This project is a web application that displays DigiByte blockchain statistics. It uses React for the front end, Express for the backend, and communicates with a local digibyted full node using RPC commands.
To run this project, you'll need:
- Node.js (version 14.x or higher) I used 21.7.2
- A local DigiByte node with RPC enabled (e.g., digibyted)
If you don't have Homebrew installed, follow the instructions on the Homebrew website to install it.
Once Homebrew is installed, you can install Node.js and npm using the following commands:
brew update
brew install node
Check that Node.js and npm are installed by running:
node -v
npm -v
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n install 21.7.2
sudo n use 21.7.2
- Clone the repository:
git clone
git clone
- Change to the project directory:
cd dgbstats
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Configure your local DigiByte node by editing its configuration file (`digibyte.conf`). You'll need to enable RPC and set a username and password. Add the following lines to the configuration file including turning on txindex, debug and server:
blocknotify=/YourServerParth/dgbstats-server/ %s
Replace `user` and `password` with your desired RPC username and password.
Start your local DigiByte node (`digibyted`). Follow the instructions provided by the DigiByte project to install and start the node.
Configure the backend server by updating the `rpcUser`, `rpcPassword`, and `rpcUrl` variables in the `server.js` file:
const rpcUser = 'user';
const rpcPassword = 'password';
const rpcUrl = '';
Replace `dgbuser` and `dgbpassword` with the RPC username and password you set in the `digibyte.conf` file. Update the `rpcUrl` if your node is running on a different address or port.
- Start the backend server inside /dgbstats-server:
sudo npm start
The server will start on port 5001 or the port defined in your environment variable `PORT`.
- Open a new terminal, and start the frontend application (in dgbstats folder:
sudo npm start
The application will open in your default web browser at `http://localhost:3005/\`.
Once both the backend server and frontend application are running, you can view DigiByte blockchain statistics in your browser. The statistics will be fetched from your local DigiByte node using RPC.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.