ApiCheck is a library that compares different versions of an API using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components. This project contains three components: the library, the console application and the NUnit integration. ##Features
- Comparing .NET assemblies.
- Detection of changed API elements such as types, methods, properties and more.
- Reporting results as XML or HTML files.
- Console application that can be used in CI environment.
- NUnit integration for nice analysis of the results of the comparison.
##CI Build ##Installing via NuGet Installing the library to your project (referencing ApiCheck.dll):
Install-Package ApiCheck
Installing the console application to packages/ApiCheck.Console/tools:
Install-Package ApiCheck.Console
Installing the NUnit integration to your project. This package depends on ApiCheck and NUnit which will be added automatically as NuGet packages.
Install-Package ApiCheck.NUnit
##Using the ApiCheck Library
using (AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader())
// using the included AssemblyLoader that automatically resolves dependencies
Assembly refAssembly = assemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoad("MyReferenceVersion.dll");
Assembly devAssembly = assemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoad("MyDevelopmentVersion.dll");
// easy setup of the ApiChecker using the builder pattern
ApiChecker.CreateInstance(refAssembly, devAssembly)
// all listed elements are not compared
.WithIgnoreList(new[] {"Element.To.Be.Ignored"})
.WithDetailLogging(s => WriteLine(s))
.WithInfoLogging(s => WriteLine(s))
// write report to desired streams
.WithHtmlReport(new FileStream("report.html", FileMode.Create))
.WithXmlReport(new FileStream("report.xml", FileMode.Create))
.Build() // creating the ApiChecker
.CheckApi(); // doing the comparison
##Using the console application The console application provides basic parameters to run an API comparison. This application can be added to a CI build as Post-Build event.
Usage: ApiCheck.Console.exe -r <reference assembly> -n <new assembly> [-x <xml report>] [-h <html report>] [-i <ignore file>] [-v]
For more information run ApiCheck.Console.exe --help
##Using the NUnit integration
Add a new class to your project like this:
using ApiCheck.NUnit;
namespace MyNamespace
[ApiTest(@"Version1\ApiCheckTestProject.dll", @"Version2\ApiCheckTestProject.dll", Category = "ApiTest", IgnoreListPath = @"ignoreList.txt")]
[ApiTest(@"Version1\ApiCheckTestProject.Extension.dll", @"Version2\ApiCheckTestProject.Extension.dll", Explicit = true)]
public class ComparingApiTest : ApiTest