This is an extensive collection of navbars where you can find all the navbars you need weather it be sticky, sliding or full screen etc with different types of hover
effects and styles. It also contains some costum & unique navbars.
Key features: ⊛ Ready made navbar collection ⊛ Different styles ⊛ Open souce available code.
- Go to the navbars.html file, copy the card code and change the tag with navbar 2,3,4 etc.
- Add your codepen link in the see code anchor tag and record a video of your navbar and convert it into a gif.
- Put the gif into the img tag and write the description about your navbar and also the languages used.
- Give a rating to it out of 5 and then also add the code of navbar (html and css files) in the navbarcodes folder.
Give this project a headstart by putting all types of navbars you've worked with and explore others too (also counts towards hacktoberfest 2021) To start contributing, follow the below guidelines:
Fork the repository and then clone it using the instructions below:
D:\xyz_folder> git clone
Add you files and do the the necessary changes then:
git add .
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
Push your local commits to the remote repo by:
git push
Create a [PR](
It'll be counted as your contribution to open source and for hacktoberfest in the month of october! Thanks for coming! Do star it & follow my github if you liked the project and for tons of other projects!