Gossip is my submission (Isaac Ng Jun Jie) for CVWO winter assignment AY23/24. It is hosted on AWS available at http://izngossip.ddns.net. It supports mobile. (This has since been taken down)
If dynamic DNS is blocked, can use this IP address instead http://ec2-54-169-38-181.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
git clone https://github.com/IzN432/gossip.git
cd gossip
- Download postgreSQL and setup a database
- Rename template.env to .env and add your database username and password into the .env file
Change to the /gossip/gossip-frontend directory:
cd /gossip/gossip-frontend
Install packages:
npm install
Run the application:
npm start
Change to the /gossip/gossip-backend directory:
cd /gossip/gossip-backend
Download dependencies:
go install
Run the application in development mode:
go run main.go --mode dev
The web app will be available at localhost:3000
- /login: Sign in to an existing account with an optional password.
- /signup: Create a new account with an optional password.
View all posts with options to:
- Search
- Filter by tag
- Sort by hot or latest
- Like posts
- Edit and delete your own posts
Click into each post to view it individually, opening the options to
- Dislike
- Reply
- Edit and delete your own replies
- /create: Create new posts with a tag dialog to add existing tags and create new tags
- /edit: Edit existing posts that belong to you. Page is otherwise identical to create
- Top-left Button: Brings you home or to the create post screen
- Top-right Button: Opens up account options, right now is only Logout
- Change to /gossip
cd gossip
- Build the docker images
docker build -t gossip-frontend:latest ./gossip-frontend docker build -t gossip-backend:latest ./gossip-backend
- Upload these images to your instance or just run it locally. I used AWS ECR but the simplest way would be to save the images as a tar file and secure copy it to the server (I hosted on EC2 instance). You will have to allow HTTP traffic to port 80.
docker save -o gossip-frontend-image.tar gossip-frontend:latest docker save -o gossip-backend-image.tar gossip-backend:latest scp -i "key.pem" *.tar [email protected]:/some/directory ssh -i "key.pem" [email protected] docker load -i /some/directory/gossip-frontend-image.tar docker load -i /some/directory/gossip-backend-image.tar
- Create a docker network and run the two images
docker network create nginx_network docker run --network="nginx_network" --name gossip-backend-container-1 -d -e DB_USERNAME='' -e DB_PASSWORD='' -e DB_HOST='' -e DB_SSLMODE='' -e SECRET_KEY='' gossip-backend:latest docker run --network="nginx_network" --name gossip-backend-container-2 -d -e DB_USERNAME='' -e DB_PASSWORD='' -e DB_HOST='' -e DB_SSLMODE='' -e SECRET_KEY='' gossip-backend:latest docker run --network="nginx_network" --name gossip-backend-container-3 -d -e DB_USERNAME='' -e DB_PASSWORD='' -e DB_HOST='' -e DB_SSLMODE='' -e SECRET_KEY='' gossip-backend:latest docker run --network="nginx_network" --name gossip-backend-container-4 -d -e DB_USERNAME='' -e DB_PASSWORD='' -e DB_HOST='' -e DB_SSLMODE='' -e SECRET_KEY='' gossip-backend:latest docker run --network="nginx_network" --name gossip-frontend-container -p 80:80 -d gossip-frontend:latest
- Connect to the ip address of your hosting machine or localhost if it is being run locally. Replace the first 80 with whatever port you want to connect via (i.e if you put 3000:80 you connect to localhost:3000)