Joanna Broniarek, Vikranth Ale, Matteo Cavalletti
The aim of this project was to perform a clustering analysis of house announcements in Rome from
Data scrapping started from this link:
Creating two datasets (Information Dataset and Description Dataset) according to data scrapped from websites. Retrieving at least 10000 announcements.
Clustering the house announcements using K-mean++ method.In order to choose the best number of clusters per dataset the Elbow method was used.
Comparison among clusters. Do both datasets will lead to similar clusters?
- Finding similar clusters according to the Jaccard-Similarity.
- Returning the 3-most similar couples of clusters (information clusters vs description clusters)
- Creating Wordclouds of house descriptions. The represented words extracted from the description of the houses that are in the relative couple.
- Main_HouseClustering - main notebook, where most of the analysis is contained
- TFIDF_matrix - notebook for generating TFIDF matrix needed for Description Dataset.
Some functions used in analysis was located in the external files :,
Folder DataFiles contains files, which were created and used during the analysis.
Python 3.6.4 (beautifulsoup, sklearn, wordcloud)