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Shared_Component is a comprehensive collection of reusable components, classes, and methods designed to accelerate Flutter app development. It provides a set of powerful tools and functionalities that aim to streamline common tasks and enhance the user experience.



  • ListDataTable: The ListDataTable widget is a versatile and configurable table widget in Flutter, designed to display tabular data with various functionalities such as data fetching, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and customizable action buttons. It is commonly used to present data in a structured and organized manner.


  • fetchPolicy (optional): Specifies the data fetch policy. It can have one of the following values:

    FetchPolicy.cacheOnly: Fetch data from the cache only. FetchPolicy.networkOnly: Fetch data from the network only. FetchPolicy.cacheAndNetwork: Try fetching data from the cache first, then from the network. FetchPolicy.noCache: Fetch data from the network without caching.

  • progressOnMoreButton (optional): A boolean value that controls whether to show loading progress in the actionButton when an action is fired.

  • inputs (optional): A list of OtherParameters objects that represent additional input parameters for the data query. Each OtherParameters object contains keyName, keyValue, and keyType, which are used to specify input parameters for the data query.

  • endPointName: The name of the endpoint to fetch the data from.

  • queryFields: A string representing the fields to be fetched from the data endpoint. The fields are specified as a space-separated list.

  • mapFunction: A callback function that maps the retrieved data to the desired format. It takes an item as input and returns a map with the desired data fields.

  • deleteEndPointName: The name of the endpoint to use when performing delete operations.

  • deleteUidFieldName (optional): The name of the field that holds the unique identifier (UID) or ID of the data to be deleted. If not provided, the ListDataTable will use 'uid' as the default field name for UID or ID.

  • actionButtons (optional): A list of ActionButtonItem objects representing action buttons to be displayed for each row in the table. Each ActionButtonItem contains an icon, a name, and an onPressed callback function.

  • tableAddButton: A TableAddButton widget representing the add button for creating new data entries. It contains an onPressed callback function and a buttonName representing the button label.

  • topActivityButtons (optional): A list of TopActivityButton objects representing top activity buttons. These buttons are typically used for primary actions, such as adding new data entries. Each TopActivityButton contains an onTap callback function, a buttonName, and an optional toolTip.

  • headColumns: A list of HeadTitleItem objects representing the column headers for the table. Each HeadTitleItem contains a titleKey (the key of the data field), and a titleName (the column header name).

Example Usage:

          fetchPolicy: FetchPolicy.cacheAndNetwork,
      ///this allow showing loading progress in actionButton when action is fired
      progressOnMoreButton: true,
      inputs: [
          keyName: 'userUid',
           keyValue: 'fhfu655785yhg857tghg8ughgu',
            keyType: 'String')
      endPointName: 'getRoles',
      queryFields: "name description uid",
      /// This is used to map data to desired name
      mapFunction: (item) => {'userName': item['name']},
      deleteEndPointName: 'deleteRole',
      ///You can this field by spacifying your field name which holds id or uid of the desired deleting data, if its not provided [ListDataTable] will user uid as a field name that holds uid or id.
      deleteUidFieldName: 'userUid',
      actionButtons: [
            icon: Icons.check_box,
            name: 'Set Permission',
            onPressed: (value) {
              setPermissions(context, value);
            icon: Icons.edit_document,
            name: 'Edit Role',
            onPressed: (value) {
              saveAndUpdateRole(context, value);
      tableAddButton: TableAddButton(
          onPressed: () {
            saveAndUpdateRole(context, null);
          buttonName: 'Create Role'),
      topActivityButtons: [
            onTap: () {
              saveAndUpdateRole(context, null);
            buttonName: 'Create Role',
            // iconData: Icons.create,
            toolTip: 'Adding new Role'),
      headColumns: [
          titleKey: 'name',
          titleName: 'Role Name',
          titleKey: 'description',
          titleName: 'Description',


  • The SideNavigation is a customizable widget that provides a side navigation menu for your application. It allows users to easily access different sections of your app through the side navigation menu. Below is the detailed documentation of the SideNavigation widget along with its properties and usage.


  • selectedColor: The color used to indicate the selected item in the side navigation menu.

  • showSideNav: Determines whether the side navigation menu should be shown or hidden.

  • useAppBar: Determines whether to use the app bar in conjunction with the side navigation menu.

  • useBorderRadius: Determines whether to use border radius for the side navigation menu or not.

  • appBarPosition: Defines the position of the app bar in relation to the side navigation menu. It can be either or AppBarPosition.side.

  • version: Specifies the version of your App widget.

  • topAppBarDetails: Contains the configuration for the top app bar when useAppBar is set to true.

  • sideMenuTile: Contains a list of side menu tiles to be displayed in the side navigation menu.

  • body: The main content of the page that will be displayed below the side navigation menu and/or app bar.


  showSideNav: true,
  useAppBar: false,
  useBorderRadius: false,
  appBarPosition: AppBarPosition.side,
  version: '2.0.3',
  topAppBarDetails: TopAppBarDetails(
    title: 'Top Bar',
    menuItems: [
        title: 'Change Password',
        icon: Icons.logo_dev,
        value: 'password',
        title: 'Profile',
        icon: Icons.details,
        value: 'profile',
    onTap: (value) {
      // Handle menu item tap event here.
    userProfileDetails: UserProfileItem(
      onLogout: () {
        // Handle logout action here.
        SettingsService.use.logout(Modular.initialRoute, NavigationService.get.currentContext!);
      email: '[email protected]',
      userName: 'Jimmyson Jackson Mnunguri',
  sideMenuTile: [
      title: 'Dashboard',
      url: 'dashboard',
      icon: Icons.dashboard,
      permissions: ['ACCESS_BILLS'],
      title: 'Users Management',
      url: 'user-management',
      icon: Icons.people,
      permissions: ['ACCESS_BILLS', 'ACCESS'],
      title: 'Facility',
      url: 'facility-management',
      permissions: ['ACCESS_BILLS'],
  body: const RouterOutlet(),


The TilesSearch is a widget that displays a list of tiles with search functionality. It allows users to search and filter the tiles based on their titles. Below is the detailed documentation of the TilesSearch widget along with its properties and usage.


  • gradientColors: The gradient colors to be applied to the background of the widget.

  • showGradient: Determines whether to display the gradient background or not.

  • titleColor: The color of the title text in the tiles.

  • tileFields: Contains a list of TileFields to be displayed in the TilesSearch widget.


To use the TilesSearch widget, create an instance of it and provide the desired properties. Below is an example of how to use the TilesSearch widget:

  gradientColors: [,],
  showGradient: true,
  titleColor: Colors.white,
  tileFields: [
      icon: Icons.login,
      title: 'Facilities',
      url: '/facilities',
      permissions: ['ACCESS_FACILITY'],
      icon: Icons.people,
      title: 'User Management',
      url: '/user-management',
      permissions: ['ACCESS_USERS'],
    // Add more TileFields as needed

PopupModel Widget

  • PopupModel Widget: The PopupModel widget is a flexible and reusable component in Flutter that allows the display of a popup or dialog to collect user input or show information. It is particularly useful for creating and updating data records with a form-like interface. The widget is highly customizable, supporting dynamic titles, input validation, and data prefilling for update operations.


  • buildContext: The BuildContext used to build the popup widget. It is typically passed as the context parameter.

  • buttonLabel: A string representing the label for the action button. It can be 'Update' if data is provided (for update operation) or 'Save Role' if data is null (for create operation).

  • checkUnSavedData: A boolean value indicating whether to check for unsaved data before closing the popup. If true, it may prompt the user to confirm leaving the popup if they have unsaved changes.

  • inputType: A string representing the input type for the data. It could be used to determine the specific data model or DTO (Data Transfer Object) to use when saving the data.

  • endpointName: The name of the endpoint to use when saving the data.

  • inputObjectFieldName: The name of the field that holds the data object to be saved. This field is particularly useful when the input data is wrapped in another object.

  • title: A string representing the title of the popup. If data is provided, the title will be 'Update Role'; otherwise, it will be 'Create Role'.

  • queryFields: A string representing the fields to fetch for the data query. In this case, it fetches the 'uid' field.

  • formGroup: A FormGroup object representing the form structure and data for the popup. The FormGroup contains a list of Group widgets, which group form fields together. Each Group widget may contain one or more form fields, represented by Field.use.input.

  • fieldController: This element takes an Instance of FieldController to both PopupModel and FormGroup

Example Usage:

        buildContext: context,
        fieldController: fieldController,
        buttonLabel: data != null ? 'Update' : 'Save Role',
        checkUnSavedData: true,
        inputType: 'SaveRoleDtoInput',
        endpointName: 'saveRole',
        inputObjectFieldName: 'roleDto',
        title: data != null ? 'Update Role' : 'Create Role',
        queryFields: 'uid',
        formGroup: FormGroup(
            fieldController: fieldController,
            updateFields: data,
            group: [
            Group(children: [
                context: context,
                label: 'Role',
                key: 'name',
                validate: true,
                // fieldInputType: FieldInputType
                context: context,
                label: 'Description',
                key: 'description',
                validate: true,
                // fieldInputType: FieldInputType

Note: The actual functionality of the PopupModel widget may depend on specific implementations and usage in your application. Ensure that you have the required dependencies and data endpoints set up correctly to make the widget work as intended. The form fields inside the FormGroup may also have their own custom validation logic and functionality based on the FieldInputType.

Field Widget and Form Handling

  • Field Widget and Form Handling: The Field widget is a versatile form handling component in Flutter that enables developers to collect and manage user input efficiently. It offers various input field options, such as text inputs, dropdown menus, date pickers, multi-selects, attachments, checkboxes, and switches. The Field widget supports two main approaches for implementation: the static method approach (Field.use) and the instance-based approach (Field class instance). Both approaches provide effective form handling capabilities and data management.

Static Method Approach (FieldController.use)

In the static method approach, developers can use the Field.use static method to directly create and implement form fields with various input types.


The Field.use.input widget is used for collecting textual data from users, such as names, email addresses, or any other type of text-based information.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the input field, providing context or instructions to the user.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the input field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.fullName.


    context: context,
    label: 'Role',
    key: 'name',
    validate: true,
    fieldInputType: FieldInputType.fullName

The widget allows users to choose a single option from a list of items, implemented as a dropdown menu or select input.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • endPointName: The name of the endpoint to fetch the data for selectable items.
  • isPageable: A boolean value indicating whether the data is pageable, allowing loading more items.
  • items: A list of strings representing the items for the dropdown menu if the data is static.
  • inputType: The data type of the selected item.
  • widthSize: An enumeration value from WidthSize specifying the width size of the widget.
  • otherParameters: A list of OtherParameters objects for additional input parameters in the data query.
  • queryFields: A string representing the fields to fetch for the data query.
  • readOnly: A boolean value indicating whether the select input is read-only.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the select field.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the select field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.other.

        context: context,
  		endPointName: 'getRoles',
        isPageable: true,
		items:['John', 'Hassan'];
        inputType: 'String',
        widthSize: WidthSize.col12,
        otherParameters: [
                keyName: 'userUid', 
                keyValue: 'ytu5757yey64yeyr67tergy', 
                keyType: 'String')
        queryFields: 'name uid',
        readOnly: false,
        label: 'Role',
        key: 'name',
        validate: true,
        fieldInputType: FieldInputType.other


The GraphQLService is a utility class that provides three static methods (query, mutation, and queryPageable) for making GraphQL requests in a Flutter app. It allows you to perform GraphQL queries and mutations to interact with GraphQL endpoints efficiently.


  endPointName: endPointName,
  responseFields: responseFields,
  context: context,
  fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy,
  parameters: [OtherParameters(keyName: 'name', keyValue: nameValue, keyType: 'String')],


        response: (data, loader){}, 
        endPointName: endPointName, 
        queryFields: queryFields, 
        inputs: [InputParameter(fieldName: fieldName, inputType: inputTypfieldValue: fieldValue)], 
        refetchData: true,
        successMessage: 'User Created Successfully',
        context: context)

The widget provides a date picker input for selecting dates.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • inputType: The data type of the selected date.
  • widthSize: An enumeration value from WidthSize specifying the width size of the widget.
  • disableFuture: A boolean value indicating whether future dates are disabled.
  • disablePast: A boolean value indicating whether past dates are disabled.
  • disable: A boolean value indicating whether the date input is disabled.
  • isDateRange: A boolean value indicating whether the input is for selecting a date range.
  • onSelectedDate: A callback function called when a date is selected.
  • queryFields: A string representing the fields to fetch for the data query.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the date field.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the date field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to

    context: context,
    inputType: 'String',
    widthSize: WidthSize.col12,
	disableFuture: true,
    disablePast: false,
    disable: false,
    isDateRange: false,
    onSelectedDate: (value) {
    queryFields: 'name uid',
    label: 'Starting Date',
    key: 'startingDate',
    validate: true,


The Field.use.multiSelect widget allows users to select multiple options from a list of items.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • endPointName: The name of the endpoint to fetch the data for selectable items.
  • isPageable: A boolean value indicating whether the data is pageable, allowing loading more items.
  • items: A list of strings representing the items for the dropdown menu if the data is static.
  • inputType: The data type of the selected item.
  • widthSize: An enumeration value from WidthSize specifying the width size of the widget.
  • otherParameters: A list of OtherParameters objects for additional input parameters in the data query.
  • queryFields: A string representing the fields to fetch for the data query.
  • readOnly: A boolean value indicating whether the select input is read-only.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the select field.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the select field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.other.


        context: context,
  		endPointName: 'getRoles',
        isPageable: true,
		items:['John', 'Hassan'];
        inputType: 'String',
        widthSize: WidthSize.col12,
        otherParameters: [
                keyName: 'userUid', 
                keyValue: 'ytu5757yey64yeyr67tergy', 
                keyType: 'String')
        queryFields: 'name uid',
        readOnly: false,
        label: 'Role',
        key: 'name',
        validate: true,
        fieldInputType: FieldInputType.other


The Field.use.checkbox widget allows users to select or toggle a boolean value using a checkbox input.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the checkbox field, providing context or instructions to the user.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the checkbox field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.other.


        context: context,
        label: 'Role',
        key: 'name',
        validate: true,
        fieldInputType: FieldInputType.other


The Field.use.attachment widget is used to collect attachments or files from the user.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the attachment field, providing context or instructions to the user.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the attachment field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.other.


    context: context,
    label: 'Role',
    key: 'name',
    validate: true,
    fieldInputType: FieldInputType.other


The Field.use.switch widget allows users to toggle a boolean value using a switch input.


  • context: The BuildContext used to build the widget.
  • label: A string representing the label or description of the switch field, providing context or instructions to the user.
  • key: A unique key to identify and manage the state of the switch field.
  • validate: A boolean value indicating whether to validate the user input.
  • fieldInputType: A FieldInputType enumeration value specifying the input type. In this case, it is set to FieldInputType.other.


    context: context,
    label: 'Role',
    key: 'name',
    validate: true,
    fieldInputType: FieldInputType.other

Instance-based Approach (FieldController Class Instance)

The instance-based approach involves creating an instance of the FieldController class, fieldController, which provides more control and flexibility over form handling.

Using fieldController, developers can create and manage form fields using methods like fieldController.field.input(), and also implement listeners to receive form data changes using fieldController.fieldUpdates.listen((data) {}).


It is recommended to use the instance-based approach, creating a Field class instance whenever input fields need to be implemented. This allows for better data management and responsiveness to form changes. Additionally, when using PopupModel, all FieldControllerValues.getInstance().instanceValues and fieldController.fieldUpdates will be notified of changes, ensuring accurate data updates when sending data to the backend.

Note: Ensure that the required dependencies and data endpoints are correctly set up to make the widgets work as intended. The form fields inside the FormGroup may have their custom validation logic and functionality based on the FieldInputType.


  • PageableDataTable: The PageableDataTable is a custom Flutter widget designed to display tabular data with features for querying data from an API endpoint, deleting data through a separate delete endpoint, implementing a search mechanism, and providing various action buttons for user interactions. Below is the documentation for the PageableDataTable widget:

Widget Description:

PageableDataTable is a versatile widget that provides a user-friendly and responsive way to display tabular data in a Flutter app. It offers several customizable options for querying data, managing data deletions, and defining user actions through action buttons.

Widget Properties:

  • endPointName (required String): The API endpoint name from which to query the initial data for the table.

  • queryFields (required String): A space-separated list of field names to request from the API during data querying.

  • mapFunction (required Function): A mapping function that transforms the fetched data to desired column names for display. It takes an item as input and returns a Map<String, dynamic> representing the transformed data.

  • deleteEndPointName (required String): The API endpoint name for deleting data. When a delete action is triggered on a row, the widget will use this endpoint to delete the corresponding data.

  • deleteUidFieldName (String, optional): The field name that holds the unique identifier (UID) or ID of the data to be deleted. If not provided, the widget will use 'uid' as the default field name to locate the data for deletion.

  • actionButtons (List, optional): A list of action buttons displayed on each row of the table. Each button is represented by an ActionButtonItem, which includes an icon, name, and an onPressed callback function.

  • tableAddButton (TableAddButton, optional): A button displayed at the top of the table for adding new data. It includes an onPressed callback and a button name.

  • topActivityButtons (List, optional): Additional activity buttons displayed at the top of the table. Each button is represented by a TopActivityButton, which includes an onTap callback, button name, and optional tooltip.

  • headColumns (List, optional): Defines the column headers of the table. Each HeadTitleItem includes a titleKey (corresponding to the key in the mapFunction result) and a titleName to display as the column header.

Example Usage:

              ///this will be provided only if the provided endpoint has some paramater to take
      otherParameters: [
          keyName: 'userUid',
           keyValue: 'fhfu655785yhg857tghg8ughgu',
            keyType: 'String')
      endPointName: 'getRoles',
      queryFields: "name description uid",
      /// This is used to map data to desired name
      mapFunction: (item) => {'userName': item['name']},
      deleteEndPointName: 'deleteRole',
      ///You can this field by spacifying your field name which holds id or uid of the desired deleting data, if its not provided [PageableDataTable] will user uid as a field name that holds uid or id.
      deleteUidFieldName: 'userUid',
      actionButtons: [
            icon: Icons.check_box,
            name: 'Set Permission',
            onPressed: (value) {
              setPermissions(context, value);
            icon: Icons.edit_document,
            name: 'Edit Role',
            onPressed: (value) {
              saveAndUpdateRole(context, value);
      tableAddButton: TableAddButton(
          onPressed: () {
            saveAndUpdateRole(context, null);
          buttonName: 'Create Role'),
      topActivityButtons: [
            onTap: () {
              saveAndUpdateRole(context, null);
            buttonName: 'Create Role',
            // iconData: Icons.create,
            toolTip: 'Adding new Role'),
      headColumns: [
          titleKey: 'name',
          titleName: 'Role Name',
          titleKey: 'description',
          titleName: 'Description',
  • GraphQL Query and Mutation Methods: Simplify communication with GraphQL APIs by providing convenient methods for executing queries and mutations.

  • Side Nav and Top App Bar: Pre-built navigation components for creating responsive and user-friendly app layouts.

  • User Dashboard: Ready-to-use dashboard components to help you build informative and visually appealing user interfaces.

  • Date Picker: A date selection widget with customizable styling and options.

  • Attachment Input: An input field for uploading and managing file attachments.

  • Checkbox and Switch: Enhanced versions of the default Flutter widgets with additional features and customizability.

  • SettingsService: A set of reusable methods for managing app settings and preferences.


To install Shared_Component package, follow the steps below:

  1. First, you need to download the 'Shared_Component' from a git repository. After that, you can put it anywhere you prefer on your computer. The reason we're doing this is that the component hasn't been officially published yet.
  2. Add the package to your Flutter project's pubspec.yaml file, in the path put an address where you placed Shared_component package.
        path: "<<PACKAGE_ADDRESS>>/shared_component"
  1. Run the flutter pub get command to fetch the package and its dependencies.
  2. Import the necessary components and start leveraging the powerful functionalities offered by the Package Name.

Getting Started

Configuration Staps

  • By using the Shared_Component package, you can skip calling runApp() to initialize your App; it's already taken care of for you. What you need to do is call the initApp() function inside the main() function, and it will handle everything else for you.

  • The Shared_Component package utilizes flutter_module to handle routing and implement the module architecture in your project. Additionally, it leverages GetX for dependency injection and state management.

    void main() async{
        ///This line ensures that Flutter is properly initialized before running the app
         ///initializes the app with some configuration
            appName: 'Shared Components',
            loadEnvFile: () async {
                ///Loading Inviroment files from the root of the project
                await loadingInvironment(
                    devEnvFile: ".env.development", prodEnvFile: ".env.production");
            routes: [
                    child: (context, args) => SideNavigation(
                        appBarPosition: AppBarPosition.side,
                        version: '2.0.3',
                        topAppBarDetails: TopAppBarDetails(
                            title: 'Top Bar',
                            menuItems: [
                                    title: 'Change Password',
                                    icon: Icons.logo_dev,
                                    value: 'password'),
                                    title: 'Profile',
                                    icon: Icons.details,
                                    value: 'profile'),
                            onTap: (value) {},
                            userProfileDetails: UserProfileItem(
                                onLogout: () {
                                        .logout(Modular.initialRoute, context);
                                email: '[email protected]',
                                userName: 'Jimmyson Jackson Mnunguri')),
                        sideMenuTile: [
                                title: 'Dashboard',
                                icon: Icons.dashboard,
                                permissions: ['ACCESS_BILLS']),
                                title: 'Users',
                                icon: Icons.people,
                                permissions: ['ACCESS_ROLE', 'ACCESS']),
                                title: 'Facility', icon:, permissions: []),
                        body: const UserManager(),
                    guards: [AuthGuard()]),
                    child: (context, args) => Login(
                        navigateTo: 'landing',
                        backgroundTheme: BackgroundTheme.techTheme)),
                RedirectRoute(Modular.initialRoute, to: 'login')
        import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
        import 'package:shared_component/shared_component.dart';
            {required String devEnvFile, required String prodEnvFile}) async {
        String fileName = kReleaseMode ? prodEnvFile : devEnvFile;
        await dotenv.load(fileName: fileName);

    Thsis Method loads Production invernment when the app is running on production inveronment, and it will load the dev inveronment if the in development invronment

  • Note: Avoid using Get.context to get context globally, instead use NavigationService.

This will enable you to get current `context` globally.

Documentation Structure

The Package Name documentation is organized as follows:

  • API Reference: Detailed documentation of each component, class, and method offered by the package.
  • Examples and Use Cases: Real-world examples and use cases to illustrate how to utilize the package effectively.
  • Configuration and Customization: Instructions on how to customize the package's components to fit your specific requirements.
  • Troubleshooting: Solutions to common issues and errors that developers may encounter while using the package.
  • Support and Contact: Information on how to seek support or get in touch with the package maintainer.

We hope that the Package Name package proves to be a valuable asset for your Flutter app development journey. Enjoy the convenience, flexibility, and time-saving capabilities it brings to your projects!