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Primeiro Commit SentimentBR
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Jodavid committed Jun 6, 2021
0 parents commit f8a9da2
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Showing 25 changed files with 893 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Package: sentimentBR
Title: Tools for Sentiment Analysis in English and Portuguese
Version: 0.3.0
person("Jodavid", "Ferreira", email = "[email protected]",role = c("aut","cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-2131-6464"))
Description: based on the sentiment package (
of the "Timothy P. Jurka" which is archived on 2012-12-13,
this kept the use in English and was updated increasing the use in the Portuguese language of Brazil.
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
R (>= 2.10),
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
Encoding: UTF-8
testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
importFrom("utils", "read.csv")
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions R/classify_emotion.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#' classifies the emotion (e.g. anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) of a set of texts.
#' \code{classify_emotion} Classifies the emotion (e.g. anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) of a set of texts using a naive Bayes classifier trained on Carlo Strapparava and Alessandro Valitutti's \code{\link{emotions}} lexicon.
#' @param textColumns A \code{data.frame} of text documents listed one per row.
#' @param algorithm A \code{string} indicating whether to use the naive \code{bayes} algorithm or a simple \code{voter} algorithm.
#' @param prior A \code{numeric} specifying the prior probability to use for the naive Bayes classifier.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} specifying whether to print detailed output regarding the classification process.
#' @param lang Language, "en" for English and "pt" for Brazilian Portuguese.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed into the \code{\link{create_matrix}} function.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{data.frame} with seven columns and one row for each document.
#' \item{anger}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing an angry sentiment.}
#' \item{disgust}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a disgusted sentiment.}
#' \item{fear}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a fearful sentiment.}
#' \item{joy}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a joyous sentiment.}
#' \item{sadness}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a sad sentiment.}
#' \item{surprise}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a surprised sentiment.}
#' \item{best_fit}{The most likely sentiment category (e.g. anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) for the given text.}
#' @author Timothy P. Jurka <> and
#' Jodavid Ferreira <>
#' @examples
#' documents <- c("I am very happy, excited, and optimistic.",
#' "I am very scared, annoyed, and irritated.")
#' classify_emotion(documents,algorithm="bayes",verbose=TRUE, lang = "en")
classify_emotion <- function(textColumns,algorithm="bayes",prior=1.0,verbose=FALSE,lang = "en",...) {
matrix <- create_matrix(textColumns,...)

if(lang == "en"){
lexicon <- read.csv(system.file("data/emotions.csv.gz",package="sentimentBR"),header=FALSE)
counts <- list(anger=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="anger")),disgust=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="disgust")),fear=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="fear")),joy=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="joy")),sadness=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="sadness")),surprise=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="surprise")),total=nrow(lexicon))
}else if(lang == "pt"){
lexicon <- read.csv(system.file("data/emotionspt.csv.gz",package="sentimentBR"),header=FALSE)
counts <- list(anger=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="anger")),disgust=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="disgust")),fear=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="fear")),joy=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="joy")),sadness=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="sadness")),surprise=length(which(lexicon[,2]=="surprise")),total=nrow(lexicon))

# ----------------
lexicon[,1] <- rm_accent(lexicon[,1])
documents <- c()
# ----------------

for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
if (verbose) print(paste("DOCUMENT",i))
scores <- list(anger=0,disgust=0,fear=0,joy=0,sadness=0,surprise=0)
doc <- matrix[i,]
words <- findFreqTerms(doc,lowfreq=1)

# ----------------
words <- rm_accent(words)
# ---------------

for (word in words) {
for (key in names(scores)) {
emotions <- lexicon[which(lexicon[,2]==key),]
index <- pmatch(word,emotions[,1],nomatch=0)
if (index > 0) {
entry <- emotions[index,]

category <- as.character(entry[[2]])
count <- counts[[category]]

score <- 1.0
if (algorithm=="bayes") score <- abs(log(score*prior/count))

if (verbose) {

scores[[category]] <- scores[[category]]+score

if (algorithm=="bayes") {
for (key in names(scores)) {
count <- counts[[key]]
total <- counts[["total"]]
score <- abs(log(count/total))
scores[[key]] <- scores[[key]]+score
} else {
for (key in names(scores)) {
scores[[key]] <- scores[[key]]+0.000001

best_fit <- names(scores)[which.max(unlist(scores))]
if (best_fit == "disgust" && as.numeric(unlist(scores[2]))-3.09234 < .01) best_fit <- NA
documents <- rbind(documents,c(scores$anger,scores$disgust,scores$fear,scores$joy,scores$sadness,scores$surprise,best_fit))

if(lang == "en"){
colnames(documents) <- c("ANGER","DISGUST","FEAR","JOY","SADNESS","SURPRISE","BEST_FIT")
}else if(lang == "pt"){
class <- function(x){

vetor <- array(NA, dim = length(x))
for( i in 1:length(x)){
vetor[i] <- switch (x[i],
"anger" = "raiva",
"disgust" = "desgosto",
"fear" = "medo",
"joy" = "alegria",
"sandness" = "triteza",
"surprise" = "surpresa",
"NA" = NA

colnames(documents) <- c("RAIVA","DESGOSTO","MEDO","ALEGRIA","TRISTEZA","SURPRESA","BEST_FIT")
documents[,7] <- class(documents[,7])
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions R/classify_polarity.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#' classifies the polarity (e.g. positive or negative) of a set of texts.
#' \code{classify_polarity} Classifies the polarity (e.g. positive or negative) of a set of texts using a naive Bayes classifier trained on Janyce Wiebe's \code{\link{subjectivity}} lexicon.
#' @param textColumns A \code{data.frame} of text documents listed one per row.
#' @param algorithm A \code{string} indicating whether to use the naive \code{bayes} algorithm or a simple \code{voter} algorithm.
#' @param pstrong A \code{numeric} specifying the probability that a strongly subjective term appears in the given text.
#' @param pweak A \code{numeric} specifying the probability that a weakly subjective term appears in the given text.
#' @param prior A \code{numeric} specifying the prior probability to use for the naive Bayes classifier.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} specifying whether to print detailed output regarding the classification process.
#' @param lang Language, "en" for English and "pt" for Brazilian Portuguese.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed into the \code{\link{create_matrix}} function.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{data.frame} with four columns and one row for each document.
#' \item{pos}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a positive sentiment.}
#' \item{neg}{The absolute log likelihood of the document expressing a negative sentiment.}
#' \item{pos/neg}{The ratio of absolute log likelihoods between positive and negative sentiment scores. A score of 1 indicates a neutral sentiment, less than 1 indicates a negative sentiment, and greater than 1 indicates a positive sentiment.}
#' \item{best_fit}{The most likely sentiment category (e.g. positive, negative, neutral) for the given text.}
#' @author Timothy P. Jurka <> and
#' Jodavid Ferreira <>
#' @examples
#' documents <- c("I am very happy, excited, and optimistic.",
#' "I am very scared, annoyed, and irritated.")
# classify_polarity(documents,algorithm="bayes",verbose=TRUE, lang = "en")
classify_polarity <- function(textColumns,algorithm="bayes",pstrong=0.5,pweak=1.0,prior=1.0,verbose=FALSE,lang = "en",...) {
matrix <- create_matrix(textColumns,...)

if(lang == "en"){
lexicon <- read.csv(system.file("data/subjectivity.csv.gz",package="sentimentBR"),header=FALSE)
counts <- list(positive=length(which(lexicon[,3]=="positive")),negative=length(which(lexicon[,3]=="negative")),total=nrow(lexicon))
}else if(lang == "pt"){
lexicon <- read.csv(system.file("data/subjectivitypt.csv.gz",package="sentimentBR"),header=FALSE)
counts <- list(positive=length(which(lexicon[,3]=="positive")),negative=length(which(lexicon[,3]=="negative")),total=nrow(lexicon))

# ----------------
lexicon[,1] <- rm_accent(lexicon[,1])
documents <- c()
# ----------------

for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
if (verbose) print(paste("DOCUMENT",i))
scores <- list(positive=0,negative=0)
doc <- matrix[i,]
words <- findFreqTerms(doc,lowfreq=1)

# ----------------
words <- rm_accent(words)
# ---------------

for (word in words) {
index <- pmatch(word,lexicon[,1],nomatch=0)
if (index > 0) {
entry <- lexicon[index,]

polarity <- as.character(entry[[2]])
category <- as.character(entry[[3]])
count <- counts[[category]]

score <- pweak
if (polarity == "strongsubj") score <- pstrong
if (algorithm=="bayes") score <- abs(log(score*prior/count))

if (verbose) {

scores[[category]] <- scores[[category]]+score

if (algorithm=="bayes") {
for (key in names(scores)) {
count <- counts[[key]]
total <- counts[["total"]]
score <- abs(log(count/total))
scores[[key]] <- scores[[key]]+score
} else {
for (key in names(scores)) {
scores[[key]] <- scores[[key]]+0.000001

best_fit <- names(scores)[which.max(unlist(scores))]
ratio <- as.integer(abs(scores$positive/scores$negative))
if (ratio==1) best_fit <- "neutral"
documents <- rbind(documents,c(scores$positive,scores$negative,abs(scores$positive/scores$negative),best_fit))
if (verbose) {

colnames(documents) <- c("POS","NEG","POS/NEG","BEST_FIT")
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions R/create_matrix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#' Creates an object of class \code{DocumentTermMatrix} from \pkg{tm}.
#' \code{create_matrix} creates a document-term matrix
#' @param textColumns Either character vector (e.g. data$Title) or a \code{cbind()} of columns to use for training the algorithms (e.g. \code{cbind(data$Title,data$Subject)}).
#' @param language The language to be used for stemming the text data.
#' @param minDocFreq The minimum number of times a word should appear in a document for it to be included in the matrix. See package \pkg{tm} for more details.
#' @param minWordLength The minimum number of letters a word should contain to be included in the matrix. See package \pkg{tm} for more details.
#' @param removeNumbers A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to remove numbers.
#' @param removePunctuation A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to remove punctuation.
#' @param removeSparseTerms See package \pkg{tm} for more details.
#' @param removeStopwords A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to remove stopwords using the language specified in language.
#' @param stemWords A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to stem words using the language specified in language.
#' @param stripWhitespace A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to strip whitespace.
#' @param toLower A \code{logical} parameter to specify whether to make all text lowercase.
#' @param weighting Either \code{weightTf} or \code{weightTfIdf}. See package \pkg{tm} for more details.
#' @author Timothy P. Jurka <>
#' @examples
#' documents <- c("I am very happy, excited, and optimistic.",
#' "I am very scared, annoyed, and irritated.",
#' "Iraq's political crisis entered its second week one step closer to the potential
#' dissolution of the government, with a call for elections by a vital coalition partner
#' and a suicide attack that extended the spate of violence that has followed the withdrawal
#' of U.S. troops.",
#' "With nightfall approaching, Los Angeles authorities are urging residents to keep their
#' outdoor lights on as police and fire officials try to catch the person or people responsible
#' for nearly 40 arson fires in the last three days.")
#' matrix <- create_matrix(documents, language="english", removeNumbers=TRUE,
#' stemWords=FALSE, weighting=weightTfIdf)
create_matrix <- function(textColumns, language="english", minDocFreq=1, minWordLength=3, removeNumbers=TRUE, removePunctuation=TRUE, removeSparseTerms=0, removeStopwords=TRUE, stemWords=FALSE, stripWhitespace=TRUE, toLower=TRUE, weighting=weightTf) {

stem_words <- function(x) {
split <- strsplit(x," ")

control <- list(language=language,tolower=toLower,removeNumbers=removeNumbers,removePunctuation=removePunctuation,stripWhitespace=stripWhitespace,minWordLength=minWordLength,stopwords=removeStopwords,minDocFreq=minDocFreq,weighting=weighting)

if (stemWords == TRUE) control <- append(control,list(stemming=stem_words),after=6)

trainingColumn <- apply(as.matrix(textColumns),1,paste,collapse=" ")
trainingColumn <- sapply(as.vector(trainingColumn,mode="character"),iconv,to="UTF8",sub="byte")

corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(trainingColumn),readerControl=list(language=language))
matrix <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus,control=control);
if (removeSparseTerms > 0) matrix <- removeSparseTerms(matrix,removeSparseTerms)

66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions R/rm_accent.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#' Function to remove accents from words
#' \code{rm_accent} Function to remove accents from words
#' @param str vector of strings that will have their accents removed.
#' @param pattern string vector with one or more elements indicating which accents should be removed. To indicate which accents should be removed, a vector with the symbols should be passed. Example: pattern = c("´", "^") will strip out the acute and caret accents only. Other accepted words: "all" (remove all accents, which are "´", "`", "^", "~", "¨", "ç")
#' @return vector without accent
#' @examples
#' x <- "São Paulo"
#' y <- rm_accent(x, pattern = "'")
#' print(y)
#' y <- rm_accent(x, pattern = "~")
#' print(y)
#' y <- rm_accent(x, pattern = "all")
#' print(y)
rm_accent <- function(str, pattern = "all") {

str <- as.character(str)

pattern <- unique(pattern)

if(any(pattern == stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u00c7") ))
pattern[pattern == stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u00c7") ] <- stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u00e7")

symbols <- c(
acute = "\\u00e1\\u00e9\\u00ed\\u00f3\\u00fa\\u00c1\\u00c9\\u00cd\\u00d3\\u00da\\u00fd\\u00dd",
grave = "\\u00e0\\u00e8\\u00ec\\u00f2\\u00f9\\u00c0\\u00c8\\u00cc\\u00d2\\u00d9",
circunflex = "\\u00e2\\u00ea\\u00ee\\u00f4\\u00fb\\u00c2\\u00ca\\u00ce\\u00d4\\u00db",
tilde = "\\u00e3\\u00f5\\u00c3\\u00d5\\u00f1\\u00d1",
umlaut = "\\u00e4\\u00eb\\u00ef\\u00f6\\u00fc\\u00c4\\u00cb\\u00cf\\u00d6\\u00dc\\u00ff",
cedil = "\\u00e7\\u00c7"

nudeSymbols <- c(
acute = "aeiouAEIOUyY",
grave = "aeiouAEIOU",
circunflex = "aeiouAEIOU",
tilde = "aoAOnN",
umlaut = "aeiouAEIOUy",
cedil = "cC"

accentTypes <- c(stringi::stri_unescape_unicode("\\u00b4"),

collapse=""), paste(nudeSymbols, collapse=""), str))

for(i in which(accentTypes%in%pattern))
str <- chartr(
nudeSymbols[i], str)


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