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Releases: Khip01/todo-list-app


28 Jan 14:29
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📜 Changelog

Feature 🚀

  • Use the built-in calendar app to create local notifications as Scheduled Notifications!
    *(so we don't have to worry about app permissions :))
  • Added mechanism to Add, Update, and Delete Calendar Events (when Scheduling Todo)
  • Added Alarm Scheduling (android only), using android intent to built-in alarm app
  • Added a lot of improvised style (U/UX) and functionality of the app

Fix 🐛

  • Update to latest gradle config, update outdated pub package, fix deprecated function
  • Fixed Todo List State bug

Remove, Refactor ♻️

  • Discontinue using the Flutter Local Notifications package as a tool for creating scheduled local notifications due to some app permission issues in android 14+ or else :p.
  • Update some Structures/Schemes of the SQFlite database

Full Changelog: Flutter ToDo List App commit v2.0.0 - v.3.3.1


22 Aug 17:40
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📜 Changelog

Feature 🚀

  • Added Scheduled Todo Notification! 📅


Unable to receive notifications in the background/app closed completely

This problem has been explained in flutter_local_notification package, which says
Some Android OEMs have their own customised Android OS that can prevent applications from running in the background. Consequently, scheduled notifications may not work when the application is in the background on certain devices (e.g. by Xiaomi, Huawei). If you experience problems like this then this would be the reason why. As it's a restriction imposed by the OS, this is not something that can be resolved by the plugin.


14 Aug 17:53
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📜 Changelog

Feature 🚀

  • Supports saving Todo even if the application has been closed | use SQLite Database

Remove ♻️

  • TodoList Dummy


13 Aug 15:46
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📜 Changelog

Feature 🚀

  • Added some animations [icon, todo item]
  • Added Todo Preview (by tapping on the item)

Fix 🐛

  • Snaped ListView when change between settingmode
  • Bug bottom sheet textfield that is not reset when cancelling a todo update and then creating a new todo


11 Aug 16:01
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Feature 🚀

Basic State Management implementation with Bloc Provider ♻️

  • Create, Update, Delete state of Todo List using Bloc Provider