- Overview
- Slack bot Setup
- Azure Devops Webhook Setup
- automatic_prs.json setup
- Slack Notifactions
- Console
- Code
- Code - Setup options
- Code - Functions
- What's next?
- Disclaimers
This started as a small Go project to learn and build up my skills and knowledge in Go.
This bot tracks any PRs in Azure Devops for any new comments, reviewers, reviewers changes and status in the PR. It also sends a message using a cron timer to each channel that has tracked PRs to notify the channel of any remaining PRs that are still active.
Starting off the idea was just to have some notifactions for the bot to post messages in a thread to confirm when there was new comments in the PR - the bot kept growing with the more ideas I have, and you can see them at the top of the main.go
- Message into slack per tracked PR per channel to alert the wider team
- Further messages in relation to that PR to be sent as a thread message
- Daily reminders of all tracked active PRs per channel
- Notifactions on any new comments made since the last check
- Notifactions on any new reviewers, or reviewers changing their review
- Delete all thread messages + parent message once PR is no longer active (if desired)
- If a user has requested to track a PR that is already being tracked, it will @ them in slack with any new updates
- Automically track PRs created via AzureDevops webhooks per project, add specific repo configuration if desired
- Allow multiple channels / auto mentions per project configuration / specific repo configuration
- Allow no mentions on auto tracked PRs
- Track only one repo
There's a few different items you will need to get this going
You will need a few things for the basics, but lets start of with the actual app name. I've called mine Mario as he will be supporting the platform team (and he's a platformer!).
The other thing you will need from the basic information page is the Token
All you need to do is setup a basic /PR slash command here
Lastly you will need to give your bot some specific scopes, these are channels:history and chat:write.
You will also need the OAUTH token from here
You only need this if you want to use the automatic_prs.json
file to automatically pick up in PRs from each project.
Go to your project > select settings > service hooks > create a new subscription
Select webhooks from the options presented
Set your trigger on PR Created and customize here if you wish
Set the URL to the webhookUrl/azuredevops
You can leave the file blank
"AutomaticPrMessages": {
"AzureDevopsProjectName": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD","C05LMF2F6DE"],
"SlackUserIds": ["U05L7M4L939"],
"AutomaticPrMessages": {
"IOnlyWantToTrackOneRepo": {
"ChannelIds": [],
"SlackUserIds": [],
"SpecificRepos": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD","C05M28DMM43"],
You can leave the SlackUserIds
and ChannelIds
"AutomaticPrMessages": {
"AzureDevopsProjectName": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD","C05LMF2F6DE"],
"SlackUserIds": [],
Leaving the SlackUserIds
will only post a message without mentioning anyone
"AutomaticPrMessages": {
"AzureDevopsProjectName": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD"],
"SlackUserIds": ["U05L7M4L939"],
"SpecificRepos": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD","C05M28DMM43"],
"Go": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05M28DMM43"],
"SlackUserIds": ["U05L7M4L939","UD1QZGTSS"]
"IOnlyWantToTrackOneRepo": {
"ChannelIds": [],
"SlackUserIds": [],
"SpecificRepos": {
"ChannelIds": ["C05LMF2F6DD","C05M28DMM43"],
When we start tracking a PR there is a notifaction to the channel stating that the PR is being tracked. Also the requestee gets a ephemeral message that the request is being processed
If the PR has automatically been picked up by an Azure Webhook, this is what the slack message will look like
A notifaction is sent to the thread of the initial message, container all unique comment authors
A notifaction is sent to the thread of the initial message, container all approving reviewers
A notifaction is sent to the thread of the initial message, container all declining reviewers
A notifaction is sent to the thread of the initial message, container all declining & approving reviewers
A notifaction for when the PR state is changed. Sends a notifaction to the thread if the PR is completed or abandoned. This only happens if the deleteFirstMessage var isn't true
This one is a little different. If the PR is already being tracked, it sends a ephemeral message to the requestee that it's already being tracked, but they will get further notifactions for that PR. We can see that they are now being mentioned in the thread.
If the requestee isn't in the list of auto mentions for the auto PR configuration, they can still track it
As we can see below, we have a PR which followed the flow
- Kieran James approves
- Kieran James changes to declines
- Kieran James left a comment
- KJ Declines
- KJ and Kieran James changes vote to Approves
- KJ and Kieran James both leave 1 comment each
For all functions, there is some logging to the console. All console messages relating to the monitor of each tracked PR is fixed with a prefix matching <channel_id>-<pr_id>
When you first start the application there is a global console message
WHen sending in a request, this is picked up via the application and logged. If it was job being tracked, this will also start the cron
When a PR has changes, these are logged like below
Like above, these changes are logged
We can see the jobs that we want to be automatically picked up
Here we can see the webhook getting picked up by the application and pushed into being monitored
When our json file is empty, this is what we can expect
slackVerificationToken = ""
slackAccessToken = ""
personalAccessToken = ""
cronTimer = "0 0 9 * * 1-5" // At 9AM, on a weekday
deleteFirstMessage = false // Delete the first message with all the thread messages once PR is no longer active.
the consts constist of the slack tokens needed, the Azure Devops PAT, the cronTimer for the messages and the deleteFirstMessage bool
- slackVerificationToken = Generated from the slack bot
- slackAccessToken = Generated from the slack bot
- personalAccessToken = Azure Devops PAT
- cronTimer = Timer for posting the list of active PRs per channel
- deleteFirstMessage = true/false to delete the message + thread messages once PR isn't active
var azureDevOpsOrganization string
var azureDevOpsProject string
var repositoryName string
var activeMonitoring = make(map[string]bool) // key: "PRID_channelID", value: true/false
var mutex sync.Mutex // Mutex for safe concurrent access to the map
var cronOnce sync.Once
var isCronRunning bool
var interestedUsers = make(map[string][]string) // key: PRID, value: list of user IDs
Vars used within the code controlled / used later on
Section for showing how to enable and use the options
deleteFirstMessage = false
Set the deleteFirstMessage to True. This will delete the parent message, and all related thread messages once a PR is no longer active
cronTimer = "0 0 9 * * 1-5"
Set cronTimer to a cron of your choosing to post all the remaining active PRs per channel
"AutomaticPrMessages": {
"AzureDevopsProjectName": {
"ChannelId": "SlackChannelId",
"slack_user_id": "SlackUserOrGroupId"
"Go": {
"ChannelId": "C05M28DMM43",
"slack_user_id": "U05L7M4L939"
Use the automatic_prs.json
file to setup the application to post messages to a slack channel automatically and track that way. This will require the Azure Devops webhook to be setup also! If you wish to not use this file, just keep the contents completely empty.
Section for showcasing on each of the code functions
configuration := AutomaticPrMessages{}
err := gonfig.GetConf("automatic_prs.json", &configuration)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error loading configuration:", err)
if len(configuration.Projects) > 0 {
fmt.Println("-------------------\n[GLOBAL] Automatic PR configuration below")
for key, value := range configuration.Projects {
fmt.Println("-------------------\nProject:", key)
fmt.Println("ChannelIds:", value.ChannelIds)
fmt.Println("SlackUserIDs:", value.SlackUserIDs)
for key, value := range value.SpecificRepos {
fmt.Println("Repo:", key)
fmt.Println("-ChannelIds:", value.ChannelIds)
fmt.Println("-SlackUserIds:", value.SlackUserIDs)
} else {
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] No automatic PR configuration")
http.HandleFunc("/azuredevops", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handleAzureDevpopsWebhook(w, r, configuration)
http.HandleFunc("/slack/pr", handleSlackSlashCommand)
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] Server listening on port 80...")
http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)
Calls and serves traffic based on the /slack/pr, and /azuredevops endpoint. This also calls the relvant function hitting the handleSlackSlashCommand
and handleAzureDevopsWebhooks
. This also opens and scans for any automatic PRs in the automatic_prs.json
Outputs logging based on auto PR creations also.
var list strings.Builder
for _, user := range users {
user = fmt.Sprintf("<@%s>", user)
return list.String()
Create a connection list of slack user IDs and output as one string to use in a slack message
fetchCommentsFromAzureDevOps(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID string) ([]Comment, error)
azureDevOpsURL := fmt.Sprintf(
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", azureDevOpsURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.SetBasicAuth(personalAccessToken, "")
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var commentResponse CommentResponse
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &commentResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var comments []Comment
for _, thread := range commentResponse.Value {
for _, comment := range thread.Comments {
if comment.CommentType != "system" { // Check if CommentType is not "system". System comments count as reviewrs approving / declined / rejecting etc
comments = append(comments, comment)
return comments, nil
Retrieve all comments on the PR. Ensure that the comment retrieved isn't a system comment also
getPullRequest(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID string) (*PullRequest, error)
azureDevOpsURL := fmt.Sprintf(
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", azureDevOpsURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.SetBasicAuth("", personalAccessToken)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pr PullRequest
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &pr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &pr, nil
Similar to the comments function, get the PR details
getPullRequestStatus(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID string) (status string)
pr, err := getPullRequest(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// return error also from other function and check there isn't an error in loop when marking as completed.
return pr.Status
Using the PR details, grab the PR status
sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channelID, message, messageTs, userId string, postEphemeral bool) (message_ts string)
api := slack.New(slackAccessToken)
if postEphemeral {
message_ts, err := api.PostEphemeral(channelID, userId, slack.MsgOptionText(message, false))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error sending message: %v", err)
return message_ts
} else {
_, message_ts, err := api.PostMessage(channelID, slack.MsgOptionText(message, false), slack.MsgOptionTS(messageTs))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error sending message: %v", err)
return message_ts
Setup API client, if postEphemeral is true, send a ephemeral message to the user (requires userId to be passed in), else send a standard message to the channel with the message passed in. Output the message_ts which is the message timeStamp
postActivePRsMessage(activePrs map[string]bool, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName string)
channelMessage := make(map[string]string)
for key, value := range activePrs {
if value {
// Key is in the format "prID_channelID", so split it to get prID and channelID
parts := strings.Split(key, "_")
if len(parts) == 2 {
prID := parts[0]
channelID := parts[1]
azureDevOpsURL := fmt.Sprintf(
// Check if the channelID already exists in the channelMessage map
if existingMessage, ok := channelMessage[channelID]; ok {
// If the channelID exists, append the new PR URL to the existing message
channelMessage[channelID] = existingMessage + ", " + azureDevOpsURL
} else {
// If the channelID doesn't exist, set the new PR URL as the message
channelMessage[channelID] = fmt.Sprintf("The follow tracked PRs are still active! Please can we get a review on them today.%s", azureDevOpsURL)
// Post messages to each channel for a combined message of every PR. Only post if there are still active PRs
if len(channelMessage) > 0 {
for channelID, message := range channelMessage {
sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channelID, message, "", "", false)
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] Posting active PRs to", channelID)
Takes the pool of active PRs (in this case, using the activeMonitoring map), split the key for each PR up to setup the PR links per channel. If the channel a count of more than 0, post the global message to each of the channels.
cron := cron.New(cron.WithSeconds())
cron.AddFunc(cronTimer, func() {
postActivePRsMessage(activeMonitoring, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName)
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] Starting cron")
isCronRunning = true
Sets up a function for creating a cron with the passed in crontimer. This runs the postActivePrsMessage function every time the crontimer triggers.
token := r.FormValue("token")
if token != slackVerificationToken {
http.Error(w, "Unauthorized", http.StatusUnauthorized)
fmt.Println("Token Authorised")
Verifies that the slack token matches before proceeding
// Split the URL by "/" to get the parts
parts := strings.Split(prLink, "/")
// Find the index of "_git" and use it to split azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, and repositoryName
gitIndex := -1
for i, part := range parts {
if part == "_git" {
gitIndex = i
if gitIndex == -1 || gitIndex+3 >= len(parts) {
fmt.Println("Invalid URL format")
azureDevOpsOrganization = parts[gitIndex-2]
azureDevOpsProject := parts[gitIndex-1]
repositoryName := parts[gitIndex+1]
Setup the azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject and repositoryName variables from the passed in link
channelID := r.FormValue("channel_id")
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prID, channelID)
Set the key for the locking system
if activeMonitoring[key] {
// PR is already being monitored, add user to interested users if not already added
userAlreadyInterested := false
for _, userID := range interestedUsers[prID] {
if userID == r.FormValue("user_id") {
userAlreadyInterested = true
fmt.Println("Submitted from:", r.FormValue("user_name"), "\nChannel: ", r.FormValue("channel_name"), "/", r.FormValue("channel_id"), "\nPR is already being tracked by user...\n-------------------")
w.Write([]byte("You are already tracking this PR"))
if !userAlreadyInterested {
interestedUsers[prID] = append(interestedUsers[prID], r.FormValue("user_id"))
w.Write([]byte("This PR is already being tracked. You're now interested in this PR, and will be notified of updates."))
fmt.Println("Submitted from:", r.FormValue("user_name"), "\nChannel: ", r.FormValue("channel_name"), "/", r.FormValue("channel_id"), "\nPR is already being monitored, attempting to add user to monitoring list...\n-------------------")
w.Write([]byte("This PR is already being tracked. You're now interested in this PR, and will be notified of updates.")) // Sending a link to the inital message would be cool
If the key already exists in the activeMonitoring map (The PR is already being tracked), add user to the interestedUsers map, and send ephemeral message back to user to confirm. If the same user tracks the PR, dont add them to the list.
userAlreadyInterested := false
for _, userID := range interestedUsers[prID] {
if userID == r.FormValue("user_id") {
userAlreadyInterested = true
if !userAlreadyInterested {
interestedUsers[prID] = append(interestedUsers[prID], r.FormValue("user_id"))
pr, err := getPullRequest(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
Here the PR will be tracked. Add the requstee to the interestedUsers, and get the PR information. If the user has is already tracking the PR, allow the user to keep tracking the PR as it will be in a different channel.
if getPullRequestStatus(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID) != "active" {
// Send message back to slack only visible to user to alert the user that PR isnt active.
fmt.Println("PR isn't active...")
w.Write([]byte("Please submit an active PR"))
If the PR isn't in an active state, ask the user to post an active PR via a ephemeral message and return out the script
firstMessage := fmt.Sprintf("New PR '<%s|*%s*>', created by <@%s>. Tracking PR...",
parentMessageTs := sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, r.FormValue("channel_id"), firstMessage, "", "", false)
Send the first message to the channel where the request came from, and set the parentMessageTs var.
if !isCronRunning {
cronOnce.Do(func() {
startCron(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName)
// loop until PR isn't active anymore
go monitorPr(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, parentMessageTs, prID, prLink, r.FormValue("channel_id"))
Check if the cron is running. If it isn't, start it. Finally, start a process to monitor the PR.
if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
http.Error(w, "Invalid request method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
var data WebhookData
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to parse JSON", http.StatusBadRequest)
// Extract the desired information
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] Received webhook from Azure Devops matching Project:", data.Resource.Repository.Project)
projectName := data.Resource.Repository.Project.Name
// Iterate through the project keys and check if the project name matches
for key, project := range configuration.Projects {
if projectName == key {
fmt.Printf("[GLOBAL] Project name matched with %s: %+v\n", key, project)
parts := strings.Split(data.Resource.Repository.WebURL, "/")
azureDevOpsOrganization := parts[3]
azureDevOpsProject := parts[4]
repositoryName := parts[6]
prID := strconv.Itoa(data.Resource.PullRequestID)
prLink := fmt.Sprintf("https://dev.azure.com/%s/%s/_git/%s/pullrequest/%s", azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
if len(project.ChannelIds) != 0 {
if len(project.SpecificRepos) == 0 {
azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers(project.ChannelIds, project.SlackUserIDs, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, prLink, data.Resource.PrTitle, prID, projectName, data.Resource.Repository.Name, data.Resource.CreatedBy.DisplayName)
} else {
for key, repo := range project.SpecificRepos {
if key == repositoryName {
azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers(repo.ChannelIds, repo.SlackUserIDs, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, prLink, data.Resource.PrTitle, prID, projectName, data.Resource.Repository.Name, data.Resource.CreatedBy.DisplayName)
} else {
azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers(project.ChannelIds, project.SlackUserIDs, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, prLink, data.Resource.PrTitle, prID, projectName, data.Resource.Repository.Name, data.Resource.CreatedBy.DisplayName)
} else {
if len(project.SpecificRepos) != 0 {
for key, repo := range project.SpecificRepos {
if key == repositoryName {
azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers(repo.ChannelIds, repo.SlackUserIDs, azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, prLink, data.Resource.PrTitle, prID, projectName, data.Resource.Repository.Name, data.Resource.CreatedBy.DisplayName)
} else {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[GLOBAL] PR passed in on repo; %s, but no matching key was found", repositoryName))
} else {
fmt.Println("[GLOBAL] No specific repos or default channel ID set")
Grab the webURL from the webhook containing the repo URL, and grab the needed variables azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject and repositoryName from that. Loop over each project in the configuration passed in made up from the JSON file and find the process to follow.
Depending if the configuration contains specific repos, blank users etc, it will pass in different options to the function azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers
reviewerList := make([]string, 0)
for reviewer := range reviewers {
reviewerList = append(reviewerList, reviewer)
return strings.Join(reviewerList, ", ")
Take in a reviewer map, and output a joined string list
api := slack.New(slackAccessToken)
for _, msg := range messages {
_, _, err := api.DeleteMessage(channelID, msg.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Iterate through message IDs within a channel and delete them
api := slack.New(slackAccessToken)
params := slack.GetConversationRepliesParameters{
ChannelID: channelID,
Timestamp: parentTimestamp,
messages, _, _, err := api.GetConversationReplies(¶ms)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return messages, nil
Get all thread messages within a conversation using the channel ID and parent message timestamp. Output for use
monitorPr(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, parentMessageTs, prID, prLink, channelId string)
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Minute)
// Setup vars
uniqueAuthors := make(map[string]bool)
reviewersApproved := make(map[string]bool)
reviewersDeclined := make(map[string]bool)
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("[%s - %s]", channelId, prID)
var approvedChanged bool
var declinedChanged bool
Setup variables used within this function
// Fetch comments
comments, _ := fetchCommentsFromAzureDevOps(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
currentCommentCount := len(comments)
// Fetch reviews
reviews := getPullRequestReviewers(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
currentReviewsCount := len(reviews)
Fetch the current comments and reviews on the PR before hitting the first loop
for range ticker.C...
Setup a loop using the ticker variable
interestedUserIDs := interestedUsers[prID]
mentionText := ""
for _, userID := range interestedUserIDs {
mentionText += fmt.Sprintf("<@%s>", userID)
mentionText = strings.ReplaceAll(mentionText, "<@>", "")
Setup the mentionText variable to get an update list of users to mention
if status := getPullRequestStatus(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID); status != "active" {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prID, channelId)
delete(activeMonitoring, key)
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s PR isn't active, PR state is %s. Removing from being tracked and sending message to thread", prefix, status))
if deleteFirstMessage {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s Deleting messages relating to this tracked PR", prefix))
// Get all thread messages, delete thread messages and then delete master message
threadMessages, err := getThreadMessages(slackAccessToken, channelId, parentMessageTs)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(prefix, "Error retrieving thread messages:", err)
if err := deleteThreadMessages(slackAccessToken, channelId, threadMessages); err != nil {
fmt.Printf(prefix, "Error deleting thread messages:", err)
} else {
// Send message to thread confirming the new state of the PR to the mention list
statusMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%s The <%s|PR> has been marked as %s and will no longer be tracked.", mentionText, prLink, status)
sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channelId, statusMessage, parentMessageTs, "", false)
Get the status of the PR. If the status is not active, delete the Key from the activeMonitoring map. If deleteFirstMessage is true, go through all the messages related to the tracked PR and delete the message. Else, send a message to the thread with the state of the PR.
newComments, err := fetchCommentsFromAzureDevOps(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(prefix, "Error fetching comments:", err)
// Compare new comments with the existing comments
newCommentsCount := len(newComments)
Get the comments in a variable called newComments
if newCommentsCount > currentCommentCount {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%s New comments found! Current Comments: %d, New Comments: %d", prefix, currentCommentCount, newCommentsCount))
for i := currentCommentCount; i < newCommentsCount; i++ {
names := strings.Fields(newComments[i].Author.DisplayName)
if len(names) > 0 {
firstName := names[0]
uniqueAuthors[firstName] = true
var uniqueAuthorsString string
for firstName := range uniqueAuthors {
uniqueAuthorsString += fmt.Sprintf("%s, ", firstName)
uniqueAuthorsString = strings.TrimSuffix(uniqueAuthorsString, ", ")
threadMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%s There's *%d* new comment(s) on the <%s|PR> left by %s.",
sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channelId, threadMessage, parentMessageTs, "", false)
// Update the current comment count with the new count
currentCommentCount = newCommentsCount
If the newCommentCount is higher than the existing comment count, iterate through each new comment and get the authors names, ensure there's no dupes and extract their first name. Post a message in the thread with the unique authors.
newReviews := getPullRequestReviewers(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, repositoryName, prID)
newReviewsCount := len(newReviews)
Get the reviews in a variable for comparison
// Run both newReviews and currentReviews at the same time at each index, compare the vote at each index.
for i := 0; i < newReviewsCount && i < currentReviewsCount; i++ {
newReview := newReviews[i]
currentReview := reviews[i]
if newReview.UniqueName == currentReview.UniqueName {
if newReview.Vote != currentReview.Vote {
if newReview.Vote >= 5 {
reviewersApproved[newReview.DisplayName] = true
delete(reviewersDeclined, newReview.DisplayName)
approvedChanged = true
} else if newReview.Vote == -10 {
reviewersDeclined[newReview.DisplayName] = true
delete(reviewersApproved, newReview.DisplayName)
declinedChanged = true
Iterate through both new and existing reviews where unique name is the same. If the vote has changed, remove them from their map and add them to the other map.
for i := currentReviewsCount; i < newReviewsCount; i++ {
newReview := newReviews[i]
// Process the new review without comparing it to any current review
if newReview.Vote >= 5 { // Approved with suggestions OR Approved
reviewersApproved[newReview.DisplayName] = true
approvedChanged = true
} else if newReview.Vote == -10 { // Declined
reviewersDeclined[newReview.DisplayName] = true
declinedChanged = true
For any new reviews that don't exist, evalute their vote and add them to the respected map.
if approvedChanged || declinedChanged {
approvedReviewers := reviewersToString(reviewersApproved)
declinedReviewers := reviewersToString(reviewersDeclined)
var reviewersThreadMessage string
if approvedReviewers != "" && declinedReviewers != "" {
reviewersThreadMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s There's some new reviews on your <%s|PR>. It has been *approved* by %s and *declined* by %s",
} else if approvedReviewers == "" && declinedReviewers != "" {
reviewersThreadMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s There's some new reviews on your <%s|PR>. It has been *declined* by %s",
} else {
reviewersThreadMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s There's some new reviews on your <%s|PR>. It has been *approved* by %s",
fmt.Println(prefix, "Some new reviewers found. Approvers:", approvedReviewers, ",Decliners:", declinedReviewers)
sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channelId, reviewersThreadMessage, parentMessageTs, "", false)
If any of the reviews have changed, send an updated list to the thread
azureWebhookIterateOverChannelsAndUsers(channels []string, users []string, azureDevOpsOrganization string, azureDevOpsProject string, prlink string, prtitle string, prid string, projectname string, reponame string, createdby string)
mentions := makeMentionList(users)
for _, channel := range channels {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prid, channel)
activeMonitoring[key] = true
for _, user := range users {
userAlreadyInterested := false
for _, user_ID := range interestedUsers[prid] {
if user_ID == user {
userAlreadyInterested = true
if !userAlreadyInterested {
interestedUsers[prid] = append(interestedUsers[prid], user)
var firstmessage string
if mentions == "" {
firstmessage = fmt.Sprintf("%s New PR '<%s|*%s*>' has been created in *%s/%s* by %s",
} else {
firstmessage = fmt.Sprintf("New PR '<%s|*%s*>' has been created in *%s/%s* by %s",
parentMessageTs := sendSlackMessage(slackAccessToken, channel, firstmessage, "", "", false)
if !isCronRunning {
cronOnce.Do(func() {
startCron(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, reponame)
go monitorPr(azureDevOpsOrganization, azureDevOpsProject, reponame, parentMessageTs, prid, prlink, channel)
Create the mention list from pased in user list, for each channel, and all users (if users are passed in), add the key for each channel > prid. Send a message to each channel in list, and mention the user(s) if present.
- Containerisation of the application
- Helm chart creation?
This is my first GO project. I had never used Go before this project and primarily I use Powershell / Python.