A repository stores some dockerfiles or docker-compose files for quickly starting service or service cluster.
About Dockerfile:
- Official:DockerFile Official Doc
- Blog:Dockerfile学习
About Docker-Compose:
- Official:Docker-Compose Official Doc
Image | Date | Info | Note |
zookeeper-v3.4-cluster | 2020-04-26 | zookeeper-3.4 cluster | 3 or more nodes |
kafka-v2.4.1-cluster | 2020-04-26 | kafka-v2.4.1-cluster | zookeeper cluster & kafka cluster |
elk-v7.1-single | 2021-05-15 | ELK-v7.1.0-single | Compose ELK Single-Node (Without Filebeat) |
elk-stack-v7.1-single | 2021-05-15 | ELK-Stack-v7.1.0-single | Compose ELK Single-Node (Full-Stack with Filebeat) |
hadoop-v2.7-single | 2021-06-25 | Hadoop-v2.7-Single | Directly run with Docker |
redash-single | 2021-08-08 | Redash-v8 | Directly run Redash with Docker |
hadoop-3.1.3-cluster | 2021-08-21 | Hadoop-3.1.3-cluster | Run Hadoop-3.1.3 cluster with Docker |
epic-games-claimer | 2021-09-04 | Epic-game-claimer | Auto gain free epic game everyday |
elk-v7.14-single | 2021-09-11 | ELK-Stack-v7.14.0-single | Update version: elk-stack-v7.1-single Contributed by wwhai |
mysql-federated | 2021-11-09 | MySQL Federated Engine Demo | A demo to show how Federated Engine works in MySQL Blog: 《MySQL跨数据库查询方案总结》 |
dubbo-admin | 2023-03-23 | Dubbo Admin v0.5.0 | Run Dubbo Admin & Zookeeper with Docker |
canal | 2023-03-26 | Canal v1.1.6 | Run Canal & MySQL with docker-compose Blog: 《Java订阅Binlog的几种方式》 |
ansible | 2023-04-12 | Ubuntu 20.04 ARM/AMD64 with ssh | Run Ansible managed node cluster |
talebook | 2024-08-22 | talebook v3.8.1 & douban-api-rs | A branch to deploy talebook & douban-rs-api stack |
milvus-standalone | 2025-01-29 | milvus standalone version | A branch to deploy milvus standalone |
For some obvious policy reasons, DockerHub is prohibited in some places. 🚫
But nowadays using docker images is inevitable!
One ideal way to solve this issue is to create a mirror site.
Here i used tech-shrimp/docker_image_pusher to pull images from DockerHub and push to my own Aliyun for fully public use!
If you don't know how to use the repository above, just modify the images.txt
in this repo: docker_image_pusher.
And i will provide the image urls for you!
And the images in this repo's scripts will be all replaced to my own Aliyun.
For how-to: