value of {}".format(type(a), a)) print("pi is a {} with a value of {}".format(type(pi), pi)) print("i_understand_annotations is a {} with a value of {}".format(type(i_understand_annotations), i_understand_annotations)) print("school is a {} with a value of {}".format(type(school), school))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ a is a <class 'int'> with a value of 1 pi is a <class 'float'> with a value of 3.14 i_understand_annotations is a <class 'bool'> with a value of True school is a <class 'str'> with a value of Holberton Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Complex types - list of floats mandatory Write a type-annotated function sum_list which takes a list input_list of floats as argument and returns their sum as a float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

sum_list = import('5-sum_list').sum_list

floats = [3.14, 1.11, 2.22] floats_sum = sum_list(floats) print(floats_sum == sum(floats)) print(sum_list.annotations) print("sum_list(floats) returns {} which is a {}".format(floats_sum, type(floats_sum)))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ True {'input_list': typing.List[float], 'return': <class 'float'>} sum_list(floats) returns 6.470000000000001 which is a <class 'float'> Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Complex types - mixed list mandatory Write a type-annotated function sum_mixed_list which takes a list mxd_lst of integers and floats and returns their sum as a float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

sum_mixed_list = import('6-sum_mixed_list').sum_mixed_list

print(sum_mixed_list.annotations) mixed = [5, 4, 3.14, 666, 0.99] ans = sum_mixed_list(mixed) print(ans == sum(mixed)) print("sum_mixed_list(mixed) returns {} which is a {}".format(ans, type(ans)))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ {'mxd_lst': typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]], 'return': <class 'float'>} True sum_mixed_list(mixed) returns 679.13 which is a <class 'float'> Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Complex types - string and int/float to tuple mandatory Write a type-annotated function to_kv that takes a string k and an int OR float v as arguments and returns a tuple. The first element of the tuple is the string k. The second element is the square of the int/float v and should be annotated as a float.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

to_kv = import('7-to_kv').to_kv

print(to_kv.annotations) print(to_kv("eggs", 3)) print(to_kv("school", 0.02))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ {'k': <class 'str'>, 'v': typing.Union[int, float], 'return': typing.Tuple[str, float]} ('eggs', 9) ('school', 0.0004) Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Complex types - functions mandatory Write a type-annotated function make_multiplier that takes a float multiplier as argument and returns a function that multiplies a float by multiplier.

bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

make_multiplier = import('8-make_multiplier').make_multiplier print(make_multiplier.annotations) fun = make_multiplier(2.22) print("{}".format(fun(2.22)))

bob@dylan:~$ ./ {'multiplier': <class 'float'>, 'return': typing.Callable[[float], float]} 4.928400000000001 Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:

  1. Let's duck type an iterable object mandatory Annotate the below function’s parameters and return values with the appropriate types

def element_length(lst): return [(i, len(i)) for i in lst] bob@dylan:~$ cat #!/usr/bin/env python3

element_length = import('9-element_length').element_length


bob@dylan:~$ ./ {'lst': typing.Iterable[typing.Sequence], 'return': typing.List[typing.Tuple[typing.Sequence, int]]} Repo:

GitHub repository: alx-backend-python Directory: 0x00-python_variable_annotations File:


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