This repository contains my solutions to various LeetCode problems, categorized by difficulty and topic.
- A collection of coding problem solutions from LeetCode.
- Solutions are implemented in Python.
- Categorized by Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty levels.
│-- Python/
│ │-- CompetitiveProgrammerHandbook/
│ │-- Data Structures/
│ │-- LeetCode Questions/
│ │-- Sorting Algorithms/
│ │-- Tree Traversals/
Each folder contains solutions for problems of that category.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate into the directory:
cd LeetCode
- Run Python scripts:
✅ Array
✅ String
✅ Linked List
✅ Dynamic Programming
✅ Graph
✅ Sorting & Searching
- LeetCode for problem statements.
- Python Documentation for language reference.
- ✅ Solved Problems: X
- 🔄 In Progress: X
- 🚀 Goal: Solve 100+ LeetCode Problems!
Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests with improvements or alternative solutions!
This repository is open-source and available under the MIT License.