This is a very simple artworkplace dapp built on the celo network where users can:
- Host artworks but not buy their own artwork.
- See artworks hosted by you and others on the Celo Blockchain.
- Purchase artworks with cUSD and pay the owner
- Add your own artworks to the dapp as well as edit and delete your artwork.
- Are charged a 5% commission on every purchase of their artwork
- Install the CeloExtensionWallet from the Google Chrome Store.
- Create a wallet.
- Go to and get tokens for the alfajores testnet.
- Switch to the alfajores testnet in the CeloExtensionWallet.
- Create an artwork and check if you can buy your own artwork. It should fail.
- Create a second account in your extension wallet and send them cUSD tokens.
- Buy artwork with secondary account.
- Check if the balance of the first account increased by 95% while that of the buyer reduced by 100% of the price of the artwork as the contract owner receives 5% commission.
- Check if the artwork owner can edit and delete his artwork. He should be able to.
- Switch accounts to see how the edit and remove buttons toggle between artwork owner and non-artwork owner.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build