Version 2.0 is still very much an experiment and not ready to be used in a production environment. If you must, try running it within a VM using the provided deployment instructions.
To deploy a system run the following command in your terminal of choice.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#hostname
If you're interested in a quick way to experiment with this configuration, you may use the following command to build a VM.
sudo nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake .#hostname
The main goals of this rewritten flake are:
- using flake-parts in place of Snowfall lib
- significantly improving the re-usability of all modules
- avoiding anti-patterns, such as
with lib; with lib.${namespace};
- improved secrets management
- keeping external assets closer to their related nix file, e.g. wallpapers in the desktop modules folder
The structure this flake aims to build on is relatively simple to grasp.
flake.nix --> The flake.
/systems --> NixOS configurations for various types of systems, using easy-hosts.
/modules --> Modules that are mapped to their corresponding easy-hosts class (and home modules).
/nixos --> (example) Modules specific to the nixos class configured in easy-hosts.
/homes --> Directory for home-manager configurations, not specific to the system type.
/lib --> A place for custom lib attributes exposed on the flake namespace (lib.puzzlevision.mkOpt).
(more...) --> Additional directories have been considered (e.g. shells), but as of right now, they serve no use to me.
Parts of this flake were inspired by the likes of:
and documentations such as:
many thanks to their hard work!