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Benchmarking framework to measure performance of data storage and ingestion for deep learning


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Project Introduction

DSI-Bench is a benchmarking framework to facilitate the performance measurements of data storage and ingestion for data science applications. It enables the comparison of different metrics, namely runtime, CPU utilization and RAM utilization, for different combinations of data sets, consumers and storage formats. See Implemented Features for the details.

These comparisons allow you to simply choose the best combination of storage format, consumer and data set for your unique situation.

DSI-Bench's structure easily enables you to add classes for your own data sets, consumers and storage formats, which are not implemented out of the box. These possibilities are described in Extending the Benchmark.

For more detailed information to this project, including sample results, please refer to the corresponding thesis. The rest of the README also contains an extensive guide.

To view further benchmark results, execute the script paper/paper_results/ It generates graphs from the results used in the thesis as well as from some further suites. The graphs can then be found in the corresponding subdirectories of paper/paper_results.



Install the latest miniconda and then the required dependencies with the script environment/ It will create a conda environment containing all dependencies. You may pass an argument to name the environment, else it will be named benchmark.

./environment/ <environment_name>


Alternatively you can also run a docker container with all the dependencies. There are three images, which can be found on DockerHub, including more information.

There is one basic image latest containing the current state of this repository as well as an installation of conda. This image is built everytime the main branch of the official repository is updated. The conda environment is not built yet to reduce the image size.

The other two tags are standard and runai. Standard is equivalent to latest, but has already built the conda environment, which is available under the name benchmark. The runai image contains some further extensions for the development on the SDSC Run:ai infrastructure. These two images are not integrated into the GitHub pipeline, as they are quite large. They can be built using one of the two following commands, depending on the desired version. Setting build=0 will not build the conda environment, while build=1 does install it.

docker build --build-arg version=standard --build-arg build=1 . -f Dockerfile
docker build --build-arg version=runai --build-arg build=1 . -f Dockerfile

To pull and run the docker image, execute the following commands. You should be logged into the container as dev.

docker pull majorhph/dsi-bench:latest
docker run -it majorhph/dsi-bench:latest

If you want to keep the container running when detatching (e.g. because a benchmark is running), use Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q instead of Ctrl+d.


To run the benchmark execute the command:

python benchmark/ <flags>

For the flags the list of possible values is also the list of default values. Every combination of suites, converter_names, consumers, devices, and return_types is benchmarked.

Flags Possible Values Description
suites TEST, OADAT, ICON, ImageNet, ShapeNet The suite_name given in the configuration files, which should be benchmarked.
converter_names raw, hdf5, zarr, pickle, npy, npz, tfrecord_single, tfrecord_multi The storage formats to which the datasets should be converted to for the benchmark.
consumers python, tensorflow, tensorflow_sequence, pytorch, dali_pytorch, dali_tensorflow The consumers with which the data should be read during the benchmark.
The DALI consumers are only combatible with npy, tfrecord_single and for ImageNet raw.
devices cpu, gpu To which device the tensors should be loaded to. The option gpu is only available if python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())" prints True.
return_types python, pytorch, tensorflow What type of object the dataset's __getitem__ should return for the dataloader. Either a Python native object like a tuple or dict, or a PyTorch/TensorFlow tensor.
name_prefix * A string which is added as a prefix to the dataset name, forming the name of the benchmark for that dataset configuration.
rounds 1, ..., 999 The amount of rounds, which every run of the benchmarked configurations should be repeated for. A higher amount gives more reliable results but also takes longer to execute.
delete_conversions / keep_conversions N/A These flags enable you to keep or delete the converted data sets in the temporary directory. After each benchmark suite has completed, the corresponding conversion in TMP_DATA_DIRECTORY is deleted. The default is delete_conversions


Data Directory

By default the benchmarks persist files to disk for each dataset. These are stored on the disk to which you downloaded the repository, i.e. in the tmp folder this project. If you don't have enough space on this disk the benchmark might fail. You can either clone the repository to a different disk or change the location of the persisted data by creating a .env file or by copying the .env.sample (with the command cp .env.sample .env). We recommend to change the value of TMP_DATA_DIRECTORY to a directory with enough space. Be aware that having the data on a different disk might have an impact on the benchmark performance.


Config Files

You can configure one or several runs/different benchmark versions using YAML files. One for each available dataset can be found in the directory configs. The following keys need to be set for all dataset types:

Key Meaning
suite_name This is the name, that you need to choose with the flag suites if you don't want to run all runs. It must be unique under the available configs.
dataset_type This is the name of the file which holds the corresponding dataset class (e.g. imagenet).
path This is the absolute path, where the original dataset is located.
batch_size This is the used batch size used for data loading.
num_threads The amount of threads, which should be used for data loading.

Any parameters other than path, that the classes of dataset_type use in the constructor also need to be present in the YAML config. For the currently implemented datasets these are the following.

Key Applicable Data Set Meaning
filename Test, OADAT, ICON The name of the actual HDF5 file containing the features, relative to path.
Ignored for the Test data set but present for demonstration purposes.
key Test, OADAT, ICON, ShapeNet For OADAT and ICON the list of keys/features, which should be used for benchmarking.
For ShapeNet this is a list of category names used for the benchmark (e.g. bicycle)
Ignored for the Test data set but present for demonstration purposes.
amount ImageNet The amount of images, which should be used for the benchmark. They need to be directly located in path, which is why it is recommended to pass the location of the validation data set in path. That directly contains the images.

If you create a new configuration file for an existing data set, you can add the unique value you used for suite_name to default_suites in benchmarks/ Then it will be used as a default option, else it will only be executed if you specify it using the CLI argument suites.

Implementated Features

Storage Formats

The following storage formats are implemented by all current data set classes. The names are the ones returned as keys of the dictionary by the function get_available_converters in the Python file of the corresponding data set. More to this is in the section about the benchmark structure.

  • raw: The original storage format of the data set. For the different data sets these are the following:
    • Test: directly returning entries from an in memory array
    • OADAT: HDF5
    • ICON: HDF5
    • ImageNet (ILSVRC 2012): JPEG
    • ShapeNet: Meshes as OBJ files
  • hdf5
  • zarr
  • pickle: Pickled using pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.
  • npy
  • npz: Saved compressed using np.savez_compressed.
  • tfrecord_single: The features used in the benchmark are all saved in one single TFRecord file. They're serialized during storage and deserialized during reading.
  • tfrecord_multi: every feature is saved in an individual TFRecord file. They're serialized during storage and deserialized during reading.


The consumers will be referenced with the corresponding CLI argument, with which they can be used. The class names in parenthesis are as found in the file loader-benchmark/ They may build on other data loader classes, which supply the elements to the consumer using the according library. More will be mentioned on this later in the section about the benchmark structure.

  • python (PythonConsumer): Consumes the data without any additional deep learning frameworks as PyTorch or TensorFlow. Implements multi-threading using concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor. This is used instead of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor since it is an I/O and not CPU heavy workload.
  • tensorflow (TensorflowConsumer): Uses a data loader based on the TensorFlow data API. If necessary the data is padded to allow for batching. The data is consumed using an iterator based on a
  • tensorflow_sequence (TensorflowSequenceConsumer): This uses a data loader based on tf.keras.utils.Sequence
  • pytorch (PytorchConsumer): The data loader for the PyTorch is If passed it uses a collate function to enable batching, similar to the padding of the TensorFlow consumer.
  • dali_pytorch (DALIPytorchConsumer): Takes the DALI pipelines (defined in the data set files) and iterates through it randomly using NVIDIA.dali.plugin.pytorch.DALIGenericIterator
  • dali_tensorflow (DALITensorflowConsumer): Similar to DALIPytorchConsumer but uses instead.

Data Sets

  • Test (dsi_bench/datasets/ This is simply a data set intended to check if all functions work and to demonstrate how to write the different converters. It generates an array with 10'000 integers which are treated as the sample data. For the DALI loaders this provides two pipelines, one based on npy and one on the tfrecord_single format.
  • OADAT (dsi_bench/datasets/ Medical data stored in an HDF5 file. For the DALI loaders this provides two pipelines, one based on npy and one on the tfrecord_single format.
  • ICON (dsi_bench/datasets/ Climate simulation data stored in an HDF5 file. For the DALI loaders this provides two pipelines, one based on npy and one on the tfrecord_single format.
  • ImageNet (ILSVRC 2012) (dsi_bench/datasets/ A data set providing images in JPEG format for image classification. For the DALI loaders this provides three pipelines, one based on raw, so the JPEG images, one based on npy and one on the tfrecord_single format.
  • ShapeNet v2 (dsi_bench/datasets/ A data set providing labeled meshes as OBJ files. For the DALI loaders this provides two pipelines, one based on npy and one on the tfrecord_single format.


There are four main metrics, which are gathered during the benchmark. The first three measure the system load and are collected by PySysLoadBench.

  • CPU load cpu (in percent where 100% is equivalet to one core being fully utilized)
  • RAM utilization ram (in MiB for the graphs as well as bytes for the raw results)
  • Time time needed to consume the data set (or subset specified by the config file)
  • Space used_diskspace needed by the converted data sets (in MiB)

The metrics cpu and ram are collected every 0.05 seconds and the value of the process used for data loading as well as all child processes are accounted for and summed up. For more details refer to PySysLoadBench.

Every benchmark defined by a configuration file is regarded seperately and there is a folder results/<name_prefix><suite_name> containing the results. For one there is a JSON file raw_results.json, containing some general system information, the size of the converted data (sub-)sets and the results of the different runs.

System Information

The system information can be found under the key system_information and contains the following subkeys

  • python_version: Python version
  • platform: Platform
  • operating_system: Operating system
  • host_name: Host name
  • cpu: CPU model
  • gpu: GPU model (empty if none available)
  • ram: Amount of available RAM

Size of converted Data Sets

This information is found under the key used_diskspace and the subkeys are the arguments given to the CLI option converter_names (or all possible if none given). The number is the diskspace used in MiB.

Beware that this does not refer to the whole dataset, since only the portion used in the data set is converted. Since for the raw option the needed data is copied as well to TMP_DATA_DIRECTORY, this also only accounts for the used data. Therefore, this metric is rather suited for qualitative comparisons among the different storage formats and not quantitatively with the original full data set.

Run Results

The run results are found under the key run_results and have the following structure:

  • <converter_name> <consumer> <device> <return_type> (due to the different structure with the DALI consumers the return type part of the key is omitted in these cases)
    • <metric>: either cpu (value in percent with 100% = 1 CPU core fully utilized), ram (in byte) or time (in seconds).
      • [0, n-1] where n is the argument of rounds. The numerically indexed fields hold the stats of the corresponding individual run. This is not available for the metric time.
        • max: Maximum recorded value of metric over run.
        • mean: Mean value of metric over round.
        • stddev: Standard deviation of recorded values of metric.
        • 25: 25th percentile of data.
        • 50: 50th percentile of data.
        • 75: 75th percentile of data.
        • 90: 90th percentile of data.
        • 95: 95th percentile of data.
        • 99: 99th percentile of data.
      • raw: Only available for the metric time. List of raw measurements of the runtime in seconds of the different rounds.
      • total: Holds the stats of summarized over all rounds (based on mean of rounds).
        • max: Maximum mean of metric over rounds.
        • mean: Mean of mean of metric over all rounds.
        • stddev: Standard deviation over the mean of the rounds (or over raw entries in case of metric time).
        • 25: 25th percentile of data.
        • 50: 50th percentile of data.
        • 75: 75th percentile of data.
        • 90: 90th percentile of data.
        • 95: 95th percentile of data.
        • 99: 99th percentile of data.


There are also graphs which are generated to visually compare the metrics. All the paths following are relative to the results directory of the corresponding benchmark. The graphs contain the value total/mean of the raw results and also indicate the standard deviation.

The graph <name_prefix><suite_name>_diskspace.png compares the metric used_diskspace (in MiB) of the different used storage formats.

The bar graphs converter_graphs/<metric>/<converter_name>_<metric>_<device>_<return_type>.png compare the metric of the different consumers with each other when <converter_name> is used as a storage format. If the DALI consumers are used, the result is added to all used return types to facilitate comparison. If only DALI consumers are used <return_type>=default instead of one of the possible values of the CLI argument.

The bar graphs consumer_graphs/<metric>/<consumer>_<metric>_<device>_<return_type>.png compare the metric of the different storage formats with each other when <consumer> is used as a consumer. If the DALI consumers are used, the result is added to the graphs for all used return types to facilitate comparison. If only DALI consumers are used <return_type>=default instead of one of the possible values of the CLI argument.

The graphs summary_graphs/<metric>/<metric>_<device>_<return_type>.png are heat maps to quickly compare all combinations of consumers and storage formats on one sight. To increase the readability the concrete numbers are omitted, however there is a labeled color scale. If the DALI consumers are used, the result is added to the graphs for all used return types to facilitate comparison. If only DALI consumers are used <return_type>=default instead of one of the possible values of the CLI argument. For a more detailed comparison there is also a labeled version under summary_graphs/<metric>/<metric>_<device>_<return_type>_label.png for every summary graph.

Framework Structure

General Structure

The code in benchmarks/ ties the different components together and acts as the "entry point". it reads the CLI arguments, config files etc. and starts the various benchmarks, which are given through the different valid combinations of CLI arguments. It handles things like passing the correct arguments to the various consumers for you. For completeness and potential trouble shooting these things are still explained later.

The directory dsi_bench contains the other needed code. For one there are the files, responsible for creating the graphs, as well as, which reads the YAML config files. Then contains the code for the different consumers. More details to the consumers can be found in the following subsection. The subdirectory datasets contains a python file for each available data set (,,,, More to this also in a following subsection.

The directory data contains soft links to the different data sets to facilitate access during developement. When the benchmark is run however, only the path in the config file is relevant, which should note the direct and absolute path and not go over the soft link.

The directory results contains the results, as mentioned in a previous section.

The directory configs contains the config files, which where mentioned in a previous section to configuration.


There is a consumer class for every possible option of the CLI argument consumers. These posess an implementation of the __call__ function to consume the data set. Some of these consumers also rely on an additional consumer class, which provides an implementation of __getitem__ to provide data using the according framework.

All consumers take the amount of threads (num_threads) to be used, as well as the batch size (batch_size) as an argument. These are the values defined in the config files.

For the "normal" (not DALI) consumers, they take an instance of the class DataSourceBase, which is explained in the next section. This will be the data set they consume.

The TensorflowConsumer additionally requires that the data set class defines the functions get_tf_output_signature and get_tf_pad_types. The former needs to return an instance of tf.TensorSpec specifying the output signature, which is returned by the data set classes __getitem__. The return value of the latter is passed to the argument padded_shapes of This is only necessairy if not all elements returned by __getitem__ have the same size. Without padding batching would not be possible in this case. If all elements returned by __getitem__ have the same size, get_tf_pad_types may return None and padded_batch is not called.

The PytorchConsumer requires the data set class to implement get_collate_fn, which returns a collate function, defining how to collate individual elements returned by __getitem__ into a single batch. If all elements returned by __getitem__ have the same dimension, this is not required and get_collate_fn may return None.

The DALI consumers (DALIPytorchConsumer, DALITensorflowConsumer) do not take an instance of DataSourceBase, but a NVIDIA DALI pipeline. More on how to define this for every data set in the next section. They both each also take the argument device (cpu or gpu). Further, the DALIPytorchConsumer requires the argument labels, which is a list of strings on containing labels for the different features contained in the sample returned by the pipeline. If none are given and the corresponding DataSourceBase has an attribute key, that list is chosen. To infer the length of the data sets, the readers in the pipeline must be named. If there is one for every feature <label[i]>, they need to be named reader<label[i]>. If there is only one reader it needs to be named reader<label[0]>. The DALITensorflowConsumer requires two additional arguments, shapes and dtypes. These, similar to the value returned by get_tf_output_signature, define the shape and data type of the sample returned by the pipeline. Both consumers also take the argument pipe_args, which may be a tuple of additional arguments which need to be passed to the pipeline. More on where to define all this and the pipelines is in the next section.

If the returned data is a tensor, it will be loaded to the according device during the consumption of the data set. Be aware that that is why the combination device=gpu, PythonConsumer is skipped, since we dont necessarily have a tensor here in the end and can therefore not load it into the GPU memory.

Data Sets

For every data set there is an according file in the subdirectory datasets. Each data set file must contain a class DataSourceBase, who's initializer takes the path as well as any other arguments defined in the according configuration file. Further the functions __len__, __getitem__ and check_data must be defined (but may raise NotImplementedError, since this class is more used as a parent class and isn't actually used for benchmarking). As mentioned before get_tf_output_signature, get_tf_pad_types and get_collate_fn must be implemented here too. The last two may return None if the __getitem__ functions always return elements of the same dimensions. The functions get_available_devices, get_available_return_types also need to be implemented, which return the implemented values and return types by the data set classes, which may be passed to set_device and set_return_type, which alter the behaviour of the data set class.

In the __getitem__ function of the dataset classes the returned value changes depending on the return type. If it is python a Python native object like a tuple or dict is returned. In case it is pytorch or tensorflow corresponding tensor is already returned. This is to check if it makes a difference if we already create a tensor at this stage and don't only leave it to the consumer. The PytorchConsumer is not compatible with the return type tensorflow, so this combination is skipped. No matter the return type here, the PytorchConsumer and DALIPytorchConsumes will return a PyTorch tensor and the TensorflowConsumer, TensorflowSequenceConsumer and DALITensorflowConsumer will return a TensorFlow tensor. The PythonConsumer will return whatever is given.

All of the following mentioned classes must implement DataSourceBase.

There also must be a class DataSource, which implements __len__, __getitem__ and check_data. check_data is supposed to do a rudimentary check of the data and raise DatasetNotAvailableError (defined as a child class of Exception at the start of the data set files) if not all data needed for the benchmark is available (e.g. a key in the HDF5 file is missing). The idea here is that __getitem__ returns the original data located at path. It is mainly used for the conversion to other formats and not acbual benchmarking. That's why it is recommended that the __getitem__ function always behaves as if device=cpu and return_type=python, as it facilitates the conversion.

Then for every by this data set implemented storage format we need a function converting the original data set and a class returning the according data. An examble would be DataSourceHDF5 and convert_to_hdf5. The conversion function takes an instance of DataSource and converts all the data required by the benchmark. It also returns an instance of the corresponding class (e.g. DataSourceHDF5). The conversion function also bakes an argument output_path, which is where to save the converted data. This is <TMP_DATA_DIRECTORY>/<suite_name>/<converter_name>.

The dataset file also contains a function get_available_converters returning a dictionary, mapping converter_names to the conversion functions. If a data set does not implement a certain storage format conversion, just omit that key. An example for a data set implementing all storage formats would be

def get_available_converters():
	formats = {
		'raw': convert_to_raw,
		'hdf5': convert_to_hdf5,
		'zarr': convert_to_zarr,
		'pickle': convert_to_pickle,
		'npy': convert_to_npy,
		'npz': convert_to_compressed_npz,
		'tfrecord_single': convert_to_tfrecords_single,
		'tfrecord_multi': convert_to_tfrecords_multi,

	return formats

As mentioned earlier the DALI consumers need pipelines. Depending on the different data formats supported by DALI and implemented in the data set class we have various pipeline definitions. Please refer to the official NVIDIA DALI documentation for more details. In most cases there is a defintion for a npy and tfrecord_single pipeline definition. These may take arbitrary arguments, so for every pipeline you define there is a another preparation function (e.g. dali_npy_prepare). These make sure the needed data is present and return the arguments needed by the corresponding pipeline. So the DALIPytorchConsumer can infer the length of the data set, each reader of the pipeline needs to be named. If there is a reader for every feature <label[i]>, they need to be named reader<label[i]>. If there is only one reader it needs to be named reader<label[0]>. For an example take a look at the following code, taken from the Test data set. It also shows the two arguments the preparation function must take, as well as the naming of the readers in the pipeline definition.

def dali_npy_prepare(source: DataSource, output_path: str | Path) -> tuple:
	# make sure data is converted
	npy = get_available_converters()['npy'](source, output_path)

	# directory containing npy files
	file_path = npy.path / npy.filename

	# list of all relevant npy files
	file_list = [str(i) + '.npy' for i in range(len(npy))]

	return (file_path, file_list, npy.key)

def dali_npy_pipeline(file_path: str | Path, file_list: list, keys: list, device: str):
	sample = []

	# read individual features from different directories
	for k in keys:
				file_root=file_path / k,
				name='reader' + k,

	return tuple(sample)

Similar to get_available_converters there is an equivalent get_available_pipelines, which maps the supported storage formats to the corresponding preparation functions and pipeline definitions. Further it specifies the labels and the arguments which are only passed to the DALIPytorchConsumer or DALITensorflowConsumer. It could look like this:

def get_available_pipelines(keys: list):
	pipelines = {
		'npy': {
			'preparation': dali_npy_prepare,
			'pipeline': dali_npy_pipeline,
			'labels': keys,
			'pytorch_args': {},
			'tensorflow_args': {'shapes': [() for _ in keys], 'dtypes': [tf.int64 for _ in keys]},
		'tfrecord_single': {
			'preparation': dali_tfrecord_single_prepare,
			'pipeline': dali_tfrecord_single_pipeline,
			'labels': keys,
			'pytorch_args': {},
			'tensorflow_args': {'shapes': [() for _ in keys], 'dtypes': [tf.int64 for _ in keys]},

	return pipelines

Since the keys are variable and they determine labels and the tensorflow_args they are passed to the get_available_pipelines function whenever they are a part of the constructor of the corresponding DataSourceBase. For other data sets (like ImageNet) this function mustn't take any arguments.

Execution of the Benchmark

For all valid combinations of the CLI arguments we execute a benchmark run. The runs of the same data set are bundled into one benchmark suite.

We first iterate through the different data sets. There we execute all the runs of the same storage formats and in these groups of runs we group them by the used consumer. The set of all runs of a data set are called a benchmark suite. The actual runs are executed by PySysLoadBench. Please refer to it's README to find out more regarding the structure of the benchmarking process itself and how it uses multiple processes for isolation etc. In the prerun function we make sure the data sets are converted. To account for cold runs in real world environments we do not utilize warmup rounds. For more realistic results (albeit potentially less reproducible) we leave the garbage collection active.

After all runs of a benchmark are completed, we save the raw results including system information and the used disk space, as mentioned in the metrics section. Lastly, the graphs are generated out of the results and saved too.

Extending the Benchmark

Adding a Data Set

If you want to benchmark a different data set that we didn't implement, you can add your own data set file with the classes for each storage format you are interested in, as described in a previous section. Beware to think about get_available_converters, get_available_pipelines and the functions get_tf_output_signature, get_tf_pad_types and get_collate_fn of the BaseDataSource, which all must be present. The constructor of your data set classes must all atleast take the argument path: Path | str, specifying the location of the data set.

Additionally you need to add the data set to the dictionary data_sources_lut in benchmarks/ The key you use is the one you reference in the config file with the key dataset_type. Also don't forget to add the data set file to the present import statement

from dsi_bench.datasets import test, oadat, icon, imagenet, shapenet

Here you use the name of the data set file you created in dsi_bench/datasets.

Lastly, so you can use the data set with the CLI argument suites, you need to add the value(s) you used for suite_name in the corresponding config file(s) to the list of the line

default_suites = ['TEST', 'ICON', 'OADAT', 'ImageNet', 'ShapeNet']

Adding a Storage Format

You can also add an additional storage format to a new or existing data set. To the according file first add a data set class which is able to read from that file format and takes the same arguments in the constructor as the other classes for that data set. This should implement the same functions as well, such as __getitem__, __len__ and check_data. It must extend the class DataSourceBase.

Of course you also need a conversion function to create an object of that type. It must take the arguments source: DataSource and output_path: Path | str. This should check if a conversion is already present at output_path, and if not convert the data set and save the conversion to output_path and return an instance of your new data set class.

Lastly, define a unique name for your storage format and add it as a key to the get_available_converters function with your conversion function as the value. Add that unique name to the variable default_converters in benchmarks/ so you can use it with the CLI argument --converter_names.

You are also free to define new DALI pipelines for your storage format, if DALI supports it. Then do not forget to add an according entry to get_available_pipelines.

Adding a Consumer

Adding an additional consumer is very similar to adding a new data set. Create a class for your consumer in dsi_bench/ You are free to add helper classes for the actual consumer if it facilitates your implementation. This is done for example for TensorflowSequenceConsumer and DataLoaderTensorflowSequence.

The consumer class must implement __call__ function, which consumes the whole data set, which is passed in the constructor. That must take the arguments dataset: 'DataSourceBase', num_threads: int, batch_size: int, device: str.

Lastly there are some steps in benchmarks/ to be able to use the consumer. For one, add your class to the present import statement.

from dsi_bench.consumers import (

Then, choose a unique name for your consumer and add it to default_consumers. Lastly, add it to consumer_lut, where you map the name to the actual consumer class.


Benchmarking framework to measure performance of data storage and ingestion for deep learning







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