A versioning system (just for pleasure of coding)
- Qt 5.13
- QtCreator 4.9.1
- qt-plus - Copyright myself
- Diff template library - Copyright (c) 2015 Tatsuhiko Kubo [email protected]
- Make sure to update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Open /Aze.pro in QtCreator
- Build and run
Run the app with command "run-tests"
Here is information about architecture
- Initialize a repository
- Show status of files
- Create a branch
- Switch branches
- Add files to stage
- Remove files from stage
- Commit staged files
- Show commit log
- Show commit graph => WIP
- Needs to show commits in correct order
- Diff between two commits
- Merge a branch onto the current one => WIP
- Need to handle merge conflicts
- Save stash
- Pop stash
- Pull => WIP
- Push => WIP