We appreciate your support!
Welcome to the Superstore Dashboard! This project is designed to provide comprehensive data analytics for a superstore, offering insights into sales, profits, and other key metrics through interactive charts and visualizations.
- Interactive Charts: Various types of charts (pie, bar, doughnut & etc.) to visualize data effectively.
- Responsive Design: Ensures the dashboard looks good on all devices.
Our project is a collaborative effort by the following team members:
- Julia Ressi Irrenova Yulistia as Team Leader
- Deni Kristanto as Front-End Developer
- Defrizal Arif Rahma as Front-End Developer
- Melly Isnulsari as Deployment
- Akhirul Abqar as Deployment
- Anggita Dwi Sulistiani as Pitch Deck
- Sanny Mariani Hisarma as Pitch Deck
- Paskah Magdalena S. as Pitch Deck
- Ririn Nur Fatimah as Quality Assurance
- Alvinida Khafiah as Quality Assurance
- HTML: Structure of the dashboard
- CSS: Styling and layout
- JavaScript: Interactivity and chart implementations (using Chart.js)
- Chart.js: Library for creating charts
- netlify: Deployment platform for hosting and continuous deployment
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/Kampus-Merdeka-Software-Engineering/km-feb24-balikpapan-13.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd km-feb24-balikpapan-13
- Open
in your web browser to view the dashboard, or visit our website team : https://km-feb24-balikpapan-13.netlify.app/
For any inquiries or further information, please contact any of the team members through our website.
© 2024 Superstore Dashboard By Team 13 - Balikpapan. All rights reserved.