A terminal-based Boggle game implemented in Python, featuring a 4x4 board where players attempt to find as many valid words as possible within a set time limit. Enhanced with rich for colorful and structured console output, this game includes real-time scoring and validation of guesses.
Timer: Each game round is timed (default is 3 minutes).
Interactive Console UI: Enhanced console output and prompts using the rich library.
Scoring System: Words entered by the player are validated using an online dictionary API, and scores are updated after each successful guess.
- Scoring
- 3 or 4 letter words - 1 point - 5 letter words - 2 points - 6 letter words - 3 points - 7 letter words - 5 points - 8+ letter words - 11 points
- Scoring
Realistic Boggle Board: Letters are generated based on standard Boggle dice.
Python 3.7+
rich, numpy, and requests libraries:
pip install rich requests numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the game by executing the script in a terminal.
python main.py
Choose an option from the prompt:
- start: Start a new Boggle round.
- quit: Exit the game.
Find words on the displayed board:
- Words must follow Boggle rules, connecting adjacent letters.
- Type words in the console prompt and press Enter.
End of Game: When the timer expires, your final score is displayed.
- Manages game flow and handles player input.
- Includes timed_round for managing the round timer and clear for refreshing the console screen.
- Uses Console and Prompt from rich to stylize console interactions.
- Defines the Board class to manage the board's setup, word-checking, and scoring.
- Display: Uses rich's Table and Columns to print the Boggle board and guessed words.
- Game Logic:
- guess(word): Checks if the word is on the board, valid, and not already guessed.
- on_board(word): Verifies if a word can be formed on the board by connecting adjacent letters.
- is_adjacent(word): Recursively checks if letters in the word connect according to Boggle rules.
- is_valid(word): Calls an online dictionary API to validate words.
- letter_gen(): Generates a random selection of letters for the board, based on the typical distribution of letters on Boggle dice.
The helper.py file includes ASCII art messages (A, B, and C) displayed at the start of the game.
You can adjust the time limit by modifying the TIME_LIMIT variable in main.py:
TIME_LIMIT = 3 # Default time in minutes
python main.py
[Boggle ASCII art]
What do you want to do? [start, quit]
$ start
[Board appears]
Guess a word:
$ test
Nice! (test)
Guess a word:
Time's up!
Your final score was 1.
This Boggle game implementation is open-source and available for personal or educational use.
Developed by JefeThePug.
Enjoy the challenge of finding words and beating your high score!