Alpha Animals Combat Extended Patch for CE/RimWorld 1.1
I do not own nor have any intellectual property rights over Alpha Animals, RimWorld nor Combat Extended. This is a voluntary project made for the purpose of making both these mods be compatible with each other.
The Patch might have some balance issues, in which case I kindly beg of you to do the adequate PR request or just send me a message with the proposed changes.
The current values are not contained in a different readme since this is my FIRST patch attempt, and I'm quite new to the CE Patch (only 2 weeks in).
I'm also unfamiliar with the github environment, so please bear with me.
I'm also NOT planning to post this in Steam, since I want this to be my humble contribution to the CE-included patches, with no self-interest involved. Also, if Alpha Animals or CE make complicated changes to their XML structure, I do not compromise myself with making updates.
Feel free, in case you feel like proposing a change to any value, to make your proposed change in CE's spreadsheet standards and send them to me.
The same goes if you want to do a whole rebalance of the patch. I swear I'll give due credit to anyone that contributes to this.
Place the folder inside your "SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\1631756268\Patches" folder. Yes, that's the path.
Many thanks to the CE Team available at the discord specially Andross/Onigamii. Much more thanks to Breadbox / Breadbox2k19 for helping one-handedly handling the balance changes.