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JBirdVegas committed Mar 14, 2011
0 parents commit c942ebd
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Showing 4 changed files with 880 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions README
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#script but have root#

This will help setup the build encironment

This script automates build environment setup, source repo and simplifies building for your device.

Tested on Linux Mint 10 and Ubuntu 10.10 but as long as your *nux distro is Ubuntu 10.xx based then it shouldn't have problems

275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@

# chmod a+x #
# Script must be root #
if [ $USER = "root" ]; then
echo "good you have root"
echo "must be root to continue"
echo "run script as root"
echo "try: sudo ./"
echo "man it's late "
echo "so $SUDO_USER the chef is still up"
echo ""

echo "what do you want from the kitchen"
echo ""
echo "i want ..."
echo "1 -Red Bull because I'm just getting started"
echo " Initial download/install (sdk, repo, build packages"
echo " and pulls proprietary files from 'phone')"
echo " ***this must only be done once***"
echo ""
echo "2 -Just a snack"
echo " this just brings down the source to ~/android/system"
echo ""
echo "3 -Nightcap before bed I'm a Guinness with a Grand Marnier kind of guy"
echo " checks for updates in build packages and sync's with CM's github"
echo ""
echo "4 -Fourth Meal"
echo " this will sync and build for "$make" / "$model
echo ""
echo "5 -Repair"
echo " cleans /home/$SUDO_USER/.repo && /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system/.repo"
echo " allows repo to reconfigure automatically it seems to help with repo problems"
echo " "
echo "1,2,3,4,5"
#TODO add option 1a -just update proprierary files if files fail
read CHEF
if [ "$CHEF" = "1" ]; then
#TODO add splash about why we need root
echo ""
echo "ok here is your liquid crack"
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush schedtool
add-apt-repository "deb maverick partner"
echo "looking for x86_64 architecture"
if [ `uname -a | grep -o "x86_64"` ]; then
echo "x86_64!!!"
echo "installing 32bit library files for 64bit architecture"
sudo apt-get install g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline5-dev gcc-4.3-multilib g++-4.3-multilib
echo "not x86_64"
echo "making android's home"
echo "mkdir ~/android"
mkdir ~/android
echo "mkdir ~/android"
mkdir ~/android/system
echo "using curl to get repo and chmod to make executable"
echo ""
mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

#TODO this sucks; code just doesn't flow
echo "let's swing by google and get the sdk"
mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/dev
mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/dev
echo "Downloading SDK and extracting..........."
wget -O - | tar -zxvf -
echo ""
echo "root owns the sdk let's fix that so we can use platform tools"
chown -Rv $SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86
echo "*************************************"
echo "* the SDK is now a two step process *"
echo "*************************************"
echo "as doccumented /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86/SDK Readme.txt"
echo "$ /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/android update sdk"
echo "script will continue when you close the window"
echo ""
#TODO this is the problem bash CLI returns error and launches GUI I'm sure we can fix this I'm just not sure how ... yet.
/home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/android -v update sdk
echo "DONE with two stage install of SDK"
echo "just to be sure $SUDO_USER owns the sdk and not root"
chown -Rv $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_x86

echo "updating PATH -must be done by root or sudo"
export $PATH
echo "updated PATH:"
echo $PATH
sudo echo $PATH
#TODO fix: this returns error ':not a valid identifier echo "now we are going to export the PATH to /etc/bash.bashrc"
#echo "to make the PATH to repo and sdk persistant"
#sudo echo "export PATH=$PATH:/home/$SUDO_USER/bin:/home/$SUDO_USER/dev/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools" >> /etc/bash.bashrc

echo "now we need to get rommanager's latest and greatest"
echo ""
echo "time to get CM's source"
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
sudo repo sync
echo ""
echo "restarting adb server"
sudo adb kill-server
sudo adb start-server
echo "ok now lets get use adb to pull proprietary files"
echo "CM and his team has made this SUPER simple"
echo "go get your phone. reboot into recovery and mount the system; this option is under advanced. Connect your phone via USB"
echo " . . . waiting for you . . ."
read -p "press a button get a treat"
echo ". ~/android/system/device/$make/$model/"

cd ~/android/system/device/$make/$model
echo "did you see any failed file transfers?"
echo "if the output shows any errors you should stop"
echo "this will cause the default build to fail"
echo "if you need special build specs modify:"
echo "~/android/system/device/$make/$model"
read ERR
if [ $ERR = "y"]; then
echo "It's the easiest build error to troubleshoot"
echo "just change ROMs anyone of CyanogenMod's gingerbread editions will work"
echo "***because devs change default values to suit their needs not all Roms contain all default proprietary files"
echo "ok so to claify... this is what we did"
echo "we installed:"
echo "git-core"
echo "gnupg"
echo "flex"
echo "bison"
echo "gperf"
echo "libsdl1.2-dev"
echo "libesd0-dev"
echo "libwxgtk2.6-dev"
echo "squashfs-tools"
echo "build-essential"
echo "zip"
echo "curl"
echo "libncurses5-dev"
echo "zlib1g-dev"
echo "sun-java6-jdk"
echo "pngcrush"
echo "schedtool"
echo "g++-multilib"
echo "lib32z1-dev"
echo "lib32ncurses5-dev"
echo "lib32readline5-devgcc-4.3-multilib"
echo "g++-4.3-multilib"
echo "repo >> ~/bin SDK installed to ~/android-sdk-linux_86/"
echo "we got the latest ROM Manager"
echo "then we pulled the proprietary files from your phone"
echo ""
echo "now it is recommended you reboot"
echo "do you want me to reboot for you?"
echo ""
echo "fyi 'y' won't cut it I need a full 'yes' anything else exits"
echo "[yes/no]"
read DOIT
if [ "$reboot" = "yes" ]; then
else exit
if [ "$CHEF" = "2" ]; then
echo ""
echo "commands about to be executed"
echo "cd ~/android/system"
echo "repo init -u git://"
echo "repo sync"
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
sudo repo sync
if [ "$CHEF" = "3" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Nightcap it is ... "
echo "How does a stout with a Grand Marnier neat in a rocks glass sound?"
echo "...I need a drink hang on . . . MUCH BETTER . . . ok let's see if we are up to date"
echo "checking build libs . . ."
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush schedtool
if [ `uname -a | grep -o "x86_64"` ]; then
apt-get install g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline5-dev gcc-4.3-multilib g++-4.3-multilib
echo "ok now that we got the boring stuff done let's just see if we have CyanogenMod's latest and greatest!!!"
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
repo sync
if [ "$CHEF" = "4" ]; then
echo ""
echo "YEAH!!! I'm a HUGE fan of fourth meal or dinner_2.0 as it is known @ mi casa. I'm thinking steak?"
echo "umm steak"
echo ""
echo "anyways lets get started"
echo "should we sync w/CyanogenMod's github?"
echo "***repo sync will blowout any of your code edits***"
echo "[y/n]"
read SYNC
if [ "$SYNC" = "y" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Ok let's sync"
echo ""
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
repo init -u git://
repo sync
echo "Ok your edits WILL be included in the build"
echo "setting build enviroment to suit our needs"
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
echo "let's burn some cpu cycles!!!"
echo "don't get crazy this will take a few mins"

#TODO breakfast not working ??root??
#TODO build not working also ... once again ??root??
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
#breakfast sholes
su -c ". build/ && brunch $model"
echo ""
echo "the rom YOU compiled will be in the ~/android/system/out/you want file that starts with update if you notice there is a ****.md5 many of your followers will want to know what the md5 value is for download verification."
if [ "$CHEF" = "5" ]; then
mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
echo "cleaning repo's config"
sudo rm -Rv /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system/.repo
echo "reinstalling Rom Manager"
echo "adb kill-server"
adb kill-server
echo "adb start-server"
adb start-server
echo "begin repo?"
echo "y/n"
read REPO
if [ "$REPO" = "y" ]; then
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/android/system
echo "PATH update"
export $PATH
echo "re-init repo"
sudo repo init -u git:// -b gingerbread
sudo repo sync
sudo chown -Rv $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/android
echo "try rerunning to finish your build"
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "| |"
echo "| Hope you this worked for you |"
echo "| any questions let me know |"
echo "| [email protected] |"
echo "| |"
echo "| want to donate? go to they earn it |"
echo "| |"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

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