Login PageRegistration for Gamers and DevelopersLogoutLogin button should change to a welcome message upon login.Error handling for existing UID or username.Create empty library upon gamer registrationError handling for negative UID or years of experience.Upon login, change nav bar to correspond to user permissions.Add password authentication (opt., not in part 1 description)
Based on the user's permissions, set up library/submission/evaluation pages.gamers can view games owned.developers can submit new games, which cannot yet be viewed by gamers.admins can view games submitted by developers.
Filter games on the evaluation page according to the admin's assigned team. (opt.)
Store page; views all available games.Filter function for the store page, allowing filter by OS, gameplay, and genre.Set up a single page for Games where all its information is displayed. Generate dynamically.Purchase button that redirects to login if not currently logged in, and adds the game to the gamer's library otherwise.Purchase should only be allowed for gamers and for games that have been approved.
Approve, reject buttons that add game to the store / delete game if the user permission is admin.
Set up a write reviews page where gamers can post reviews for a specific game out of the games that they own.
Error handling.- ~~Should users be allowed to review games that they do not own? (Dropdown menu for game titles on the reviews page/delete existing nonvalid entries,
and only display review page for gamers?) check stars less than 5.parse review commentary such that new line renders.For /review, make the commentary a placeholder vs actual text.After posting review, the dropdown for game title is empty.
- ~~Should users be allowed to review games that they do not own? (Dropdown menu for game titles on the reviews page/delete existing nonvalid entries,
- libraryid is now autoincrement
- developers no longer have platform as an attribute.
- games now have url as an attribute.
- games: title now has the UNIQUE constraint.
- admin teams are now divided by gameplay.
- users now have passwords as an attribute.