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Instruction format in MIPS32 Arch:


Logic/Shift/nop Instruction Implement

There are 3 types relative problem

  • structure relative (memory RW access conflict)
  • data relative (later instruction need previous result)
  • control relative (branch instruction)

Data relative : RAW, WAR, WAW Because pipeline is in strong order, only RAW will exit. data forward: Register File module output new data when rd and wr conflict. image

However we assume that register value can get in EX stage. If previous instruction is LOAD, it is not compatible.

Move Instruction Implement

movn, movz, mfhi, mthi, mflo, mtlo. Need add special register :HI, LO. HI, LO register is used to store result of multiply and divide. For multiply, HI store higer 32 bits, LO store lower 32 bits. For divide, HI store remainder, LO store quotient.

movn rd,rs,rt : if rt != 0 then rd <- rs movz rd,rs,rt : if rt == 0 then rd <- rs At ID stage, add 1 operaton: detemine whether to write rd according rs.

mfhi : rd <- hi mflo : rd <- lo At ID stage, wreg_o = WriteEnable, wd_o = rd At EX stage, read HI,LO At MEM stage, bypass At WB stage, write rd

mthi : hi <- rs mtlo : lo <- rs At ID stage, wreg_o = WriteDisable At EX stage, detemine the data needed to write HI,LO At MEM stage, bypass At WB stage, write HI,LO


Arithmetic instruction implement

simple arithmetic

add, addu, sub, subu, slt, sltu, add rd,rs,rt : rd <- rs+rt, when overflow, dont save result addu rd,rs,rt : same with add, but always save result, dont chcek overflow sub rd,rs,rt : rs <- rs-rt, when overflow, dont save result subu rd,rs,rt : same with sub, but always save result, dont chcek overflow slt rd,rs,rt : rd <- (rs < rt) signed compare sltu rd,rs,rt : rd <- (rs < rt) unsigned compare

addi, addiu, slti, sltiu immediate: signed extended

clo, clz clz rd,rs : rd <- count_leading_zeros rs clo rd,rs : rd <- count_leading_ones rs

multu, mult, mul mul rd,rs,rt : rd <- rs X rt signed multi, lower 32bit store to rd mult rs,rt : {hi,lo} <- rs X rt signed multi multu rs,rt : {hi,lo} <- rs X rt unsigned multi

Stall Mechanism

madd, maddu, msub, msubu Need 2 cycle to complete. madd rs,rt : {HI,LO} <- {HI,LO} + rs X rt maddu rs,rt : unsigned msub rs,rt : {HI,LO} <- {HI,LO} - rs X rt msubu rs,rt : unsigned


To avoid madd or msub perform repeatly when stall from other instruction: image

div, divu The implemention of OPENMIPS use 32 cycle to complete divide. div rs,rt : {HI,LO} <- rs / rt div rs,rt : unsigned

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OpenMIPS takes an advanced stall mechanism.If stage n instruction need several cycle to complete.

  • the PC and stage previous n keep value
  • stage n clear the value to insert nop
  • the instructions after stage n can go on normally.

For primary version OpenMIPS, only stage ID and EX can request stall.Other stages can complete operation in one cycle.


ID stall req: (pre_inst_is_load == 1'b1) && (ex_wd_i == reg1_addr_o/reg2_addr_o) EX stall req: stallreq_for_madd_msub || stallreq_for_div

Jump/Branch Insruction Implement

Delay slot instruction is always processed. At ID stage detemine whether to branch.

jump instruction jr rs : PC <- rs jalr rs, jalr rd,rs : PC <- rs, $31/rd <- return address j target : PC <- PC+4 || target || '00' target = inst_index << 2 jal target : $31 < return address

Branch Instruction image

branch address = (signed extend)(offset || '00') + (PC + 4)

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There is a is_in_delayslot_o flag for delayslot instruction. The function is : to record in exception cause register BD(Branch DelaySlot) field NOTE: if exception instruction is in delayslot, the EPC register store the previous pc, which is branch instruction.

LOAD/STORE Insruction Implement

lb, lbu, lh, lhu, ll, lw, lwl, lwr sb, sc, sh, sw, swl, swr

load/store address = signed_extended(offset) + GPR[base]


Atomic access RMW suquence is atomic, can not insert any other opeation. Operations in Critical Region is Atomic. OS use semaphore to create Critical Region generally.


ll : ll rt,offset(base)

  • load a word same with lw
  • set llbit 1 to indicate a ll operation and store address to LLAddr(this register is implemented in multi-core processor, OpenMIPS don't implement that)

After ll, program will perform several operations, and then perform sc.The sequence is RMW.If any instruction is inserted in the sequence, the llbit will be set to 0.

  • Exception or thread switch between ll and sc
  • Other core write the LLAddr space in muli-core system

sc : sc rt,offset(base)

  • check llbit
    • 1 atomic success : write back and set rt 1
    • 0 atomic fail : don't write back and set rt 0

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load relative problem


CP0 Access Insruction Implement

CP0 function:

  • Configure CPU working status (big-endian/little-endian)
  • Cache control
  • Exception control (exception level, interrupt enable, interrupt mask)
  • Memory management (MMU/TLB)
  • MISC: timer, counter, parity, clock

CP0 Registers

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CP0 Access Instruction


  • ID stage read rt
  • EX stage bypass
  • MEM stage bypass
  • WB stage write rd address of CP0


  • EX stage read CP0 register
  • MEM stage bypass
  • WB stage write to rt in Register File


Exception Relative Instruction Implement

Exception in MIPS32 Arch

openmips only implement the following 6 exception types:

Priority Excepton Description
1 Reset Hardware Reset
7 Interrupt 6 Hardware Int and 2 Software
16 Sys System Call
16 RI Invalid instruction
16 Ov Overflow(add,addi,sub)
16 Tr Self Trap

Hardware reset is a particular exception. It don't need to return from exception roution,so don't need to protect context and save return address. When reset,all registers are cleared to zero,and fetch instruction from address 0x0.

Precise Exception

Exception Victim: the instruction occur exception. Problem: To support precise interrupt,the sequence of exception occurence must be same with the sequence of instruction. Solution: The previous exception get marked, rather than being handled immediately, and the pipeline keep going. For most processor,there is a special pipeline stage to handle exception. Although the exception can occur at random time, the instruction must arrive at same stage in order.

Exception handle procedure

Excepton Vector
Reset 0x20
Interrupt 0x40
Sys 0x40
RI 0x40
Ov 0x40
Tr 0x40


  • ERET instruction is processed as special exception
  • suport exception nesting
  • Do not support exception priority

Implement details

At pipeline stages, collect exception information and pass to MEM stage where exception get processed.

  • At ID stage, determine whether system call, eret, invalid
  • At EX stage, determine whether trap, overflow
  • At MEM stage, determine whether interrupt

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Pratical OpenMIPS

Pratical OpenMIPS design target


Wishbone interface introduction

OpenMIPS support Wishbone B2

Wishbone signals and connection


Wishbone Sinagle Read Sequence


Wishbone Sinagle Write Sequence


Wishbone Bus Bridge


Note: stall_req_from_if should stall pc,if,id(stall[5:0] = 6'b000111), so that branch instruction can keep order with delayslot instruction.

SOPC based Pratical OpenMIPS

SOPC MicroArch



  • support max 8 master
  • support max 16 slave
  • integrated arbiter support 1,2,4 priority
  • support multiple communicate between master and slave at one time
  • support Wishbone B2


WB_CONMAX use high 4 bit address to deceide slave number. So each slave can have max 256M space.

Slave Start Address Start Address Size
SDRAM 0x00000000 0x0FFFFFFF 256M
UART 0x10000000 0x1FFFFFFF 256M
GPIO 0x20000000 0x2FFFFFFF 256M
Flash 0x30000000 0x3FFFFFFF 256M


  • support 32 pins
  • no support bidirectional pons
  • input pins can trigger interrupt
  • no support aux input pins
  • only support one clock domain
  • support Wishbone B

UART Controller

UART Protocol

UART Data Format


UART buad rate: 9600,19200,38400 etc.

UART Receiver

Receiver use higher sample frequency than buad rate, 16 times higher than buad rate generally. The following picture use 4 times as example.


(a) check the start bit when received signal High to Low level (b) after 2 cycle, check the signal, if keep low level, it is the correct start bit, otherwise assume it's error. ignore the signal (c) wait 4 cycle from correct start bit, capture the LSB (d) capture 1 bit of data and parity every 4 cycle, so always capture data in the middle, it can be stable (e) check the stop bit

Flow Control

2 handshake interface:

  • RTS(require to send)/CTS(clear to send)
  • DTR(Data Terminal Ready)/DSR(Data Set Ready)


UART16550 IP Introduction
  • Compatible with National Semiconductor 16550A device
  • Support Wishbone B
  • Configurable 32/8 Wishbone data width
Register Table

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NOTE: when Line Control Register(LCR) bit7 = 1, BASE+0x0, Base+0x1 is 2 divisor registers, otherwise represent the initial registers.

Calculate Divisor

2 divsior register compose a 16 bit frequency division factor.

Factor = System Clk Freq / (16 * Buad Rate) When programming, set the high byte Divisor Latch Byte 2 firstly, and then set the low byte Divisor Latch Byte 1.

Flash Controller

NOR Flash interface


read sequence


SDRAM Controller

Altera DE2-70 FPGA Test

Bootloader and SimpleOS simulate OS boot and load procedure. Both program are saved in flash. The following picture shows the position in flash.


OpemMIPS boot procedure:

  • uart, gpio, sdram initial
  • read length info at 0x300
  • move SimpleOS image to sdram
  • jump to 0x0

SimpleOS function:

  • HOST transmit data to OpenMIPS by UART
  • OpenMIPS uart receive data and assert interrupt
  • The interrupt handler read the data and transmit back to HOST
  • HOST display the same data

Here are some screenshot of lab: image image image

uC/OS-II Migration


  • Preemptive always run ready task of the higest priority
  • Multi Task system give each task different priority, means can't suppurt time slice scheduling(Round-robin Scheduling)
  • Deterministic Function call and service execute times are deterministic.User always know how many times the function call and service execute
  • Task Stack each task has individual stack. There is a stack space check function to confirm space that the task need indeed
  • System Service support many system service : semaphore, event flag, message mailbox, message queue, fixed block size memory allocate and release, time management function
  • Interrupt Handle The running task will be suspended temporarily when interrupt assert. If a higher priority task is awakened by interrupt, the task will execute immediately after all nesting interrupt handler quit



Task, aka thread, a simple program. uC/OS-II is a multi-thread OS. Each task is a while(1). Task has 5 status.

  • Dormant: task remain in memory, but is not scheduled by kernel
  • Ready: means task is ready for running, but can't run now because of lower priority. When task is created, it's in Ready status.
  • Running: task master CPU. The highest priority Ready task can get CPU and transfer to Running
  • Pending: task is waiting a EVENT(device I/O, shareble resource, timely pluse). The task is put on a WAIT List of the event.
  • Interrupt: Running task can be interrupted, otherwise the task disable interrupt. When task is interrupted, CPU jump to interrupt handler and the task go into Interrupt

When system is initialized, 2 task are created automatically:

  • IDLE task: lowest priority, 32bit int variable +1
  • Statistic task: execute per second, collect CPU utilization rate

Each task has coresponding OS_TCB that is a data structure to save status when scheduling. The first word in TCB is stack pointer.



Context Switch

Interrupt Handler

  • save all CPU registers
  • call OSIntEnter or variable OSIntNesting + 1 directly
  • clear interrupt src
  • re-enable interrupt
  • execute user code to handle interrupt
  • call OSIntExit
  • restore all CPU registers
  • execute interrupt return inst

When nesting interrupts are completed, OS must determine whether higher priority task is wake up. If so, return to higher task. Otherwise, return to the task is interrupted.

Clock Tick

Clock Tick is a periodic interrupt. It can make kernel delay a task several cycle and provide overtime determination when a task wait for event.

Sequence: OSInit -> OSStart -> enable clock tick interrupt

uC/OS-II initialize

Call OSInit function to initialize all variables and data structures and create OS_TaskIdle, which is always in Ready status and has lowest priority. If allowing statistic task, the OS_TaskStat is created, which fall into Ready status and has OS_LOWEST_PRIO - 1.

uC/OS-II start

Before OS starts, at least 1 task is created. OSStart function find highest priority TCB in Ready list, then call OSStartHighRdy in os_cpu_a.S

uC/OS-II basic function

Communication and Synchronization

Task or interrupt service program can use ECB(Event COntrol Block) pass signal to other task. The signal, aka Event, can be semaphore, mailbox, message quque and so on.

Task Management

  • OSTaskCreate or OSTaskCreateExt
  • OSTaskStkChk
  • OSTaskDel
  • OSTaskDelReq
  • OSTaskChangePrio
  • OSTaskSuspend
  • OSTaskResume
  • OSTaskQuery

Time Management

  • OSTimeDly
  • OSTimeDlyHMSM
  • OSTimeDlyResume
  • OSTimeGet
  • OSTimeSet

Memory Management

uC/OS-II manages consecutive large size memory as sections. Each section has same size and integral memory block. However, different sections have coresponding block size.

  • malloc: allocate by block
  • free: return back to the section that it belones to.

And the execution time is determined.

OS use Memory Control Block data structure track every sections. Each section has 1 MCB.

  • OSMemCreate
  • OSMemGet
  • OSMemPut
  • OSMemQuery


MIPS Function Call Standard

Register Standard


Variable Transfer

1. use stack image 2. use register a0-a3

Return Variable

Integer or pointer type return value will be placed at v0($2). Long long type value will also use v1($3). When return a structure or long value, v0 and v1 can't cover it:

  • caller create a memory segment and use a pointer point to it.
  • caller pass the pointer as first parameter(a0) to callee
  • callee complete and copy return value to that memory space, and use v0 point to it

Stack Placement

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  1. data type define image

  2. critical region image

  3. define stack growth image

  4. task switch macro From lower priority taskA switch to higher taskB. During taskA execution, system need to execute taskB for some reason.TaskA can call OS_TASK_SW() macro, and then OS trap in exception handler, in which OS will look for current highest priority task wo execute.

  5. some function statement image


  • OS_CPU_SR_Save
  • OS_CPU_SR_Restore
  • InterruptHandler
  • OSIntCtxSW
  • ExceptionHandler
  • OSStartHighRdy
  • TickInterruptClear
  • CoreTmrInit
  • TickISR
  • DisableInterruptSource
  • EnableInterruptSource
  1. Exception Handler image stack section :stack space 0x10000 _stack_addr is the initial sp(top of the stack) from ld define

  2. some constant image image Register position saved in stack: image

  3. OS_CPU_SR_Save CPU_SR OS_CPU_SR_Save(void); Return Status Register value and disable IE bit

  4. OS_CPU_SR_Restore void OS_CPU_SR_Restore(CPU_SR sr); Write sr value to Status Register

  5. InterruptHandler

    • push stack
    • (OSIntNesting != 0) ? addand save sp to OSTCBCur : none, add 1
    • INT_LOOP
      • Read CP0.Cause.IP
      • real interrupt ? jump to BSP_Interrupt_Handler : INT_LOOP_END
      • jump to OSIntExit, OSIntNesting -1 image current Task goto Ready status: image
      • restore context, pop stack
    • ERET
  6. OSIntCtxSw

    • OSTaskSwHook
    • set current highest ready task to OSTCBCur
    • restore context
    • ERET
  7. ExceptionHandler

    • push stack
    • jump tp BSP_Exception_Handler
    • restore context
    • eret
  8. OSStartHighRdy Create a task before starting, the new task is in ready status. Then OS can call OSStart() to boot. OSStart find highest task and call OSStartHighRdy to execute.

    • OSTaskSwHook
    • set OSRunning flag
    • restore stack
    • jump to task Similar with OSIntCtxSw, but it's used during OS start and use jump instruction to switch task.
  9. TickInterruptClear clear CP0.Compare

  10. CoreTmrInit void CoreTmrInit(CPU_INT32U tmr_reload);

    • set CP0.Compare
    • clear CP0.Count
  11. TickISR When Interrupt assert, BSP_Interrupt_Handler will be called. If interrupt is timer_intr, then TickISR is called in advance. It is used to add Compare value, so the interrupt is clear and set time of next timer_intr.

    • save partial register for next function call
    • set Compare
    • call OSTimeTick to notify OS that there is a timer interrupt
    • restore partial register
    • return
  12. DisableInterruptSource Set CP0.Status.IM field 0 to disable specific interrupt. void DisableInterruptSource(CPU_INT32 int_source); image

  13. EnableInterruptSource Set CP0.Status.IM field 1 to enable specific interrupt. void EnableInterruptSource(CPU_INT32 int_source); image


  1. OSTaskSktInit It is called by OSTaskCreate or OSTaskCreateExt to initialize stack of created task. image The return value is the top of stack.

    • Eenble State.IE and IM (timer)
    • Initialize stack
    • return top of stack
  2. BSP_Interrupt_Handler image

  3. BSP_Exception_Handler image



Should support SW configure to initialize. Avoid first timer interrupt can only hit after Count wrap to the set value, the progress can be several minutes.

ram2wishbone module

State mechine error: When read pc get return data and goto STALL state because of mem rd/write. Then flush assert, next clk rise edge flush pipeline and stall dessert. But pc ram2wishbone state still in STALL. The second rise edge can goto IDLE and process new pc read request. The first rise edge will miss a pc read request.

So flush assert condition also can transform state mechine from STALL to IDLE.

pc 22222222

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program sequence:

INTR_LOOP_END.eret -> 1090 -> j fc8 -> fc8: 8fbf002c lw ra,44(sp)

ra : 2222_2222 error


Ssram controller does not goto initial state because of flush. So read pc 0x20 error. At same time wishbone2ram module ack shift register should reset.


Program should call OSInitTick() to initialize timer. Then OS schedule multiple task.


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