This is a TensorFlow implementation of the Adversarial Privacy Graph Embedding (APGE) model as described in our paper.
We borrowed part of code from T. N. Kipf, M. Welling, Variational Graph Auto-Encoders [].
- TensorFlow (2.20 or later)
- python 3.5
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- numpy
train the model and predict utility and private attribute
python -dataset rochester
predict linkage
python -dataset rochester
In order to use your own data, you have to provide
- an N by N adjacency matrix (N is the number of nodes), such as ./data/yale_adj.pkl
- an N by D feature matrix (D is the number of features per node), such as ./data/yale_feats.pkl
- an N by M attribute matrix (M is the number of attibutes per node), such as ./data/yale_label.npy
Here, the i-th row of feature matrix is the concatenation of i-th user’s every attribute one-hot vector. And the element in the i-th row and j-th column of attribute matrix is the label of i-th user's j-th attribute.
In yale_feats.pkl, elements in columns 0 - 4 correspond to the utility attribute student/faculty status, and elements in the bottom 6 columns correspond to class year, which is privacy here. In rochester.pkl, elements in the bottom 19 columns correspond to the utility attribute class year, and elements in the 6,7 columns correspond to gender, which is privacy here.
In yale_label.npy, elements in the first cloumn correspond to student/faculty status, and elements in the last column correspond to class year. In rochester_label.npy, elements in the last cloumn correspond to student/faculty status, and elements in the seconed column correspond to gender.
And You could use to preprocess adjacency matrix to get test set and validation set.