Welcome to the Vanilla JS Chat App, a communication platform designed for interactions between users, reminiscent of popular chat applications like Slack. The app includes various features for messaging, room organization, user customization.
- Clone the repository
- Set up Firebase Firestore and obtain necessary credentials
- Configure Firebase credentials in the app
- Run the app locally
Real-time messaging in rooms such as #general, #js, #homeworks, #tests.
Messages include sender information, message content, and the date of posting.
Firebase Firestore Integration
Data storage and retrieval using Firestore Firebase for a scalable and reliable backend.
User Interaction
User-friendly interface for sending and receiving messages.
User customization with the option to change the color theme of the app.
Message Management
User can delete their own messages permanently.
Temporary deletion option for messages from other users.
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Firebase Firestore for data storage
- Live Site URL: Live
- Linkedin - @JelenaTakac
- GitHub - @JelenaTakac