- China,Shanghai
- http://blog.csdn.net/yangzhenping
An SFTP client shared library (dll/so/dylib) with bindings and classes for C++, Delphi and Free Pascal based on PuTTY
This repo contains samples that demonstrate the API used in Windows classic desktop applications.
BlocklyDuino is a web-based visual programming editor for arduino.
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
Release infrastructure for Kubernetes and related components
Toddler is a well-designed usable and portable microkernel OS
my resume in a home made operating system
SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(a cross-platform embedded GUI)
How to Make a Computer Operating System in C++
Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment with Position Map Regression Network (ECCV 2018)
Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++14 applications.
A high-performance REST toolkit written in C++
Jenkins configuration for Windows builds of Mesos
this is a REST api for gittest.com testing management
an implementation for gittest.com testing management
Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure