Authenticate a client using http requests
Note: This is mostly a proof of concept project Uses express and bodyparser Node server
How to use: send a POST request with header application/json to the server the post request should be a json string looking something like this: {"gameToken":"ddb1c33c-ea19-42e6-ae99-c34ff4b0a8f8","computerToken":"4a8c44f9-4a59-4286-860a-b58e4005cb25"}
It will connect to an sql database and determine if the gameToken is valid, if its unclaimed then the computerToken will be set to the one requested. If it's already claimed then the computerToken has to match the one on the database (this will prevent multiple devices from using the same gameToken) The computerToken should be generated by the client and saved there. the response will either be 'APPROVED' (if it matches), 'DENIED' (if it doesn't match), or 'INVALID' (if the json string had unexpected keys)