Goal: Project to show different ways to develop and execute RobotFramework Tests
2 variations of web tests were developed:
- Tests that navigate through menus (web_test_navigate_menus.robot)
- Tests that go directly to the desired page (web_test_direct_url.robot)
The default browser, declared in settings file, is chrome (variable Browser)
But if one pass the option '--variable BROWSER:{browser}' in robot command, BROWSER is overwritten
PS: Don't forget to have the webdrivers in PATH
3 type os API tests were developed:
- Keyword driven tests (api_keyword_driven.robot)
- BDD with data driven example table (api_bdd_with_table.robot)
- BDD with data driven CSV (api_bdd_with_csv.robot)
All tests of this project can be runned by executing the bat file 'runTests.bat'
The variable BROWSER inside 'runTests.bat' define the browser
Each execution generates a folder that contains the reports files
Inside the bat file there are 2 different ways to run tests:
- robot command (run tests sequentially)
- pabot command (run tests in parallel)
The split level of pabot can be changed with the option --testlevelsplit
Note: Don't forget to run the bat file inside an environment with all requirements (requirements.txt) installed
The main focus of this project was to show different ways of develop and running tests;
BDD test development make tests more readable;
To run the same test with different data, data driven approach is the best option;
BDD with CSV it's the best option to data driven approach with a lot of examples;
With lots of suites/tests, pabot it's the best option to run tests;
By using direct URL, tests are faster and more reliable (If menu navigation feature broke, just the test that cover that feature will fail)
Don't forget to cover the features of menu navigation :)
The .env file is committed because this project is only to demonstration purposes. In real projects the .env file, containing critical info, must be add to .gitignore
Hope you enjoyed!