###A collection of user contributed plugins for the Raspberry Pi based irrigation controll software SIP.
####To ask questions and learn more about SIP and plugins please visit the SIP Forum
Please note: Unless otherwise stated: This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
This plugin has been created to provide simple audio feedback. This plugin is intended to be controlled through other plugins through the "buzzer_beep" signal. Buzzer should be connected to GPIO pin 32.
Provides automatic monthly adjustment of irrigation times based on historical weather data.
Replaces rf_control. Sends command line commands to control remote stations e.g. RF devices.
Sends status email to google email account
A plugin for using an 4X4 scanning keypad and buzzer to execute simple functions without the use of an external peripheral
Uses I2C for LCD 16x2 char data display Requires pylcd2 library
Adjust irrigation time each month
This is the base mqtt plugin, it provides a shared MQTT client object for other plugins. Requires paho mqtt.
Relies on MQTT, subscribes to a control topic and schedules run once programs as command by MQTT.
Relies on MQTT, subscribes to a control topic and allows one SIP system to control other SIPs using MQTT.
Relies on MQTT, broadcasts the current status of all zones.
Read sensor data (temp or voltage) from I2C PCF8591 ADC/DAC
Checks water pressure when master station is switched on
A bare bones plugin for use as a starting point for plugin authoring. (Installed by default)
Pulses a selected circuit with a 2.5 Hz signal for 30 sec to discover the location of a valve
Controls a pump relay via an Arduino over i2C. Checks pressure in pipe ensuring proper operation.
Example plugin to demonstrate OSPi on-board relay
A relaly_board update for use on 40 pin GPIO headers. Supports up to 16 relays. Requires SIP 3.2.43 or later.
A plugin for using relay boards to control sprinkler valves, etc
Example plugin provides functions triggered by signals from core program (installed by default)
Control your ospi using SMS (Short Message Service)
Plugin for SSD1306 128x64 pixel display connected to I2C interface with HW address 0x3c.
Allows updating OSPi software from integrated UI S (Installed by default)
A simple telegram.org bot to interface with a SIP installation.
Run "pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade" before installing this plugin.
Adjust irrigation schedule based on weather forecast
Adjust irrigation time based on weather forecast