Data Harvesting's final assignment for the Master in Computational Social Sciences in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. This project has been made by my classmate, Raquel Sánchez-Hermosilla, and me, Jorge Pascual.
Download the three folders in the same folder, which will be the main directory. This step is very important to mantain the paths of the coding. To replicate the code properly, we need to have the three folders in the main directory of RStudio.
The script works when setting the working directory to the "scripts" folder.
Open scripts/script_data_h_final_assignment.Rmd, load the libraries and, if any is missing, install it with the code 'install.packages("#the name of the library that is not downloaded in your device, inside quoatation marks")'
In the following chunk, set your user agent, as you can use the code for web scrapping. If you don't know which is your user agent, you can search it in google very quickly and easily.
In this script you can see how we scraped the info about the senior day care centers in Madrid, the datasets and the plots