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Merge pull request #101 from JuliaGaussianProcesses/tgf/sumkernel
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Refactor treatment of `KernelSum`
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theogf authored Apr 4, 2023
2 parents d9bf22a + e5410eb commit f82dd5b
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Showing 6 changed files with 92 additions and 71 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "TemporalGPs"
uuid = "e155a3c4-0841-43e1-8b83-a0e4f03cc18f"
authors = ["willtebbutt <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.6.0"
version = "0.6.1"

AbstractGPs = "99985d1d-32ba-4be9-9821-2ec096f28918"
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102 changes: 57 additions & 45 deletions src/gp/lti_sde.jl
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# Sum

function lgssm_components(k::KernelSum, ts::AbstractVector, storage_type::StorageType)
As_l, as_l, Qs_l, emission_proj_l, x0_l = lgssm_components(k.kernels[1], ts, storage_type)
As_r, as_r, Qs_r, emission_proj_r, x0_r = lgssm_components(k.kernels[2], ts, storage_type)

As = _map(blk_diag, As_l, As_r)
as = _map(vcat, as_l, as_r)
Qs = _map(blk_diag, Qs_l, Qs_r)
emission_projections = _sum_emission_projections(emission_proj_l, emission_proj_r)
x0 = Gaussian(vcat(x0_l.m, x0_r.m), blk_diag(x0_l.P, x0_r.P))

lgssms = lgssm_components.(k.kernels, Ref(ts), Ref(storage_type))
As_kernels = getindex.(lgssms, 1)
as_kernels = getindex.(lgssms, 2)
Qs_kernels = getindex.(lgssms, 3)
emission_proj_kernels = getindex.(lgssms, 4)
x0_kernels = getindex.(lgssms, 5)

As = _map(block_diagonal, As_kernels...)
as = _map(vcat, as_kernels...)
Qs = _map(block_diagonal, Qs_kernels...)
emission_projections = _sum_emission_projections(emission_proj_kernels...)
x0 = Gaussian(mapreduce(x -> getproperty(x, :m), vcat, x0_kernels), block_diagonal(getproperty.(x0_kernels, :P)...))
return As, as, Qs, emission_projections, x0

function _sum_emission_projections(
(Hs_l, hs_l)::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector},
(Hs_r, hs_r)::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector},
return map(vcat, Hs_l, Hs_r), hs_l + hs_r
function _sum_emission_projections(Hs_hs::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector}...)
return map(vcat, first.(Hs_hs)...), sum(last.(Hs_hs))

function _sum_emission_projections(
(Cs_l, cs_l, Hs_l, hs_l)::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector},
(Cs_r, cs_r, Hs_r, hs_r)::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector},
Cs_cs_Hs_hs::Tuple{AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector, AbstractVector}...,
Cs = _map(vcat, Cs_l, Cs_r)
cs = cs_l + cs_r
Hs = _map(blk_diag, Hs_l, Hs_r)
hs = _map(vcat, hs_l, hs_r)
return Cs, cs, Hs, hs
Cs = getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 1)
cs = getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 2)
Hs = getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 3)
hs = getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 4)
C = _map(vcat, Cs...)
c = sum(cs)
H = _map(block_diagonal, Hs...)
h = _map(vcat, hs...)
return C, c, H, h

Base.vcat(x::Zeros{T, 1}, y::Zeros{T, 1}) where {T} = Zeros{T}(length(x) + length(y))

function blk_diag(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, B::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
return hvcat(
(2, 2),
A, zeros(T, size(A, 1), size(B, 2)), zeros(T, size(B, 1), size(A, 2)), B,

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(blk_diag), A, B)
blk_diag_rrule::AbstractThunk) = blk_diag_rrule(unthunk(Δ))
function blk_diag_rrule(Δ)
ΔA = Δ[1:size(A, 1), 1:size(A, 2)]
ΔB = Δ[size(A, 1)+1:end, size(A, 2)+1:end]
return NoTangent(), ΔA, ΔB
function block_diagonal(As::AbstractMatrix{T}...) where {T}
nblocks = length(As)
sizes = size.(As)
Xs = [i == j ? As[i] : Zeros{T}(sizes[j][1], sizes[i][2]) for i in 1:nblocks, j in 1:nblocks]
return hvcat(ntuple(_ -> nblocks, nblocks), Xs...)

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(block_diagonal), As::AbstractMatrix...)
szs = size.(As)
row_szs = (0, cumsum(first.(szs))...)
col_szs = (0, cumsum(last.(szs))...)
block_diagonal_rrule::AbstractThunk) = block_diagonal_rrule(unthunk(Δ))
function block_diagonal_rrule(Δ)
ΔAs = ntuple(length(As)) do i
Δ[(row_szs[i]+1):row_szs[i+1], (col_szs[i]+1):col_szs[i+1]]
return NoTangent(), ΔAs...
return blk_diag(A, B), blk_diag_rrule
return block_diagonal(As...), block_diagonal_rrule

function blk_diag(A::SMatrix{DA, DA, T}, B::SMatrix{DB, DB, T}) where {DA, DB, T}
zero_AB = zeros(SMatrix{DA, DB, T})
zero_BA = zeros(SMatrix{DB, DA, T})
return [[A zero_AB]; [zero_BA B]]
function block_diagonal(As::SMatrix...)
nblocks = length(As)
sizes = size.(As)
Xs = [i == j ? As[i] : zeros(SMatrix{sizes[j][1], sizes[i][2]}) for i in 1:nblocks, j in 1:nblocks]
return hcat(Base.splat(vcat).(eachrow(Xs))...)

function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(blk_diag), A::SMatrix{DA, DA, T}, B::SMatrix{DB, DB, T}) where {DA, DB, T}
function blk_diag_adjoint(Δ)
ΔA = Δ[SVector{DA}(1:DA), SVector{DA}(1:DA)]
ΔB = Δ[SVector{DB}((DA+1):(DA+DB)), SVector{DB}((DA+1):(DA+DB))]
return NoTangent(), ΔA, ΔB
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(block_diagonal), As::SMatrix...)
szs = size.(As)
row_szs = (0, cumsum(first.(szs))...)
col_szs = (0, cumsum(last.(szs))...)
function block_diagonal_rrule(Δ)
ΔAs = ntuple(length(As)) do i
Δ[SVector{szs[i][1]}((row_szs[i]+1):row_szs[i+1]), SVector{szs[i][2]}((col_szs[i]+1):col_szs[i+1])]
return NoTangent(), ΔAs...
return blk_diag(A, B), blk_diag_adjoint
return block_diagonal(As...), block_diagonal_rrule
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/space_time/pseudo_point.jl
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Expand Up @@ -383,11 +383,12 @@ function dtc_post_emissions(k::ScaledKernel, x_new::AbstractVector, storage::Sto

function dtc_post_emissions(k::KernelSum, x_new::AbstractVector, storage::StorageType)
(Cs_l, cs_l, Hs_l, hs_l), Σs_l = dtc_post_emissions(k.kernels[1], x_new, storage)
(Cs_r, cs_r, Hs_r, hs_r), Σs_r = dtc_post_emissions(k.kernels[2], x_new, storage)
Cs = _map(vcat, Cs_l, Cs_r)
cs = cs_l + cs_r
Hs = _map(blk_diag, Hs_l, Hs_r)
hs = _map(vcat, hs_l, hs_r)
return (Cs, cs, Hs, hs), _map(+, Σs_l, Σs_r)
post_emissions = dtc_post_emissions.(k.kernels, Ref(x_new), Ref(storage))
Cs_cs_Hs_hs = getindex.(post_emissions, 1)
Σs = getindex.(post_emissions, 2)
Cs = _map(vcat, getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 1)...)
cs = sum(getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 2))
Hs = _map(block_diagonal, getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 3)...)
hs = _map(vcat, getindex.(Cs_cs_Hs_hs, 4)...)
return (Cs, cs, Hs, hs), sum(Σs)
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions test/gp/lti_sde.jl
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@testset "lti_sde" begin

@testset "blk_diag" begin
@testset "block_diagonal" begin
A = randn(2, 2)
B = randn(3, 3)
test_rrule(TemporalGPs.blk_diag, A, B; check_inferred=false)
test_rrule(TemporalGPs.blk_diag, SMatrix{2, 2}(A), SMatrix{3, 3}(B))
C = randn(5, 5)
test_rrule(TemporalGPs.block_diagonal, A, B, C; check_inferred=false)
test_rrule(TemporalGPs.block_diagonal, SMatrix{2, 2}(A), SMatrix{3, 3}(B), SMatrix{5, 5}(C); check_inferred=false)

@testset "SimpleKernel parameter types" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,12 +72,19 @@ println("lti_sde:")
(name="stretched-λ=", val=Matern32Kernel() ScaleTransform(λ))

# Summed kernels.
# (
# name="sum-Matern12Kernel-Matern32Kernel",
# val=1.5 * Matern12Kernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(0.1) +
# 0.3 * Matern32Kernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(1.1),
# name="sum-Matern12Kernel-Matern32Kernel",
# val=1.5 * Matern12Kernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(0.1) +
# 0.3 * Matern32Kernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(1.1),
# ),
# (
# name="sum-Matern32Kernel-Matern52Kernel-ConstantKernel",
# val = 2.0 * Matern32Kernel() +
# 0.5 * Matern52Kernel() +
# 1.0 * ConstantKernel(),
# ),

# Construct a Gauss-Markov model with either dense storage or static storage.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ENV["TESTING"] = "TRUE"
# ["test util", "test models" "test models-lgssm" "test gp" "test space_time"]
# Select any of this to test a particular aspect.
# To test everything, simply set GROUP to "all"
# ENV["GROUP"] = "test space_time"
ENV["GROUP"] = "test gp"
const GROUP = get(ENV, "GROUP", "test")
OUTER_GROUP = first(split(GROUP, ' '))

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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions test/util/mul.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ using LinearAlgebra: mul!
A_Matrix = randn(rng, P, Q)
At_Matrix = collect(A_Matrix')

A_blk_diag = BlockDiagonal([randn(rng, P, P), randn(rng, P + 1, P + 1)])
At_blk_diag = BlockDiagonal(map(collect transpose, blocks(A_blk_diag)))
A_block_diag = BlockDiagonal([randn(rng, P, P), randn(rng, P + 1, P + 1)])
At_block_diag = BlockDiagonal(map(collect transpose, blocks(A_block_diag)))

settings = [
Expand All @@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ using LinearAlgebra: mul!
name="BlockDiagonal{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}",
B=randn(rng, size(A_blk_diag, 2), Q),
C=randn(rng, size(A_blk_diag, 1), Q),
B=randn(rng, size(A_block_diag, 2), Q),
C=randn(rng, size(A_block_diag, 1), Q),
name="BlockDiagonal{Float64, BlockDiagonal{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}",
A=BlockDiagonal([A_blk_diag, A_blk_diag]),
At=BlockDiagonal([At_blk_diag, At_blk_diag]),
B=randn(rng, 2 * size(A_blk_diag, 2), Q),
C=randn(rng, 2 * size(A_blk_diag, 1), Q),
A=BlockDiagonal([A_block_diag, A_block_diag]),
At=BlockDiagonal([At_block_diag, At_block_diag]),
B=randn(rng, 2 * size(A_block_diag, 2), Q),
C=randn(rng, 2 * size(A_block_diag, 1), Q),

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2 comments on commit f82dd5b

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@theogf theogf commented on f82dd5b Apr 4, 2023

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