This is a project named after the Java mascot Duke. Given below are instructions on how to use it.
Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.
- Download the duke.jar file from release version v0.3
- Save duke.jar to an empty folder
- Open terminal and navigate into the folder containing duke.jar
- Run the following command in terminal:
java -jar duke.jar
- Start managing your tasks!
Exit the program.
Add a new todo task to the list.
Add a new event (with event date) to the list.
Add a new deadline (with deadline due date) to the list.
Return a list of tasks stored and managed by Duke.
Mark a task as completed.
Mark a task as incomplete.
Delete a task from the list, according to the list index referenced.
Find the task with corresponding words included as part of the task description.
Sort the tasks in the list in a certain order (by name, by due date, by completion status, by type of task).
Exits the program.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Exits and closes the program.
Creates a new todo task and adds it to the list of tasks to be managed.
Example of usage:
todo Reading assignment pg 1-2
Expected outcome:
Adds a new todo task, Reading assignment pg 1-2, to the task list.
Ah, more reality stuff. Here, I've added:
T | | Reading assignment pg 1-2
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
Creates a new event task (with date of occurrence in the form yyyy-mm-dd after the keyword /at) that is added to the list of tasks to be managed.
Example of usage:
event tp team meeting /at 2022-09-10
Expected outcome:
Adds a new event task, tp team meeting, happening at 10 September 2022, to the task list.
Ah, more reality stuff. Here, I've added:
E | | tp team meeting | 10 Sep 2022
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Creates a new event task (with date of occurrence in the form yyyy-mm-dd after the keyword "/at") and adds it to the list of tasks to be managed.
Example of usage:
event tp team meeting /at 2022-09-10
Expected outcome:
Adds a new event task, tp team meeting, happening at 10 September 2022, to the task list.
Ah, more reality stuff. Here, I've added:
E | | tp team meeting | 10 Sep 2022
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Creates a new deadline task (with due date in the form yyyy-mm-dd after the keyword "/by") and adds it to the list of tasks to be managed.
Example of usage:
deadline ip final submission /by 2022-09-16
Expected outcome:
Adds a new deadline task, ip final submission, due by 16 September 2022, to the task list.
Ah, more reality stuff. Here, I've added:
D | | ip final submission | 16 Sep 2022
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.
Returns a list of the tasks currently managed.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Returns a list of tasks managed by Duke.
1. T | | Reading assignment pg 1-2
2. E | | tp team meeting | 10 Sep 2022
3. D | | ip final submission | 16 Sep 2022
Marks the task at indicated index as completed.
Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
Marks the task at index 1 as completed
Congratulations on smashing reality!
T | X | Reading assignment pg 1-2
Marks the task at indicated index as incomplete.
Example of usage:
unmark 1
Expected outcome:
Marks the task at index 1 as incomplete.
Oops reality is catching up... this is still undone:
T | | Reading assignment pg 1-2
Deletes the task at indicated index.
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Deletes the task at index 1.
This task has perished from reality:
T | | Reading assignment pg 1-2
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Finds all tasks whose description contains indicated keyword.
Example of usage:
find tp
Expected outcome:
Returns the task(s) containing "tp" in their description.
Here are the tasks that match your search:
1. E | | tp team meeting | 10 Sep 2022
Sorts the task list according to the criteria indicated.
Possible sorting criteria:
- Sort by name (keyword:
) - Sort by date (keyword:
) - Sort by completion status (keyword:
) - Sort by type of task (keyword:
Example of usage:
sort task
Expected outcome:
Returns the list of tasks sorted by task type.
Here are the tasks, sorted by task
1. D | | ip final submission | 16 Sep 2022
2. E | | tp team meeting | 10 Sep 2022