PySkinDetection Public
Skin detection using Watershed and HSV/YCbCr colorspaces,
CakeImageAnalyzer Public
🍰 Program to show the Entropy of an image 🍰
multiloaderML Public
Project that helps loading all kinds of machine learning models. It is coded to be extremely flexible.
easy-amazon-sagemaker-deployments Public
Forked from aws-samples/easy-amazon-sagemaker-deploymentsSageMaker custom deployments made easy
opencvautoinstaller Public
Auto compilation/installation script for OpenCV4.5 on Linux.
awesome-README-templates Public
Forked from elangosundar/awesome-README-templatesA collection of awesome readme templates to display on your github profile.
distributions Public
Forked from nodesource/distributionsNodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
PyTransferLearningKeras Public
A simple code for doing Transfer Learning using Keras
PyVanillaNeuralNetwork Public
A sklearn-inspired vanilla Recurrent Neural Network with Backpropagation
DataAugmentation Public
Script to randomly apply Geometric Transformations/Noise on an image, generating an output slightly different (or not). This is usually used in Machine Learning for data augmentation.
CPPInterprocessCommunication Public
2 Windows console applications developed using C++: The server and a client that communicate via Named pipes.
TheChernoOPENGL Public
Eclipse CDT/MinGW-w64 implementation of TheCherno's OpenGL series.
KMeansDemo Public
A simple program to show how OpenCV's KMeans works displaying its visual output in "real time"
basicProgrammingExercises Public
This repository is to store some exercises I code (Mostly C++) periodically to keep my mind fresh about some CS concepts .
1 UpdatedApr 22, 2018 -
UMatTest Public
Here you can verify if your OpenCV has OpenCL enabled using an implementation of the T-API and also compare the performance of Mat and UMat
OpenCV3SVM Public
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) implemented with OpenCV used for classification of benign and malignant Melanoma images.
learning-to-contribute Public
Forked from wmartins/learning-to-contributeRepositório para testes de envio de pull requests
NDKAndroidSample Public
This is an Android Studio Project for showing a message in the screen through JNI.
imageSubProcedure Public
Some image operations used in my Ph.D. thesis
AndroidDynamometer Public
An Android app developed in my Master's (2014) for a biomedical electronic dynamometer with bluetooth interface.
PyConvolution Public
Code for evaluating the performance of a Parallel Convolution operation on images.
simpleWMouse Public
A high level abstraction of some Windows.h mouse functions