A node to publish ROS stuff into MQTT, for use with node-red GUI of SMaRC.
roslaunch smarc_nodered smarc_nodered.launch robot_name:=XXX broker_addr:=XXX broker_port:=XXX
By default, connects to the smarc server with robot_name sam.
Contains the settings and docker files to setup the SMaRC node-red GUI. Also contains mapserver settings for Sweden bathymetry dataset(private).
apt install ros-{$ROS_DISTRO}-mqtt-bridge
apt install python-paho-mqtt
If {$ROS_DISTRO} == Noetic
: pip install inject
If {$ROS_DISTRO} == Melodic
: pip2 install --user Inject==3.5.4
Because melodic is now ancient and needs special elderly care...
1- Install docker and docker-compose with your preffered method.
2- Start up the docker containers:
git clone https://github.com/smarc-project/smarc_nodered
cd smarc_nodered/mqtt_nodered
docker-compose up
(Ignore the error loading credentials and flows, we will load them later)
3- Connect to node-red flow on your browser:
4- Ask me for the username and password.
5- Ignore the welcome-wagon, press the 'x' on the pop-up
6- On the second pop-up about projects, click "Clone Repository"
7- Enter your name and email. This is used for commits and such. Not your github username and password!
8- Github settings
8-1- Git repository url: https://github.com/KKalem/smarc_nodered_cnc
8-2- Fill your github username and password (or gpg key)
8-3- Credentials encryption key: usual smarc password but with a 2.
8-4- Click Clone Project
9- You will see a pop-up telling you that some stuff is missing, close the pop-up
10- Hamburger-menu on top right > projects > project settings > dependencies
11- Click the install buttons on each one. You can spam them. Pop-ups will come, click install again.
12- In the background, you will see a MESS. Ignore the dread for now. Close the open pop-up.
13- Go back to the terminal where you ran docker-compose up
, Ctrl-C, and again docker-compose up
. This restarts everything.
14- Back to the browser. Refresh the page. The mess should be gone and no pop-ups should appear. You have now a working copy of the node-red interface.
To update the nodered flows, click the small git-branch icon on the right-panel, click commit history at the bottom, and then the up-down arrows right under.
Click pull.
Deploy the changes with the top-right red button.
Its here:
Use the usual smarc username and pw.
The robot connects to the local AND cloud-based GUIs at the same time. You shouldn't need to do anything.