PyCall v1.91.3
Closed issues:
- Failure when using pmap with pycall (#108)
- SIGABRT when importing umap (#476)
- build PyCall error (#626)
- Error building PyCall (#655)
- pyimport("pyarrow") causes segfault (#679)
- Array{Float64,0} returned from scipy (#680)
- cannot import python file (#681)
- Segfault when using panel function of PyNGL (#682)
- Debugger compatibility (#683)
- Use disable_sigint instead of sigatomic_(begin|end) (#684)
- Making PyCall for os.urandom results in "base64 binary data" (#685)
- Building PyCall fails with UnicodeDecodeError (#689)
- Building PyCall stalls in Windows (#691)
- Unable to use pykafka's TopicDict (#693)
- -- can't delete this? -- (#694)
- pyimport("scanpy") cause segfault (#697)
- Which environment (as in environment variables) does PyCall use? (#698)
- Null PyObject error when installing package that uses PyCall using Pkg (#699)
- Pandas .loc() function chokes while using PyCall (#705)
- PyCall build errors on Ubuntu 18.04 (#708)
- Extremely weird string interpolation bug during installation (#709)
- Using matplotlib.tri without PyPlot (#728)
- Trouble using numpy and matplotlib via PyCall in Windows 10 (#730)
- Performance bug when creating SparseMatrixCSC (#735)
- PyCall cannot find installed package (#737)
- PyCall test error with anaconda python on windows (#740)
- PyCall test error with anaconda python on windows (#741)
- Error building PyCall (#742)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove REQUIRE (#677) (@tkf)
- Bump to 1.91.2 (#678) (@tkf)
- Use disable_sigint instead of sigatomic_(begin|end) (#686) (@tkf)
- Fix broken link (#690) (@PallHaraldsson)
- Support calling PyCall.npyinitialize() during sysimage compilation (#692) (@tkf)
- remove outdated note in the README (#702) (@KristofferC)
- propertynames for PyNULL (#707) (@wookay)
- Throw an error instead of just creating one (#711) (@christopher-dG)
- Add Julia 1.2 and 1.3 in CI; drop 0.7 and 1.1 (#712) (@tkf)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#747) (@JuliaTagBot)
- add Conda DLL path on Windows (#748) (@stevengj)