JSOSuite v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Accept callable objects that are not functions (#13)
- Pass kwargs to internal solvers (#17)
- ncon??? (#22)
- fmincon tests fail (#23)
- Error doc deployment (#36)
- Add an AD-constructor within
(#65) - Add stopping criterion based on residual for NLS (#77)
- Add additional maintained keyword arguments (#78)
on JuMP model (#96)
Merged pull requests:
- Create travis (#1) (@abelsiqueira)
- Start minimize API (#2) (@abelsiqueira)
- Creating linprog (#4) (@RenanOD)
- Fix travis (#6) (@abelsiqueira)
- Creating quadprog (#7) (@RenanOD)
- Specify types in linprog (#8) (@abelsiqueira)
- adding linprog methods (#9) (@RenanOD)
- Improve testing output (#10) (@abelsiqueira)
- fminunc, fminbnd and fmincon (#11) (@abelsiqueira)
- Adding quadprog interfaces (#12) (@RenanOD)
- Remove function type from ADNLPModel (#14) (@RenanOD)
- Test with julia v1.2 (#15) (@RenanOD)
- Add kwargs (#19) (@RenanOD)
- Making a proper README (#20) (@RenanOD)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#25) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Update CI, TagBot and documentation workflows (#28) (@JSOBot)
- [AUTO] Change master to main (#30) (@abelsiqueira)
- [AUTO] Fix docs to use main (#31) (@abelsiqueira)
- use push_preview = true in deploydocs (#32) (@dpo)
- Restart from scratch - new environment (#33) (@tmigot)
- Remove old files (#35) (@tmigot)
- add bages (#37) (@tmigot)
- add
and basic selection (#38) (@tmigot) - Add option facility for solvers (#40) (@tmigot)
- Add jump (#42) (@tmigot)
- expand main docstring (#43) (@tmigot)
- add ripqp in solver list (#44) (@tmigot)
- Add derivative selection (#47) (@tmigot)
- Review docstring (#49) (@tmigot)
- Add solver structure (#55) (@tmigot)
- Bump to SolverCore 0.3 (#58) (@tmigot)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for RipQP to 0.6, (keep existing compat) (#59) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix
and return (#61) (@tmigot) - Add nls tests (#62) (@tmigot)
- review print and docstring (#63) (@tmigot)
- Add documentation (#64) (@tmigot)
- Add
(#66) (@tmigot) - add default use of ADNLPModels (#67) (@tmigot)
- Add benchmark (#69) (@tmigot)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for SolverBenchmark at version 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#71) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add r2 (#72) (@tmigot)
- Add test in selection (#73) (@tmigot)
- Select based on type (#74) (@tmigot)
- Add 1st order QN in doc (#81) (@tmigot)
- Up solvers and add Fletcher (#82) (@tmigot)
- Add QP constructor (#84) (@tmigot)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ADNLPModels to 0.5, (keep existing compat) (#86) (@github-actions[bot])
- Avoid
in tests (#87) (@tmigot) - Bump to NLPModels 0.20 & co (#92) (@tmigot)
- Percival and CaNNOLeS now use standard keywords (#93) (@tmigot)
- Update to JSOSolvers 0.11 & co (#101) (@tmigot)
- Add max_iter kwargs (#102) (@tmigot)
- Add test/Project.toml (#103) (@tmigot)
- Bump to ADNLPModels 0.7 (#105) (@tmigot)
- Add
(#106) (@tmigot) - Add name of the packages (#107) (@tmigot)
- JSOSuite jump link (#109) (@tmigot)
- Add NLPModelsKnitro in tests (#111) (@tmigot)
- Move some solvers to optional deps (#112) (@tmigot)
- Rename solvers as optimizers (#114) (@tmigot)
- Update documentation (#115) (@tmigot)