Deploying web-application in a Docker-Container on remote Docker-Host using Jenkins CI/CD and build using Ansible playbook and Dockerfile
1. Launch 3 ubuntu servers on AWS for Jenkins, Ansible, Docker-Host
--> 1) For Jenkins take T2.Medium server
--> 2) For Ansible take T2.Medium server
--> 3) For Docker-Host take T2.Micro server
2. Connect all 3 servers to terminal
--> Configure all 3 servers for ssh
--> Set password on all 3 servers ( set same password on all 3 servers )
passwd root
3. Enable Password Authentication on all servers
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
--> Uncomment permit root login access to yes
--> Password Authentication to yes
--> comment to kbdInteractiveAuthentication
4. Connect all 3 servers using ssh key sharing
--> Generate key on Jenkins and Ansible server
# do this on jenkins server
ssh-copy-id root@private ip of ansible server
# do this on Ansible server
ssh-copy-id root@private ip of docker-host
--> Doing this we have connected Jenkins server with Ansible server and Ansible server with Docker-Host server
5. Now on Jenkins Server we have to Install Java, Jenkins.
--> For this go to Download Jenkins and select ubuntu os and do the give steps on your Jenkins server. and also enable jenkins service
systemctl start jenkins
systemctl enable jenkins
systemctl status jenkins
6. On Ansible-server install Ansible using below commands
apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
apt-get update
apt-get install ansible -y
--> Also Install Docker and part on Ansible-server and enable docker service
apt-get install docker -y
apt-get install -y
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
7. Set Host in Ansible Hosts file
nano /etc/ansible/hosts/
--> Set Dockerhost with its private ip
pri.ip of docker
8. On Docker-Host server install Docker & enble services 9. Now on Jenkins dashboard install publish-over ssh plugin.
10. On Git-Hub create one repository and write one Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2 curl
COPY index.html /var/www/html/index.html
WORKDIR /var/www/html
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/apache2ctl"]
10. Go to Jenkins-Dashboard in manage jenkins
--> system configuration --> IN the ssh-server section configure Jenkins & Ansible server
Name - Jenkins
Hostname - pri.ip of the jenkins
username - root
adv.settings - enter password
# do the same for ansible
11. Go to /opt folder in Ansible server and write one index.html file
cd /opt
nano index.html
12. login docker-hub from ansible-server and docker-host server using
docker login
13. give access to docker user
sudo usermod -aG $USER
13. Go to Jenkins Dashboard
--> Create new job devops-project-2
--> go to Configure project
--> paste your Git-Hub repo url in git section
--> Apply
13. In the build steps
--> add send files or execute commands over ssh
--> select jenkins
--> on the exec command section enter -
rsync -avh /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/devops-project-2/dockerfile [email protected] of ansible:/opt/
--> add another server
--> select ansible
--> on the exec command section enter
cd /opt
docker image build -t devops-project-2:v1 .
docker image tag devops-project-2:v1 dockehub-id/devops-project-2:v1
docker image tag devops-project-2:v1 dockerhub-id/devops-project-2:latest
docker image push dockerhub-id/devops-project-2:v1
docker image push dockerhub-id/devops-project-2:latest
docker image rmi devops-project-2:v1 dockerhub-id/devops-project-2:v1 dockerhub-id/devops-project-2:latest
--> Apply and Save.
14. Go to Ansible-Server
--> create one folder
mkdir sourcecode
--> In sourcecode folder write ansible-playbook
nano deployment.yml
- hosts: dockerhost
- name: stop container if running
shell: docker container stop mydockercontainer || true
- name: remove container if exists
shell: docker container rm mydockercontainer || true
- name: remove image if exists
shell: docker image rm vaibhavkhairnar/devops-project-2 || true
- name: create container
shell: docker container run -itd --name mydockercontainer -p 9000:80 vaibhavkhairnar/devops-project-2
15. In the Post-build actions
--> Select send build artifacts over ssh
--> select ansible
--> In the exec command section enter
ansible-playbook /home/ubuntu/sourcecode/deployment.yml
--> apply and save.
16. Start 1st Build
--> If success, check on the docker-hub image is pushed or not also in the ansible server docker image is created or not, if every thing is success --> then add your docker-host servers public ip in the browser with :9000 port you will see your index.html is application. this how you can do CI/CD automation for you application deployment.