Joanna Broniarek
The repository contains the implementation of the game "Tower Game" which is run from the console. The aim of the project was to use various design patterns in Python. The whole code was written by me.
- - this is the main file to initialise the game
Python version: Python 2.7
To start the game, run in the console:
F - Fortress:
- kills mainly flying rivals
- the special effect 'shrapnels' gives a chance to kill flying rivals
A - Alkazar:
- kills only flying rivals
- there is no special effect
R - ArcherTower:
- kills only overland rivals
- the special effect 'poisonous arrows'
M - MagicTower:
- kills only overland rivals
- the special effect 'poleaxing'
- flying: Paratrooper, Dragon
- overland: Knight, Viking, Speeder
During this phase you can build your towers on the map by typing "F", "A", "R", "M" according to the list above. Then, you can specify the location of tower on the map.
- T -> Build a Tower
- B -> Start a Battle
- Q -> Quit.