Inferring Gene-Disease Association by an Integrative Analysis of eQTL GWAS and Protein-Protein Interaction data
Link for our paper: #Jun WANG, Peking Univrsity, [email protected]
All the GWAS, eQTL and Protein-Protein Interaction dataset are stored at the "source.file.prepared.for.marginal.4coloc" folder. Unzip it and put it in the same folder of the other R scripts.
The main function is "Main.Function.Compute.Marginal.Posterior.Prob.R", which has 6 parameters.
Rscript Main.Function.Compute.Marginal.Posterior.Prob.R -5 0.8 -0.001 4000 1 1
alpha.args=as.numeric(args[1]); alpha parameter in paper, alpha = -5 is suggested
tao1.args=as.numeric(args[2]); beta1 - beta2 parameter in paper, beta1 - beta2 = 0.8 is suggested
tao_1.args=as.numeric(args[3]); beta2 - beta3 parameter in paper, beta2 - beta3 = -0.001 is suggested
step.mcmc=as.numeric(args[4]); number of Gibbs Sampling steps, 4000 steps is suggested
-[5]); if is set as 1, the program will not permutate the log-likelihood score computed from Sherlock, this will output the original marginal posterior probability. If != 1, program will do permutation, to get the randomized marginal posterior probability. We suggest to do 2000 permutation, i.e. set from 1 to 2000 in each run.
disease.num=as.numeric(args[6]); which disease you want to run, see "disease.all" below
Our method is based on the Sherlock score (Bayesian Factor) calculated by "". If users would like to analysis their own data using our method, please calculate the Sherlock score first.