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John Hawk edited this page Dec 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

Coordinates in WebStats config files are stored in Cartesian coordinate system


                 + -3
                 + -2
                 + -1
--+----+----+----+----+----+----+-- X-Scale
 -3   -2   -1    |    1    2    3
                 + 1
                 + 2
                 + 3

If you use the ingame coordinates (shown at minimap) you have to substract half of the mapsize to get a cartesian coordinate. For example:

  1. Normaly a map has a size of 2048 (go to south east corner ingame and take a look to coordinates at the minimap)
  2. A farmsilo is located at 1234, 1144 (ingame coordinates)
  3. Now substract 1024 (half of 2048) from both coordinates and you get cartesian coordinates: 210, 120
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