A complete backup solution built around rsync.
The idea is to have a backup-tool do regular backups (e.g. daily) and use this program to
biu <command> [<options>]
* backup Create a backup
* cleanup Delete old backups according to the rentention plan
* dedup Replace duplicate files with hardlinks
* scrub Verify checksums
-n, --dry_run: Outputs the backup's steps as script to stdout instead of executing them.
-s, --source <path>: The directory to backup. -s can be repeated.
-b, --backup_path <path> A writeable directory for the backups.
-p, --retention_plan <plan>: A string describing which backups to retain during cleanup (details below)
-a, --archive: Use rsync in archive mode (-a). This will maintain owners, groups and permissions in the backup.
-f, --force_delete <n> If >0, `cleanup` will delete at least n backups. (Exception: The newest backup will never be deleted).
Retention Plans:
The retention plan serves two functions. It specifies which backups should be kept in normal operation. It also specifies the order in which backups will be deleted if force_delete is used but all backups are still within the retention plan. The format of a retention plan is <duration>:<number of backups>,... e.g. *1d:14,1w:8* means: Keep daily (1d) backups for 14 days and weekly backups for 8 weeks.
The cleanup command will delete all backups that aren't covered by the retention plan. If all backups are covered by the retention plan and --force_delete > 0 we'll priotize the items of the retention plan that are mentioned first.
The default retention plan is *1d:2,1w:4,1d:14,1w:8,1m:60*.