[IEEE-TGRS-2024]Scale-aware Backprojection Transformer for Single Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
This is the official repository for Scale-aware Backprojection Transformer (SPT). This repository contains:
- Full code for test.
- Pretrained models for x4 single remote sensing image super-resolution on the UCMerced dataset.
Related links: [Official PDF Download]
- torch>=1.12.1
- torchvision>=0.13.1
- timm>=0.9.2
Backprojectionnetworkshaveachievedpromising super-resolutionperformancefornature imagesbutnotwellbe explored intheremote sensing image super-resolution(RSISR) field due to the high computation costs. In this article, we propose a scale-aware backprojectionTransformer termed SPT for RSISR. SPT incorporates the backprojection learn ing strategy into a Transformer framework. It consists of scale-aware backprojection-based self-attention layers (SPALs) for scale-aware low-resolutionfeature learningandscale-aware backprojection-basedTransformer blocks (SPTBs) for hierar chical feature learning. Abackprojection-based reconstruction module (PRM) is also introduced to enhance the hierarchical features for imagereconstruction.SPTstandsoutbyefficiently learning low-resolution featureswithout excessivemodules for high-resolution processing, resulting in lower computational resources.ExperimentalresultsonUCMercedandAIDdatasets demonstrate thatSPTobtains state-of-the-art resultscompared toother leadingRSISRmethods.
Datasets:Baidu Netdisk(nd9k)
The format we use for the dataset is as follows:
├── datasets
├── AID-dataset
│ ├── trainsets
│ ├──HR
│ ├──LR_x2
│ ├──LR_x3
│ └──LR_x4
│ ├── valsets
│ ├──HR
│ ├──LR_x2
│ ├──LR_x3
│ └──LR_x4
│ └── testsets
│ ├──HR
│ ├──LR_x2
│ ├──LR_x3
│ └──LR_x4
└── UCMerced
├── train
│ ├──trainH
│ ├──trainLx2
│ ├──trainLx3
│ └──trainLx4
├── test
│ ├──trainH
│ ├──trainLx2
│ ├──trainLx3
│ └──trainLx4
└── val
Download the pretrained weights to pth
directory first. Then use the following commands to validate the performance:
Pretrained weights:Baidu Netdisk(5fvu)
python test_SPT_UCM_x4_tta.py --scale 4 --model_path pth/UCMerced_x4_SPT.pth --folder_lq ${YOUR_LR_PATH} --folder_gt ${YOUR_HR_PATH}
# --folder_lq ${YOUR_LR_PATH}: Replace ${YOUR_LR_PATH} with the path to your low-quality (LR) data directory.
# --folder_gt ${YOUR_HR_PATH}: Replace ${YOUR_HR_PATH} with the path to your high-resolution (HR) ground truth data directory.
If you are using the code/model/data provided here in a publication, please consider citing our works:
title={Scale-aware Backprojection Transformer for Single Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution},
author={Hao, Jinglei and Li, Wukai and Lu, Yuting and Jin, Yang and Zhao, Yongqiang and Wang, Shunzhou and Wang, Binglu},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
If you meet any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. Issues and discussions are welcome in the repository! You can also contact us via sending messages to this email: [email protected]
This code is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License for Non-Commercial use only. Any commercial use should get formal permission first.