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PS2 Homebrew Utility that will format both Memory Card Slot 1 and 2
Software only hypervisor exploit for Xbox 360
A modern replacement for the expensive Panasonic Q Remote (Coming Soon)
An unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed created through the process of static recompilation.
Source code to the J-Runner with Extras executable. Requires the proper support files, package can be found in README
Alternative method to run PPPwn on Luckfox Pico Plus/Pro/Max with additional features.
Remote management software for Jailbroken PlayStation 5
YuZhouRen86 / VxKex-NEXT
Forked from i486/VxKexWindows 7 API Extensions
Patches for PlayStation 4 Games
ACBR - A comic book reader and converter for CBZ, CBR, CB7, EPUB and PDF files (Windows & Linux)
Tools and guides for working with Nintendo 3DS games and applications
A simple web server for jailbroken PS5s that accepts connections on port 8080
Maschell / re_nfpii
Forked from GaryOderNichts/re_nfpiiA reimplementation of the Wii U's nn_nfp.rpl library with the goal of research and amiibo emulation
Rembg is a tool to remove images background
caviri / BetterWhisperX
Forked from m-bain/whisperXBetter WhisperX: Automatic Speech Recognition with Word-level Timestamps (& Diarization)
Downgrader utility for the Playstation Portable
Simple and automated PS1/PS2 Games & Homebrew Installer for the PSX DVR (DESR) with backup manager & utilities.
Vulkan-based implementation of D3D8, 9, 10 and 11 for Linux / Wine
Awesome website for reverse engineering retro games:
sanjay900 / xinputemu
Forked from kozec/dumbxinputemuxinput reimplementation compatibile with DirectInput controllers
In progress compatibility list games of SAROO cartridge for Sega Saturn
ps2-mmce / neutrino
Forked from rickgaiser/neutrinoSmall, Fast and Modular PS2 Device Emulator