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ICE CSP Realtime Streaming (CSPRTS)

Jonathan Bowker edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

The ICE CSP Realtime Streaming services consumes data from the ICE Consolidated Feed and has multiple output options. Multiple options may be selected.

Dump to Disk

This option allows the raw data to be dumped to disk files, switching on timed intervals.

Write Parsed Data to a Queue

Parsing rules may be specified (it is recommended that full parsing is selected as this yields the most versatile dataset) with the data being written to a Rabbit MQ queue.

If the services detects that the queue is unavailable, messages will be dumped to disk, to allow later queuing.


It is recommended that a minimum of two services work together with one of these services dedicated to only dumping raw data to disk.

These services should be located in different geographical locations, working with ICE services that are also located in different geographical locations. This architecture will allow for the complete loss of a geographic service, whilst maintaining data that may be replayed at a later time.


This service is supported by monitoring and alerting.

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