#This is a TVB preprocessing pipeline with two choices of ROI 68 and 96 region
#Firstly, get python3.3 on the cluster by
source /opt/source/python3.3.sh
#pull this repo to a directory make sure GUI_wz_m.py are in the same directory as TVB folder.
#Then, you are able to use GUI to setup working directory, data directory structure and enviornment variables you need to call Freesurfer, Mtrix and Matlab and used as public variables in the scripts such as subID.
Also GUI help you copy data and scripts you need to run.
python GUI_wz_m.py
the number of ROI subject ID and choose sub-processing
press button diretory processing press button copy data press button set environment variables press button creat shell script you can skip directory processing and copy data buttons as long you get data ready at your working directory but you have give subject ID, number of ROI and working directory to setup variables and pick sub-processing.
You are ready to go!