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Cache intermediate values for Edwards addition (mit-plv#1808)
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bMacSwigg authored Jan 20, 2024
1 parent f55fdb1 commit 16b3666
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions src/Curves/Edwards/XYZT/Readdition.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.

Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.Curves.Edwards.AffineProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Curves.Edwards.XYZT.Basic.

Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Field.
Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Hierarchy.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.GlobalSettings.
Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.

Section ExtendedCoordinates.
Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{field:@Algebra.Hierarchy.field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul (BinNat.N.succ_pos BinNat.N.two)}
{Feq_dec:DecidableRel Feq}.

Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
Local Notation "0" := Fzero. Local Notation "1" := Fone. Local Notation "2" := (Fadd 1 1).
Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
Local Notation "x ^ 2" := (x*x).

Context {a d: F}
{nonzero_a : a <> 0}
{square_a : exists sqrt_a, sqrt_a^2 = a}
{nonsquare_d : forall x, x^2 <> d}.
Local Notation Epoint := (@E.point F Feq Fone Fadd Fmul a d).
Local Notation Eadd := (E.add(nonzero_a:=nonzero_a)(square_a:=square_a)(nonsquare_d:=nonsquare_d)).

Local Notation onCurve x y := (a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2) (only parsing).

(* Match this context to the Basic.ExtendedCoordinates context *)
Local Notation point := (point(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(d:=d)).
Local Notation coordinates := (coordinates(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(d:=d)).
Context {a_eq_minus1:a = Fopp 1} {twice_d} {k_eq_2d:twice_d = d+d} {nonzero_d: d<>0}.
Local Notation m1add := (m1add(F:=F)(Feq:=Feq)(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fone:=Fone)(Fopp:=Fopp)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fsub:=Fsub)(Fmul:=Fmul)(Finv:=Finv)(Fdiv:=Fdiv)(field:=field)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)(Feq_dec:=Feq_dec)(a:=a)(d:=d)(nonzero_a:=nonzero_a)(square_a:=square_a)(nonsquare_d:=nonsquare_d)(a_eq_minus1:=a_eq_minus1)(twice_d:=twice_d)(k_eq_2d:=k_eq_2d)).

(* Define a new cached point type *)
Definition cached :=
{ C | let '(half_YmX,half_YpX,Z,Td) := C in
let X := half_YpX - half_YmX in
let Y := half_YpX + half_YmX in
let T := Td / d in
a * X^2*Z^2 + Y^2*Z^2 = (Z^2)^2 + d * X^2 * Y^2
/\ X * Y = Z * T
/\ Z <> 0 }.
Definition cached_coordinates (C:cached) : F*F*F*F := proj1_sig C.
Definition cached_eq (C1 C2:cached) :=
let '(hYmX1, hYpX1, Z1, _) := cached_coordinates C1 in
let '(hYmX2, hYpX2, Z2, _) := cached_coordinates C2 in
Z2*(hYpX1-hYmX1) = Z1*(hYpX2-hYmX2) /\ Z2*(hYpX1+hYmX1) = Z1*(hYpX2+hYmX2).

(* Stolen from Basic; should be a way to reuse instead? *)
Ltac t_step :=
match goal with
| |- Proper _ _ => intro
| _ => progress intros
| _ => progress destruct_head' prod
| _ => progress destruct_head' @E.point
| _ => progress destruct_head' @Basic.point
| _ => progress destruct_head' @cached
| _ => progress destruct_head' and
| _ => progress cbv [eq CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.eq E.eq E.add E.opp fst snd cached_coordinates coordinates E.coordinates proj1_sig] in *
| |- _ /\ _ => split | |- _ <-> _ => split
Ltac t := repeat t_step; try Field.fsatz.

(* Stolen from Basic *)
Program Definition to_twisted (P:point) : Epoint :=
let XYZTT := coordinates P in let Ta := snd XYZTT in
let XYZT := fst XYZTT in
let Tb := snd XYZT in
let XYZ := fst XYZT in let Z := snd XYZ in
let XY := fst XYZ in let Y := snd XY in
let X := fst XY in
let iZ := Finv Z in ((X*iZ), (Y*iZ)).
Next Obligation. t. Qed.
Global Instance Proper_to_twisted : Proper (eq==>E.eq) to_twisted.
Proof using Type. cbv [to_twisted]; t. Qed.

Program Definition cached_to_twisted (C:cached) : Epoint :=
let MPZT := cached_coordinates C in
let Td := snd MPZT in
let MPZ := fst MPZT in
let Z := snd MPZ in
let MP := fst MPZ in
let hYpX := snd MP in
let hYmX := fst MP in
let iZ := Finv Z in (((hYpX-hYmX)*iZ), ((hYpX+hYmX)*iZ)).
Next Obligation. t. Qed.

Program Definition m1_prep (P : point) : cached :=
match coordinates P return F*F*F*F with
(X, Y, Z, Ta, Tb) =>
let half_YmX := (Y-X)/2 in
let half_YpX := (Y+X)/2 in
let Td := Ta*Tb*d in
(half_YmX, half_YpX, Z, Td)
Next Obligation. t. Qed.

Program Definition m1_readd
(P1 : point) (C : cached) : point :=
match coordinates P1, C return F*F*F*F*F with
(X1, Y1, Z1, Ta1, Tb1), (half_YmX, half_YpX, Z2, Td) =>
let A := (Y1-X1)*half_YmX in
let B := (Y1+X1)*half_YpX in
let C := (Ta1*Tb1)*Td in
let D := Z1*Z2 in
let E := B-A in
let F := D-C in
let G := D+C in
let H := B+A in
let X3 := E*F in
let Y3 := G*H in
let Z3 := F*G in
(X3, Y3, Z3, E, H)
Next Obligation.
match goal with
| [ |- match (let (_, _) := coordinates ?P1 in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := _ in let (_, _) := proj1_sig ?C in _) with _ => _ end ]
=> pose proof (E.denominator_nonzero _ nonzero_a square_a _ nonsquare_d _ _ (proj2_sig (to_twisted P1)) _ _ (proj2_sig (cached_to_twisted C)))
end; t. Qed.

Create HintDb points_as_coordinates discriminated.
Hint Unfold XYZT.Basic.point XYZT.Basic.coordinates XYZT.Basic.m1add
E.point E.coordinates m1_readd m1_prep : points_as_coordinates.
Lemma readd_correct P Q :
Basic.eq (m1_readd P (m1_prep Q)) (m1add P Q).
Proof. cbv [m1add m1_readd m1_prep]; t. Qed.

End ExtendedCoordinates.

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