FuckMake is a much simpler thing than make and it wont just suddenly take a dump in your face. You may use it if you're worthy!
Example compiling PowerSupply
CC = arm-none-eabi-gcc
LD =%(CC)
AS = arm-none-eabi-as
CFILES = GetFiles(src/,*.c,)
ASMFILES = GetFiles(src/,*.asm,)
INC = -Isrc
OutDir = bin/
ObjDir = %(OutDir)obj/
AFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16
CFLAGS = %(AFLAGS) -O3 -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-nonnull-compare -Wall
LFLAGS = -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -Wl,--gc-sections --specs=nosys.specs -T"LinkerScript.ld"
Compile {
Msg(Compiling %Input)
!%(CC) %(CFLAGS) %(INC) -c -o %Output %Input
Assemble {
Msg(Assembling %Input)
!%(AS) %(AFLAGS) %(INC) -c -o %Output %Input
Link {
Msg(Linking %Output)
!%(LD) %(LFLAGS) -o %Output %Input
ExecuteList(Compile, %(CFILES), %(ObjDir))
ExecuteList(Assemble, %(ASMFILES), %(ObjDir))
Execute(Link, GetFiles(%(ObjDir), *.obj,), %(OutDir)MicroCode.elf)
Marks the start of the FuckFile (it's just there to say FUCK YOU MAKE one more time).
Name = <something>
Defines a variable.
Is used to get the value of a variable.
: ROOT specifies the root directory. For example if FuckMake is executed in dev/folder/ but your sources are in dev/, you can set ROOT to ../ which will make the root directory dev/. This is useful because FuckMake really doesn't like /../ in it's paths GGWP. It may be set to whatever you want early in the script, if not it will contain the normal root directory ie dev/folder/.
Name {
Defines an action which can be executed with Execute. Actions define how to compile, assemble, link etc.
and %Output
are built in variables that will be different depending on how the action is executed.
Tells FuckMake that it's a command line action.
There are three types of execute functions, Execute, ExecuteList and ExecuteTarget
Defines a target. All targets must be at the end of the file.
is a reserved target.
GetFiles(Directory, Wildcards, Exclusions)
The root directory to start grabbing files in.Wildcards
You can use this to filter the files included. Example*.c
will only include files that end with a.c
. Multiple wildcards can be specified if seperated by a spaceExclusions
Used to exclute files and subdirectories that gets included. Exampleprint.c
will exclude all files namedprint.c
even if it gets included by the wildcard parameter.
The function returns a list of files separated by the pipe |
All parameters are optional, all files in the current directory will be included if all are left blank.
A list of files separated by the pipe|
charcter, to be deleted.
A message that will be printed when executed.
ExecuteList(Action, Files, OutDir, IncludeDir)
Specifies the actions to be executed.Files
A List of files separeted by the pipe|
character, to be used as input files. This will be the contents of%Input
Is a path to where the files shall be written. This is the directory that will be in%Output
Is a list of include directories separated by the pipe|
Executes the action once for every file in the Files
list. Except if the resulting file was modified after the input file, basically only files that needs to be for instance compiled will.
If IncludeDir
contains the list of include directories it will scan source files for changes in headers.
Execute(Action, Files, OutDir)
Same as ExecuteListFiles
Same as ExecuteListOutDir
Same as ExecuteList
Same as ExecuteList except that it's only executed once and %Input
will be a list of Files
separated by spaces.
Specifies which target to run.